123Loadboard.com Gives the Trucking Industry $75,000 for National Truck Driver Appreciation Week (NTDAW 2012)
123Loadboard Gives $75,000 for National Truck Driver Appreciation Week (NTDAW 2012)
123Loadboard is celebrating (NTDAW) by giving the trucking industry $75,000 for National Truck Driver Appreciation Week from September 16-22, 2012.
It’s definitely no secret that truck driving is one of North America’s most essential and demanding jobs. Millions of dedicated men and women travel roads every day sacrificing many of life’s pleasures to deliver the freight that keeps America moving. They miss birthdays, anniversaries, family dinners, school plays and many other special moments that most of us take for granted.
“National Truck Driver Appreciation Week allows us to recognize and appreciate the sacrifices that professional truck drivers make every day out on the road. 123Loadboard is celebrating this occasion by giving away over $75,000 of load board memberships, $25,000 more than last year.” said Loarn Metzen, VP of 123Loadboard.
Our factoring partner is hosting gift-giving booths at two truck stops in Southern California and one in Memphis, Arkansas during National Truck Driver Appreciation Week and will be handing out a total of 150 one-year 123Loadboard memberships each valued at over $500.
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