Flatbed loads in Texas, TX
Truck loads found (real-time):
- Origin
- Destination
- Pickup
- Size Weight
- Miles
- Equipment Type
- Credit Score
- Details
Size weightTL47000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/32
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL45000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score97/38
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score103/34
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL45000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score97/38
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/28
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score98/35
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL40000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/29
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL47000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/32
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightLTL10000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/32
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL47940 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score96/32
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
All cities with truck loads:
- Abbott
- Abernathy
- Abilene
- Ace
- Ackerly
- Addison
- Adkins
- Adrian
- Afton
- Agua Dulce
- Aiken
- Alamo
- Alamo Heights
- Alba
- Albany
- Aledo
- Alice
- Alief
- Allen
- Alleyton
- Allison
- Alpine
- Alta Loma
- Altair
- Alto
- Alton
- Alvarado
- Alvin
- Alvord
- Amarillo
- Ames
- Amherst
- Anahuac
- Anderson
- Andice
- Andrews
- Angleton
- Anna
- Annona
- Anson
- Anthony
- Anton
- Apple Springs
- Aquilla
- Aransas Pass
- Arcadia
- Archer City
- Argyle
- Arlington
- Arp
- Artesia Wells
- Arthur City
- Asherton
- Aspermont
- Atascosa
- Athens
- Atlanta
- Aubrey
- Aurora
- Austin
- Austonio
- Austwell
- Avalon
- Avery
- Avinger
- Avoca
- Axtell
- Azle
- A Sherton
- Abell
- Abell City
- Abercrombie
- Aberdeen
- Aberfoyle
- Abington
- Ables Springs
- Abner
- Abram
- Abshier Settlement
- Academy
- Acala
- Acampo
- Acton
- Acuff
- Acworth
- Ada
- Adair
- Adams
- Adams Gardens
- Adams Oaks
- Adams Store
- Adamsville
- Addicks
- Addielou
- Addran
- Adel
- Adell
- Adina
- Admiral
- Adobe Crossing
- Adobes
- Adsul
- Advance
- Ady
- Aero Vista
- Agnes
- Agua Nueva
- Aguilares
- Aikin Grove
- Ainsworth
- Airline Farms
- Airline Terrace
- Airport City
- Airport Road Addition
- Airstream
- Airville
- Alameda Genoa
- Alameda Manor
- Alamo Alto
- Alamo Beach
- Alamo Village
- Alanreed
- Alazan
- Albert
- Albion
- Albury Manor
- Alco
- Alcoa
- Alderbranch
- Aldine
- Aldine City
- Aldine Meadows
- Alejandrenas
- Aleman
- Alethia
- Alexander
- Alexander Landing
- Alexanders Store
- Aley
- Alfalfa
- Alfred
- Algerita
- Algoa
- Alice Acres
- Allamoore
- Allen Chapel
- Allen Farms
- Allen Point
- Allenbrook
- Allendale
- Allenfarm
- Allenhurst
- Allens Chapel
- Allmon
- Allred
- Alma
- Almeda
- Almeda Plaza
- Almira
- Aloe
- Alrion
- Alsa
- Alsdorf
- Alto Bonito
- Alto Colorado
- Alto Springs
- Altoga
- Altuda
- Alum
- Alum Creek
- Amanda
- Ambia
- Ambrose
- Amelia
- Amhurst
- Amistad Acres
- Amistad Village
- Amity
- Ammannsville
- Ammans Crossing
- Amphion
- Amsterdam
- Anacacho
- Anadarko
- Analea White Hall
- Anarene
- Anchorage
- Ander
- Anderson Mill
- Anderson Ways
- Angel City
- Angeles
- Angler
- Angus
- Anhalt
- Annaville
- Annetta
- Annetta North
- Annetta South
- Antelope
- Antelope Crossing
- Antelope Flats
- Anthony Harbor
- Antioch
- Apache Shores
- Apolonia
- Appelt Hill
- Appleby
- Arah
- Arbala
- Arbor
- Arbor Oaks
- Arcade
- Arcola
- Arden
- Ardis Heights
- Argenta
- Argo
- Arispe
- Arizona
- Arkansas City
- Arlam
- Arlie
- Arlington Heights
- Armstrong
- Armstrong Landing
- Arneckeville
- Arnett
- Arney
- Arno
- Arnold
- Arrowhead Shores
- Arroyo Alto
- Arroyo City
- Arroyo Gardens
- Art
- Arvana
- Asa
- Ash
- Ashby
- Ashford Forest
- Ashford Village
- Ashland
- Ashmore
- Ashtola
- Ashwood
- Asia
- Astin
- Atascocita
- Atascocita Acres
- Atascocita Forest
- Atascocita North
- Atascocita South
- Atascocita Timber
- Atascocita West
- Atascosito
- Atco
- Ater
- Atlas
- Atoy
- Atreco
- Attoyac
- Atwell
- Auburn
- Audelia
- Augusta
- Augustus
- Authon
- Autumn Run
- Avant Prairie
- Avenger Village
- Avonak
- Avondale
- Antonio Santos Colonia
- Acacia Lake
- Austin Gardens Colonia
- Athena West Colonia
- Angie Colonia
- Anneta
- Arcadia Park
- Arroyo Colorado Estates Colonia
- Agua Dulce Number 4 Colonia
- Arcola Junction
- Altamira West Number 2 Colonia
- Arguello Colonia
- Acevedo Number 3 Colonia
- Alfredo Garza Colonia
- Alta Vista Colonia
- Alto Bonito Heights Colonia
- Americana Grove Number 2 Colonia
- Acacia Colonia
- Austin College
- Arco Iris Number 2 Colonia
- Alvery Junction
- Adkins Colonia
- Airport Heights Colonia
- Americana Colonia
- Angelina County Airport
- Angel Haven Colonia
- Aransas County Airport
- Azteca Acres Colonia
- Agua Dulce Colonia
- Alamo Ranchettes Colonia
- Alberta Estates Number 2 Colonia
- Annetta N
- A and E Ramirez Colonia
- Alamo Orchards Colonia
- Alex Cavazos Colonia
- A F Pierce Colonia
- Alto Real Colonia
- Anchor
- Abram North Colonia
- Amber Land Colonia
- Alberta Acres Colonia
- Arriaga Colonia
- Angela Colonia
- Adobe Colonia
- Aloha Village Colonia
- Ammansville
- Bacliff
- Bagwell
- Bailey
- Baird
- Balch Springs
- Ballinger
- Balmorhea
- Bandera
- Bangs
- Banquete
- Bardwell
- Barker
- Barksdale
- Barnhart
- Barry
- Barstow
- Bartlett
- Bastrop
- Batesville
- Batson
- Bay City
- Bayside
- Baytown
- Beasley
- Beaumont
- Bebe
- Beckville
- Bedford
- Bedias
- Bee Cave
- Beeville
- Bellaire
- Bellevue
- Bellmead
- Bells
- Bellville
- Belmont
- Belton
- Ben Bolt
- Ben Franklin
- Ben Wheeler
- Benavides
- Benbrook
- Bend
- Benjamin
- Berclair
- Bergheim
- Bertram
- Big Lake
- Big Sandy
- Big Spring
- Big Wells
- Bigfoot
- Biggs Field
- Bishop
- Bivins
- Blackwell
- Blanco
- Blanket
- Bledsoe
- Bleiblerville
- Blessing
- Bloomburg
- Blooming Grove
- Bloomington
- Blossom
- Blue Mound
- Blue Ridge
- Bluegrove
- Bluff Dale
- Bluffton
- Blum
- Boerne
- Bogata
- Boling
- Bon Wier
- Bonham
- Booker
- Booth
- Borger
- Bovina
- Bowie
- Boyd
- Boys Ranch
- Brackettville
- Brady
- Brandon
- Brashear
- Brazoria
- Breckenridge
- Bremond
- Brenham
- Bridge City
- Bridgeport
- Briggs
- Briscoe
- Broaddus
- Brock
- Bronson
- Bronte
- Brookeland
- Brookesmith
- Brooks City-Base
- Brookshire
- Brookston
- Brownfield
- Brownsboro
- Brownsville
- Brownwood
- Bruceville
- Bruni
- Bryan
- Bryson
- Buchanan Dam
- Buckholts
- Buda
- Buffalo
- Buffalo Gap
- Bula
- Bullard
- Bulverde
- Buna
- Burkburnett
- Burkett
- Burkeville
- Burleson
- Burlington
- Burnet
- Burton
- Bushland
- Byers
- Bynum
- Back
- Bacon
- Bader
- Badger
- Bagby
- Bailey Prairie
- Baileyboro
- Baileyville
- Bainer
- Bainville
- Baker
- Baker Editions
- Bakers Crossing
- Bakersfield
- Balcones Heights
- Bald Hill
- Bald Prairie
- Baldridge
- Baldwin
- Ballard Crossing
- Balm
- Balsora
- Bammel
- Bammel Forest
- Bammel Timbers
- Banbury Cross
- Bancroft
- Bandera Falls
- Bankersmith
- Barado
- Barbarosa
- Barclay
- Barkgate
- Barkley Circle
- Barkley Square South
- Barkman
- Barnes
- Barnum
- Barrett
- Bartholomew Crossing
- Bartley Woods
- Barton
- Barton Corners
- Barton Creek
- Bartons Chapel
- Bartonville
- Barwise
- Barwood
- Bascom
- Basin Springs
- Bassett
- Bastrop Beach
- Bateman
- Bath
- Battle
- Battlegrounds Vista
- Bautista
- Baxter
- Bay Breeze
- Bay Glen
- Bay Green Colony
- Bay Harbor
- Bay Knoll
- Bay Oaks
- Bay Point
- Bay Ridge
- Baybrook
- Baybrook Village
- Bayou Bend
- Bayou Vista
- Bayside Terrace
- Bayview
- Bazette
- Beach
- Beach City
- Beacon
- Beans
- Bear Branch Village
- Bear Creek
- Bear Creek Plantation
- Bear Creek Village
- Beard
- Beasley Crossing
- Beattie
- Beaukiss
- Beauxart Gardens
- Beaver
- Beaverdam
- Beck
- Becker
- Beckmann
- Becton
- Bee House
- Beech Grove
- Beechnut Crossing
- Behrnville
- Bel Air
- Belcherville
- Belco
- Belding
- Belen
- Belfalls
- Belgrade
- Belk
- Bell Branch
- Bell Meads
- Bell Place Windmill
- Bellaire West
- Bellco
- Belle Plain
- Belleau Wood
- Belleau Wood East
- Bellview
- Belmena
- Belott
- Ben
- Ben Arnold
- Ben Hur
- Benchley
- Bendetsen
- Benge Corner
- Bennett
- Benoit
- Benonine
- Bentonville
- Bentwood West
- Berea
- Berger
- Bergs Mill
- Bering
- Berlin
- Bernardo
- Bernecker
- Bernstein
- Berryhill
- Berrys Creek
- Berryville
- Bessie Heights
- Bessmay
- Best
- Bethany
- Bethard
- Bethel
- Bethlehem
- Bethsaida
- Bettie
- Bettis
- Beulah
- Beverly
- Beverly Hill
- Beverly Hills
- Bevil Oaks
- Bevilport
- Bexar
- Beyer Crossing
- Beyersville
- Biardstown
- Big Creek
- Big Hill
- Big Rock
- Big Springs
- Big Square
- Big Thicket
- Big Thicket Creekmore Village
- Big Thicket Loblolly
- Big Valley
- Big Valley Ranchettes
- Bigby Corner
- Bila hora
- Birch
- Birnham Wood
- Birome
- Birthright
- Biry
- Bisbee
- Bishop Hills
- Bixby
- Black
- Black Ankle
- Black Bass
- Black Flat
- Black Hill
- Black Hills
- Black Jack
- Black Oak
- Blackberry
- Blackfoot
- Blackjack
- Blackland
- Blackwell Crossing
- Blair
- Blakeney
- Blanchard
- Blanconia
- Bland
- Bland Lake
- Blanket Springs
- Blanton
- Bleakwood
- Blevins
- Blewett
- Blix
- Blodgett
- Bloomdale
- Bloomfield
- Blowout
- Blox
- Blue
- Blue Bell Manor
- Blue Berry Hill
- Blue Springs
- Blueberry Hill
- Blueridge
- Bluetown
- Bluett
- Bluff Springs
- Bluff View
- Blumenthal
- Bluntzer
- Bob Town
- Bobo
- Bobville
- Bobwyn
- Boden
- Bois d'Arc
- Boise
- Bold Springs
- Boldtville
- Boles Home
- Bolin
- Bolivar
- Bolivar Beach
- Bolivar Peninsula
- Bomarton
- Bon Ami
- Bona
- Bonaire
- Bonaldo
- Bonanza
- Bonita
- Bonnerville
- Bonney
- Bonnie View
- Bono
- Bonus
- Boon
- Boone
- Boonsville
- Boonville
- Boothe
- Bootleg
- Boquillas Crossing
- Boracho
- Borden
- Borderland
- Bordersville
- Borrachio
- Bosque
- Bosqueville
- Boss
- Bostick
- Boston
- Botines
- Bouchard
- Bounce
- Bowers
- Bowers City
- Bowman
- Bowser
- Box Church
- Boxelder
- Boxwood
- Boyce
- Boydston
- Boynton
- Boz
- Bozar
- Brachfield
- Bracken
- Brad
- Bradford
- Bradford Colony
- Bradley Meadows
- Bradshaw
- Braeburn Glen
- Braeswood
- Bragg
- Branch
- Branchville
- Brand
- Branom
- Bransford
- Branton
- Brays Village East
- Brazos
- Brazos Bend
- Brazos Country
- Brazos Point
- Brazosport
- Breslau
- Briar
- Briar Creek
- Briar Forest
- Briar Glen
- Briar Hills
- Briar Vista
- Briarcliff
- Briargrove
- Briaroaks
- Briarvilla
- Briarwood States
- Briary
- Brice
- Brickel
- Bridges Chapel
- Bridgestone Ranch
- Bridgestone West
- Bright Star
- Brinker
- Bristol
- Brittany Bay
- Britton
- Britton Davis
- Broadview
- Broadway
- Bronco
- Brook Forest
- Brook Glen
- Brook Meadows
- Brook Smith
- Brookhaven
- Brookhollow
- Brookhollow West
- Brookline
- Brooks
- Brooks Crossing
- Brookshier
- Brookside Village
- Brookwood
- Broom City
- Broome
- Brotherton
- Brown
- Brown Acres
- Brown College
- Brown Hill
- Browndell
- Brownfeld Corner
- Browning
- Brownlee
- Brumley
- Brundage
- Bruner
- Brunswick
- Brushie Prairie
- Brushy
- Brushy Creek
- Bryan Beach
- Bryans Mill
- Bryarly
- Bryce
- Bryden
- Buchanan Lake Village
- Buchel
- Buck
- Buck Creek
- Buck Hills
- Buck Hollow
- Buckeye
- Buckhorn
- Buckingham
- Buckner
- Buckner Haven
- Buena Vista
- Buenos
- Buenos Aires
- Buffalo Camp
- Buffalo Mop
- Buffalo Springs
- Buford
- Bug Tussle
- Bulah
- Bulcher
- Bull Run
- Bullock
- Bunavista
- Buncome
- Bundy Crossing
- Bunger
- Bunker Hill
- Bunker Hill Village
- Bunyan
- Burford
- Burke
- Burke Meadow
- Burleigh
- Burnell
- Burnett
- Burns
- Burns City
- Burr
- Burrantown
- Burris
- Burrow
- Busby
- Bustamante
- Busterville
- Butler
- Butterfield
- Byrd
- Byrds
- Byrdtown
- Byrne
- Brooks City Base
- Bruceville-Eddy
- Bee Caves
- Big Bend National Park
- Bayport
- Brice Lane Colonia
- Brazoria County Airport
- Brock Junction
- Bodieville Colonia
- Borderland Retreat Colonia
- Beretta Estates Colonia
- Bor-Ley Heights
- Barrios Colonia
- Bryan's Addition Colonia
- Brooks AFB
- Barrera Colonia
- Betty Acres Colonia
- Border Colonia
- Bay Shore Park
- Beamsley Colonia
- Bushy Creek Colonia
- Boyd Colonia Number 1
- Bodine Colonia
- B and P Bridge Colonia
- Barrington Heights Colonia
- Bougainvillea Colonia
- Bee Crest Colonia
- Balli Colonia Number 1
- Bagge Estates Colonia
- BJB Colonia
- Bannas Junction
- Buena Vista Colonia
- Benavides Colonia Number 2
- Bausell and Ellis Colonia
- Buffalo Spgs
- Breyfogle Park Colonia Number 1
- Broadway Junction
- Benitez Colonia
- Blandlake
- Belen Plaza Colonia
- B and E Colonia
- Bustamante Colonia
- Belterra
- Bonner
- Cactus
- Caddo
- Caddo Mills
- Caldwell
- Call
- Calliham
- Callisburg
- Calvert
- Camden
- Cameron
- Camp Verde
- Camp Wood
- Campbell
- Campbellton
- Canadian
- Canton
- Canutillo
- Canyon
- Canyon Lake
- Carbon
- Carlsbad
- Carlton
- Carmine
- Carrizo Springs
- Carrollton
- Carthage
- Cason
- Castell
- Castroville
- Cat Spring
- Catarina
- Cayuga
- Cedar Creek
- Cedar Hill
- Cedar Lane
- Cedar Park
- Cee Vee
- Celeste
- Celina
- Center
- Center Point
- Centerville
- Centralia
- Chandler
- Channelview
- Channing
- Chapman Ranch
- Chappell Hill
- Charlotte
- Chatfield
- Cherokee
- Chester
- Chico
- Chicota
- Childress
- Chillicothe
- Chilton
- China
- China Spring
- Chireno
- Chriesman
- Christine
- Christoval
- Cibolo
- Cisco
- Clarendon
- Clarksville
- Claude
- Clayton
- Clear Lake Shores
- Cleburne
- Cleveland
- Clifton
- Clint
- Clodine
- Clute
- Clyde
- Coahoma
- Coldspring
- Coleman
- College Station
- Collegeport
- Colleyville
- Collinsville
- Colmesneil
- Colorado City
- Columbus
- Comanche
- Combes
- Comfort
- Commerce
- Como
- Comstock
- Concan
- Concepcion
- Concord
- Cone
- Conroe
- Converse
- Cookville
- Coolidge
- Cooper
- Copeville
- Coppell
- Copperas Cove
- Corinth
- Corpus Christi
- Corrigan
- Corsicana
- Cost
- Cotton Center
- Cottonwood Shores
- Cotulla
- Coupland
- Covington
- Coyanosa
- Crandall
- Crane
- Cranfills Gap
- Crawford
- Creedmoor
- Cresson
- Crockett
- Crosby
- Crosbyton
- Cross Plains
- Crossroads
- Crowell
- Crowley
- Crystal Beach
- Crystal City
- Cuero
- Cumby
- Cuney
- Cunningham
- Cushing
- Cut And Shoot
- Cypress
- Cade Chapel
- Cade Lake
- Cadelaria
- Cadiz
- Caesar
- Cain City
- Calallen
- Calaveras
- Calder Highlands
- Calder Terrace
- Caldwell Crossing
- Caldwood
- Caldwood Acres
- Caledonia
- Calf Creek
- Calgary
- Calgary Woods
- Calina
- Callaghan
- Callan
- Calvary
- Cambridge
- Cambridge Village
- Camelot
- Camey
- Camilla
- Camino South
- Camp Air
- Camp Dallas
- Camp Hulen
- Camp Ruby
- Camp San Saba
- Camp Seale
- Camp Springs
- Camp Swift
- Camp Switch
- Camp Willow
- Campo Alto
- Campti
- Cana
- Canaan
- Canada Verde
- Canary
- Candelaria
- Candlelight
- Candlelight Forest West
- Candlelight Hills
- Candlelight Oaks Village
- Caney
- Caney City
- Cannon
- Canterbury Forest
- Canterbury Village
- Cantu
- Cantu Addition
- Canyon City
- Canyon Lake Forest
- Canyon Springs
- Canyon Valley
- Canyongate
- Cap Rock
- Capitola
- Caplen
- Capps Corner
- Capps Switch
- Caps
- Caradan
- Carancahua
- Carbondale
- Cardiff
- Carey
- Cargray
- Carl
- Carl's Corner
- Carlisle
- Carlos
- Carls Corner
- Carlson
- Carmel Village
- Carmona
- Carnes
- Caro
- Carolina
- Carolina Gardens
- Carpenter
- Carpenters Bluff
- Carr
- Carretas Crossing
- Carricitos
- Carrizo Hill
- Carroll
- Carson
- Carta Valley
- Carter
- Carter Lake
- Carter Settlement
- Carterville
- Cartwright
- Carver
- Carver Dale
- Casa Blanca
- Casa de Peidras
- Casa de Piedra
- Casa Piedra
- Casey
- Cash
- Cashel Forest
- Cashion Community
- Cass
- Cassie
- Cassin
- Castle Hill Estate
- Castle Hills
- Castlewoods
- Castolon
- Castor
- Catalina Village
- Cavazos
- Cave Creek
- Caves Spring
- Caviness
- Cavitt
- Cawthon
- Cayote
- Cedar Bayou
- Cedar Grove
- Cedar Lake
- Cedar Mills
- Cedar Point
- Cedar Shores
- Cedar Springs
- Cedar Valley
- Cedarvale
- Cedarview
- Cego
- Cele
- Centennial
- Center City
- Center Grove
- Center Hill
- Center Line
- Center Mill
- Center Plains
- Centerview
- Centex
- Central
- Central Gardens
- Central Green
- Central Heights
- Central High
- Central Park Northwest
- Cereal
- Cesar Chavez
- Cestohowa
- Chaffee Village
- Chaffin Crossing
- Chalk
- Chalk Hill
- Chalk Mountain
- Chalmers
- Chamberlin
- Chambersville
- Chambliss
- Champion
- Champions
- Champions East
- Champions Point
- Chancellor
- Chances Store
- Chaney
- Channel Wood
- Channey Crossing
- Chantilly Woods
- Chaparral Village
- Chapel Hill
- Chapin
- Chapman
- Chappel
- Chappell Ridge
- Charco
- Charleston
- Charlie
- Charterwood
- Chasewood
- Chateau Forest
- Chateau Woods
- Chatt
- Cheapside
- Cheek
- Chelsea at Mission Bend
- Chenango
- Cheneyboro
- Cherokee Hill
- Cherokee Landing
- Cherry Mountain
- Cherry Spring
- Chesterville
- Cheyenne
- Chihuahua
- Chihuahua Farm
- China Creek
- China Grove
- China Springs
- Chinati
- Chinquapin
- Chinquapin Landing
- Chipley
- Chisholm
- Chispa
- Chita
- Choate
- Chocolate Bayou
- Chocolate Springs
- Choice
- Chub
- Chuckville
- Chumley
- Chunky
- Church Hill
- Churchill
- Cielo Vista
- Cienegas Terrace
- Cima
- Cimarron
- Cimmaron South
- Cinco Ranch
- Cipres
- Circle
- Circleback
- Circleville
- Cistern
- Citrus City
- Citrus Grove
- Clairemont
- Clairette
- Clara
- Clardy
- Clareville
- Clark
- Clarkson
- Clarksville City
- Clarktown
- Clarkwood
- Clauene
- Clawson
- Clay
- Clays Corner
- Claytonville
- Clear Creek
- Clear Creek Crossing
- Clear Lake
- Clear Lake City
- Clear Springs
- Clearview
- Clearwater
- Clearwater Cove
- Clegg
- Clemons
- Clemville
- Cleo
- Cleta
- Click
- Cliffside
- Clifton Beach
- Climax
- Cline
- Clinton
- Clinton View
- Cloptins Crossing
- Clopton
- Close City
- Clover Acres
- Cloverleaf
- Clower
- Clutter Point
- Coady
- Coal Mine
- Coalville
- Cobb
- Cobblestone
- Coble
- Coburn
- Cochran
- Cockrans
- Cockrell Hill
- Codman
- Coesfield
- Coffee City
- Coffeeville
- Cofferville
- Coit
- Coke
- Cold Springs
- Coldwater
- Cole
- Coletoville
- Coleyville
- Colfax
- Colita
- College Hill
- College Mound
- Collier
- Collin
- Collins
- Cologne
- Colonia Allende
- Colonia Boyce
- Colonia Camargo
- Colonia Claude Lookingbill
- Colonia de las Azaleas
- Colonia de las Dalias
- Colonia del Noreste
- Colonia Evans
- Colonia Garza
- Colonia George
- Colonia Guadalupe
- Colonia Iglesia Antigua
- Colonia las Palmas
- Colonia los Angeles
- Colonia Lucero del Norte
- Colonia Martinez
- Colonia Rafael
- Colonia Saenz
- Colonia San Miguel
- Colonia Tejana
- Colonia Victoriana
- Colonia Whalen Road
- Colonial Gardens
- Colony
- Colorado
- Colquitt
- Coltexo
- Colthorp
- Colton
- Columbia Heights
- Columbia Lakes
- Comal
- Comanche Cove
- Comanche Crossing
- Comanche Harbor
- Comanche Village I
- Comanche Village II
- Comanche Village III
- Combine
- Cometa
- Compton
- Comptons
- Comyn
- Conception
- Concho
- Concord Bridge
- Concord Colony
- Concordia
- Concrete
- Conlen
- Connell
- Connor
- Conoley
- Conquista Crossing
- Content
- Conville
- Conway
- Coody Crossing
- Cook
- Cooks Point
- Cool
- Cooper Creek
- Copano Village
- Copeland
- Copper Canyon
- Copperfield Southcreek Village
- Corbet
- Corbyn
- Cordele
- Corlena
- Corley
- Corn Hill
- Corner Windmill
- Cornett
- Cornudas
- Coronado Hills
- Coronados Camp
- Corral City
- Corry
- Coryell
- Cotton
- Cotton Flat
- Cotton Gin
- Cotton Patch
- Cottondale
- Cottonwood
- Couch
- Coughlin
- Coughran
- Country Club Cove
- Country Club Gardens
- Country Club Oaks
- County Line
- Courchesne
- Courtney
- Coushatta Village
- Cove
- Cove Springs
- Covington West
- Cow Creek
- Cow Island
- Cowley
- Cox
- Coxville
- Coy City
- Coymack
- Coyote Acres
- Coyote Corner
- Cozart
- Cozy Corner
- Crabapple
- Crabb
- Crabbs Prairie
- Craft
- Crafton
- Craig
- Cranell
- Cranes Mill
- Creath
- Crecy
- Creechville
- Creekside Estates South
- Crescent
- Crescent Center
- Crescent Heights
- Crestwood
- Crews
- Crimcrest
- Crisp
- Crockett Heights
- Cronin
- Crosby Meadows
- Crosby Woods
- Cross
- Cross Cut
- Cross Mountain
- Cross Road
- Cross Roads
- Cross Timber
- Crossroad Store
- Crossroads Community Centery
- Croton
- Crow
- Crown
- Crowther
- Crume Gin
- Crusher
- Cruz Calle
- Cryer Creek
- Crystal Falls
- Crystal Lake
- Cuadrilla
- Cuatro Caminos
- Cuba
- Cude Crossing Windmill
- Cuevitas
- Culebra
- Culleoka
- Cumings
- Cummins Crossing
- Cundiff
- Currie
- Curry Crossing
- Curtis
- Cusseta
- Custer City
- Cut
- Cuthand
- Cuthbert
- Cutten Green
- Cuyler
- Cyclone
- Cypress Creek
- Cypress Glen
- Cypress Meadow
- Cypress Mill
- Cypress Point
- Cypress Villas
- Cypresswood
- Cypresswood Glen
- Camp Bullis Military Rsrvtn
- Clutch City
- College Sta
- Clarks
- Cameron Park
- Clarksvle Cty
- Cottonwd Shrs
- Crane County Airport
- Clinton Park
- Culberson County Airport
- Casa del Rey Colonia
- Cherokee County Airport
- CJRS Colonia
- Citralinda Colonia
- Cedar Ridge Number 2 Colonia
- Country Estates Colonia
- Collin Colonia
- Cuellar Colonia Number 3
- Closner Colonia
- Campo Bello Estates Colonia
- Country Green Addition Colonia
- Caruthers Cove Colonia
- Colonia Guadalupe Number 3
- Cottonwood Colonia
- Cortez Colonia
- Cole Colonia
- Chula Vista Colonia
- Carol Colonia
- Cana de Azucar Colonia
- Casa Bonita Colonia
- Chula Vista Acres Colonia
- Cuellar Colonia Number 2
- Call Junction
- Cienegas Terrace Colonia
- Cane Junction
- County Road 111 Colonia
- Cadena Colonia
- Country Terrace Estates Colonia
- Coyote Acres Colonia
- Chula Vista School Block Colonia
- Connington Colonia
- Calvert Junction
- Campobello Number 2 Colonia
- Cotton Valley Estates Colonia
- Colorado Acres Colonia
- Cameron Park Colonia
- Carrizo Spgs
- Cty by the Se
- Cantu Addition Number 1 Colonia
- Country Estates West Colonia
- City by the Sea
- Cuellar Colonia
- Country View Colonia
- College Park Addition Colonia
- Cheyene Colonia
- Capetillo Colonia
- Chula Vista 1-5 Colonia
- Daingerfield
- Daisetta
- Dale
- Dalhart
- Dallardsville
- Dallas
- Damon
- Danbury
- Danciger
- Danevang
- Darrouzett
- Davilla
- Dawn
- Dawson
- Dayton
- De Berry
- De Kalb
- De Leon
- Deanville
- Decatur
- Deer Park
- Del Rio
- Del Valle
- Dell City
- Delmita
- Denison
- Dennis
- Denton
- Denver City
- Deport
- Desdemona
- Desoto
- Detroit
- Devers
- Devine
- Deweyville
- Diana
- Diboll
- Dickens
- Dickinson
- Dike
- Dilley
- Dime Box
- Dimmitt
- Dinero
- Dobbin
- Dodd City
- Dodge
- Dodson
- Donie
- Donna
- Doole
- Doss
- Doucette
- Dougherty
- Douglass
- Douglassville
- Driftwood
- Dripping Springs
- Driscoll
- Dryden
- Dublin
- Dumas
- Duncanville
- Dunn
- Dyess Air Force Base
- D'Hanis
- Dabney
- Dacosta
- Dacus
- Dads Corner
- Daffan
- Dalby Springs
- Dallam
- Dalrock
- Dalton
- Dalworthington Gardens
- Dalzell
- Daniels
- Danner
- Danville
- Daphne
- Darby Hill
- Darco
- Darden
- Darilek
- Darling
- Datura
- Dauphin
- Davenport
- Davidson
- Davis
- Davis Hill
- Davis Prairie
- Davisville
- Dayton Lakes
- Deadwood
- Deal
- Dean
- Deanwright
- DeBerry
- Decker
- Decker Prairie
- Decker Terrace
- Deco
- DeCordova
- Deep Well Crossing
- Deer Creek
- Deer Haven
- Deerbrook
- Deerfield Village
- Del Mar
- Del Mar Heights
- Del Norte Acres
- Del Norte Heights
- Delba
- Delhi
- Delia
- Delldale
- Delmer
- Delray
- Delrose
- Delwin
- Democrat
- Democrat Crossing
- Denhawken
- Denman Crossroads
- Denning
- Denworth
- Derby
- Derden
- Dermott
- Dernal
- Desert
- Dessau
- Dessau Fountains
- Detmold
- Devils Shores
- Dew
- Dewalt
- Dewees
- Deweesville
- Dewville
- Dexter
- Dextra
- Dial
- Dialville
- Dicey
- Dickworsham
- Dies
- Dies Community
- Dilworth
- Dimple
- Ding Dong
- Dingerville
- Dinkins
- Dinsmore
- Direct
- Dirgin
- Dittlinger
- Divide
- Divot
- Dix
- Dixie
- Dixie Hollow
- Dixon
- Doak Springs
- Doans
- Dobrowolski
- Doc Brown
- Dodd
- Dodson Prairie
- Doffing
- Dogwood Acres
- Dogwood City
- Dolan
- Dolen
- Dominion
- Domino
- Donahoe
- Doolittle
- Dorchester
- Dorman
- Dorras
- Dothan
- Dotson
- Dott
- Doty
- Double Bayou
- Double Ford
- Double Mountain
- Double Oak
- Doud
- Douglas
- Douro
- Dover
- Dow Acres
- Dowdel Settlement
- Dowling
- Downing
- Downs
- Downsville
- Doyle
- Dozier
- Draco
- Drane
- Drasco
- Draw
- Dreka
- Dresden
- Drews Landing
- Dreyer
- Dreyfoos
- Drop
- Druso
- Dry Valley
- Dryden Crossing
- Dubina
- Ducat Settlement
- Dudley
- Duff
- Duffau
- Dug Ford
- Dugger
- Duke
- Duke Crossing
- Dulin
- Dull
- Dumont
- Dunagan
- Dunbar
- Dunbarton Oaks
- Dundee
- Dunlap
- Dunlay
- Dunnam
- Dunns Fort
- Duplex
- Dupre
- Durango
- Durant
- Durenville
- Durham
- Duster
- Dye
- Dyersdale
- Dolores Colonia
- Dyess AFB
- D Hanis
- Dallas Southwestern Usace W81G6
- Dripping Spgs
- Dallas Southwestern USACE W81G68
- Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
- Del Sol Colonia
- Dodd Colonia
- Dimmit County Airport
- Dairyland Colonia
- Dodd Number 2 Colonia
- Dumas Junction
- DDD San Antonio SW3213
- Delta Court Colonia
- Dellinger Colonia
- Deer Run Number 4 Colonia
- Diana Colonia Number 1
- Dude Hill Number 1 Colonia
- Deer Run Number 5 Colonia
- Devan Estates Colonia
- Doyno West Side Number 2 Colonia
- Doyle Addition Colonia
- Deep Water Point Estates
- Deer Run Number 3 Colonia
- Decker Pr
- D T Villareal Colonia
- Doolittle Acres Colonia
- DFW Airport
- Dallas Fort Worth Apt
- Deerfield Park Colonia
- Eagle Lake
- Eagle Pass
- Early
- Earth
- East Bernard
- Eastland
- Easton
- Ector
- Edcouch
- Eddy
- Eden
- Edgewood
- Edinburg
- Edmonson
- Edna
- Edroy
- Egypt
- El Campo
- El Indio
- El Paso
- Elbert
- Eldorado
- Electra
- Elgin
- Eliasville
- Elkhart
- Ellinger
- Elm Mott
- Elmaton
- Elmendorf
- Elmo
- Elsa
- Elysian Fields
- Emory
- Encinal
- Encino
- Energy
- Enloe
- Ennis
- Enochs
- Eola
- Era
- Estelline
- Etoile
- Euless
- Eustace
- Evadale
- Evant
- Eagle Acres
- Eagle Flat
- Eagle Ford
- Eagle Lakes
- Eagle Mountain
- Eagles Point
- Earle
- Earls
- Earlywine
- Easley Chapel
- East Afton
- East Caney
- East Columbia
- East Delta
- East Direct
- East Hamilton
- East Haven
- East Houston
- East La Porte
- East Liberty
- East Mountain
- East Point
- East River
- East Sweden
- East Tawakoni
- East Tempe
- East Waco
- Easter
- Easterly
- Eastgate
- Easthaven
- Eastwood
- Eaton
- Ebenezer
- Ebony
- Echo
- Echo Forest
- Echols
- Eckert
- Ecleto
- Eclipse
- Ederville
- Edgar
- Edge
- Edgecliff Village
- Edgewater Beach
- Edgeworth
- Edhube
- Edith
- Edna Hill
- Edom
- Edwards
- Egan
- Eichelberger Crossing
- Eidson Road
- El Arroyo
- El Bernardo
- El Calaboz
- El Camino Angosto
- El Campo Club Community
- El Caney
- El Carro
- El Cenizo
- El Centro
- El Dorado
- El Gato
- El Jardin Del Mar
- El Lago
- El Martillo
- El Oso
- El Refugio
- El Sauz
- El Tacalote
- El Tesoro
- El Toro
- Elam Springs
- Elberta
- Elbow
- Elderville
- Eldon
- Eldorado Center
- Eldridge
- Electric City
- Elevation
- Eli
- Elizabeth
- Elizabethtown
- Elk
- Elkton
- Ella
- Ellen
- Elliot
- Elliott
- Ellsworth
- Elm Creek
- Elm Flat
- Elm Grove
- Elm Grove Camp
- Elm Grove Village
- Elm Ridge
- Elm View
- Elmdale
- Elmgrove
- Elmina
- Elmont
- Elmtown
- Elmwood
- Eloise
- Elroy
- Elton
- Elva
- Elwood
- Ely
- Elysium
- Emberson
- Emblem
- Emerson
- Emhouse
- Emille
- Eminence
- Emmaus
- Emmett
- Enchanted Forest
- Enchanted Oaks
- Enchanted Valley
- Enchanted Woods
- Engle
- Engleman Gardens
- English
- English Crossing
- Enoch
- Enon
- Enright
- Ensign
- Enterprise
- Eolian
- Epson Downs
- Erath
- Ericksdahl
- Erin
- Erna
- Ernies Acres
- Erwin
- Escarbada
- Escobares
- Escobas
- Eskota
- Esperanza
- Esperson
- Espey
- Esseville
- Estacado
- Estelle
- Estes
- Ethel
- Etholen
- Etter
- Eubank Acres
- Eula
- Eulogy
- Eunice
- Eureka
- Eureka Acres
- Evans
- Evelyn
- Everett
- Evergreen
- Everman
- Ewelder
- Ewell
- Ewing
- Exell
- Exum
- Eylau
- Ezzell
- East Mayfield
- El Chaparral Number 1 Colonia
- Evangeline Gardens Colonia
- Expressway Heights Colonia
- East Buena Vista Addition Colonia
- Edinburg Acres Colonia
- Edgeworth Place
- East Wind Estates Colonia
- Elm Creek Number 2 Colonia
- El Monte Colonia
- El Castillo Colonia
- Encino Number 1 Colonia
- El Sol Colonia
- Engleman Estates Colonia
- Emerson Place
- Encino Heights Colonia
- El Calabozo Colonia
- East Stenger Street Colonia
- El Sol Colonia Number 2
- Eldora Gardens Colonia
- El Mesquite Colonia
- El Cenizo Colonia Number 1
- Ellington Field
- Ellen Park Colonia
- Elida Colonia
- English Acres Colonia
- East Alto Bonito Colonia
- Ebony Acres Colonia
- Expressway Acres Colonia
- El Quiote Colonia
- East Fresnos Colonia
- Elodias Colonia
- Eldora Rd-FM 1426 Colonia
- El Nopal Colonia
- Enchanted Valley Ranch Colonia
- El Chapote Colonia
- El Paraiso Colonia
- E Lopez Colonia
- El Flaco Chiquito Colonia
- Edgecliff Vlg
- East Cantu Road Colonia
- Fabens
- Fair Oaks Ranch
- Fairfield
- Falcon Heights
- Falfurrias
- Falls City
- Fannin
- Farmers Branch
- Farmersville
- Farnsworth
- Farwell
- Fate
- Fayetteville
- Fentress
- Ferris
- Fieldton
- Fischer
- Flat
- Flatonia
- Flint
- Flomot
- Florence
- Floresville
- Flower Mound
- Floydada
- Fluvanna
- Flynn
- Follett
- Forestburg
- Forney
- Forreston
- Forsan
- Fort Bliss
- Fort Davis
- Fort Hancock
- Fort Hood
- Fort McKavett
- Fort Sam Houston
- Fort Stockton
- Fort Worth
- Fowlerton
- Franklin
- Frankston
- Fred
- Fredericksburg
- Fredonia
- Freeport
- Freer
- Fresno
- Friendswood
- Friona
- Frisco
- Fritch
- Frost
- Fruitvale
- Fulshear
- Fulton
- Fada
- Fair Green
- Fair Oaks
- Fair Play
- Fairbanks
- Fairchilds
- Fairdale
- Fairland
- Fairlie
- Fairmont
- Fairmount
- Fairview
- Fairway Village
- Fairy
- Falcon
- Falcon Lake
- Falcon Mesa
- Falcon Point
- Falcon Ridge
- Falcon Shores
- Falcon Village
- Fall Creek
- Fallon
- Falman
- Fambrough
- Famuliner
- Fannett
- Fargo
- Farmer
- Farmers Academy
- Farmers Valley
- Farmington
- Farrar
- Farrsville
- Fashing
- Faubion Crossing
- Faught
- Faulkner
- Fawil
- Fawn Lake
- Fayburg
- Fays Corner
- Faysville
- Fedor
- Felicia
- Fellowship
- Ferguson
- Ferguson Crossing
- Fetzer
- Field Creek
- Field Schoolhouse
- Fieldcrest Forest
- Fields Store
- Fife
- Fifth Street
- Figridge
- Files Valley
- Fincastle
- Fink
- Finlay
- Finley
- Finney
- First Colony
- First Crossing
- Fisher
- Fisk
- Fisk Crossing
- Fitze
- Fitzhugh
- Five Oaks
- Five Points
- Fivemile
- Fivemile Crossing
- Flaccus
- Flag Springs
- Flagg
- Flat Fork
- Flat Prairie
- Flat Rock
- Flat Top
- Flatrock Crossing
- Flatrock Ford
- Flats
- Flatwoods
- Fleming
- Fletcher
- Flo
- Flora
- Florence Hill
- Florey
- Flour Bluff
- Flowella
- Flower Grove
- Flower Hill
- Floy
- Floyd
- Flugrath
- Foard City
- Fodice
- Fog Town
- Folley
- Folsom
- Fon Villas
- Fondren Center
- Fondren Grove
- Fondren Southwest
- Fontain
- Forbes
- Ford
- Ford Oaks
- Fords Corner
- Fords Prairie
- Fordtran
- Forest
- Forest Acres
- Forest Chapel
- Forest Glade
- Forest Green
- Forest Grove
- Forest Heights
- Forest Hill
- Forest Lake
- Forest North
- Forest Pine
- Forest West Shopping Center
- Forest Wood
- Forestwood
- Fort Chadbourne
- Fort Clark Springs
- Fort Crockett
- Fort Gates
- Fort Griffin
- Fort Inge
- Fort Lancaster
- Fort McIntosh
- Fort Parker
- Fort Quitman
- Fort Spunky
- Fort Stanley Creek
- Fort Travis
- Foster
- Fosterville
- Fostoria
- Fouke
- Fountain
- Fountain View
- Fountainhead
- Four Corner Windmill
- Four Corners
- Four Points
- Four Way
- Fourmile Crossing
- Fourth Crossing
- Fowlkes
- Fox
- Fox Hollow
- Fox Landing
- Fox Meadows
- Foxwood
- Frame
- Frame Switch
- Francis
- Francitas
- Frankel City
- Frankell
- Franklin Center
- Fratt
- Fredonia Hill
- Freedom
- Freeland
- Freemound
- Freeneytown
- Freestone
- Freeway Manor
- Freiheit
- Frelsburg
- Frenchmans Creek
- Frenstat
- Fresenius
- Freyburg
- Friars
- Friday
- Friendly
- Friendly Corner
- Friendship
- Friendship Village
- Friendswood Crossing
- Friendswood Gardens
- Frige Settlement
- Frio
- Frio Town
- Frog
- Frog Hop
- Frognot
- Front
- Frontier Village
- Fronton
- Frosa
- Frostwood
- Fruitdale
- Fruitland
- Fry
- Frydek
- Fulbright
- Fulda
- Fuller
- Fullerton
- Fullerville
- Funston
- Fuqua
- Furguson
- Furrh
- Ft Worth
- Flowermound
- Fort Worth Cmb Spt Maint Shop 1
- FM 1426-Minnesota Road Colonia
- Foster Place
- Frio Heights Colonia
- FM 802-511 Colonia
- Flora Colonia
- Fort Hancock East Unit Number 2 Colonia
- FM 1925-Floral Rd Colonia
- Friedman Estates Number 2 Colonia
- Flores Brothers Colonia
- Fifth Hidalgo Colonia
- Falcon Estates Colonia
- Foster Colonia
- Friendswood Acres Number 2 Colonia
- Flores Addition Colonia
- Fort Hancock East Unit Number 1 Colonia
- Fort Mc Kavett
- Fort Cavazos
- Gail
- Gainesville
- Galena Park
- Gallatin
- Galveston
- Ganado
- Garciasville
- Garden City
- Gardendale
- Garland
- Garrison
- Garwood
- Gary
- Gatesville
- George West
- Georgetown
- Geronimo
- Giddings
- Gilchrist
- Gillett
- Gilmer
- Girard
- Girvin
- Gladewater
- Glen Flora
- Glen Rose
- Glidden
- Gober
- Godley
- Golden
- Goldsmith
- Goldthwaite
- Goliad
- Gonzales
- Goodfellow Air Force Base
- Goodrich
- Gordon
- Gordonville
- Goree
- Gorman
- Gouldbusk
- Graford
- Graham
- Granbury
- Grand Prairie
- Grand Saline
- Grandfalls
- Grandview
- Granger
- Grangerland
- Granite Shoals
- Grapeland
- Grapevine
- Greenville
- Greenwood
- Gregory
- Groesbeck
- Groom
- Groves
- Groveton
- Gruver
- Gun Barrel City
- Gunter
- Gustine
- Guthrie
- Guy
- Gause
- Gadston
- Gafford
- Gage
- Gage Corner Windmill
- Gageby
- Gainesmore
- Galena
- Galilee
- Galle
- Galloway
- Gamblin
- Gandy
- Gannon
- Garceno
- Garden Acres
- Garden Oaks
- Garden Ridge
- Garden Valley
- Garfield
- Garner
- Garrett
- Garretts Bluff
- Gartman View
- Gary City
- Garza Crossing
- Gastonia
- Gateway Village
- Gay Hill
- Gaylord
- Gaywood
- Gem
- Geneva
- Geneview
- Genoa
- Gentry
- Gentry Crossing
- Gentrys Mill
- George
- Georges Creek
- Georgia
- Germania
- Germany
- Gessner Grove
- Gessport
- Gethsemane
- Gholson
- Gibtown
- Gifford
- Gilbert Landing
- Gilbreth
- Gilburg
- Giles
- Gill
- Gilliland
- Gillis
- Gilpin
- Gilson Groves
- Ginger
- Ginger Green
- Ginsite
- Girlstown USA
- Gist
- Givens
- Gladstell
- Gladys
- Glass
- Glaze City
- Glazier
- Gleckler
- Glen Cairn
- Glen Cairn West
- Glen Cove
- Glen Forest
- Glen Hill
- Glen Iris
- Glen Oaks
- Glenbrook Valley
- Glenburnie
- Glendale
- Glenfawn
- Glenn
- Glenn Heights
- Glenrio
- Glenshannon
- Glenwood
- Globe
- Glory
- Gloverdale
- Gluck
- Goforth
- Gold
- Golden Acres
- Golden Beach
- Goldfinch
- Goldman Acres
- Goldsboro
- Golfcrest
- Golfview Manor
- Golinda
- Golly
- Gomez
- Goober Hill
- Good Hope
- Good Neighbor
- Good Springs
- Goodland
- Goodlett
- Goodlow
- Goodnight
- Goodwill
- Goodwin
- Gore Landing
- Goshen
- Gospel Hill
- Gossett
- Gough
- Gould
- Gourdneck
- Gover
- Gozar
- Graball
- Grace
- Graceland Terrace
- Graceton
- Grady
- Grand Acres
- Grand Bluff
- Grand Cane
- Granjeno
- Grantwood
- Granville
- Grape Creek
- Grapetown
- Grass Pond Colony
- Grassland
- Grassyville
- Gratis
- Gravel
- Gray
- Gray Crossing
- Gray Mule
- Grayback
- Grayburg
- Grays Prairie
- Graytown
- Greatwood
- Greatwood Trails
- Greatwood Village
- Green
- Green Hill
- Green Lake
- Green Tree Terrace
- Green Valley
- Green Valley Farms
- Greenbranch
- Greenbriar
- Greenbriar Colony
- Greenbrier Southwest
- Greendale
- Greenfield Village
- Greenock
- Greenpond
- Greens Bayou
- Greens Bluff
- Greens Creek
- Greens Crossing
- Greensbrook
- Greenshores
- Greentree Village
- Greenview
- Greenview Manor
- Greenvine
- Greenway
- Greenwood Forest
- Greenwood Village
- Greggton
- Gresham
- Grey Forest
- Gribble
- Grice
- Griffin
- Griffith
- Grigsby
- Grimes
- Grit
- Groceville
- Grossville
- Grosvenor
- Grove West
- Grow
- Grub Hill
- Grubbe
- Gruenau
- Gruene
- Gruhlkey
- Guadalupe
- Guadalupe Heights
- Guda
- Guerra
- Guffey
- Guild
- Guion
- Gulf
- Gulf Freeway Oaks
- Gulf Hill
- Gulf Palms
- Gum Grove
- Gum Springs
- Gum Valley
- Gunsight
- Gus
- Guys Store
- Goodfellow AFB
- Grulla
- Gonzalez Colonia
- Gridiron
- Gate City Acres Colonia
- Gilbert
- Garza Colonia Number 1
- Griffing Park
- Gomez Colonia
- Garza-Salinas Number 2 Colonia
- Guerra Colonia
- Gray East and West Colonia
- Gonzales Colonia
- Graham Colonia
- Guzman Colonia
- Gordon Junction
- Grijalva Gardens Colonia
- Glenwood Acres Colonia
- Gurdev Colonia
- Garza-Salinas Colonia
- Garza-Gutierrez Colonia
- Green Acres Colonia
- Gulf Park
- Gladewater Park
- Garza-4th-6th Streets Colonia
- Garza Colonia Number 2
- Goodwin Heights Number 1 Colonia
- Goodlow Park
- Granite Shls
- Goodfelow AFB
- Hale Center
- Hallettsville
- Hallsville
- Haltom City
- Hamilton
- Hamlin
- Hamshire
- Hankamer
- Happy
- Hardin
- Hargill
- Harker Heights
- Harleton
- Harlingen
- Harper
- Harrold
- Hart
- Hartley
- Harwood
- Haskell
- Haslet
- Hawkins
- Hawley
- Hearne
- Hebbronville
- Hedley
- Heidenheimer
- Helotes
- Hemphill
- Hempstead
- Henderson
- Henrietta
- Hereford
- Hermleigh
- Hewitt
- Hext
- Hico
- Hidalgo
- Hideaway
- Higgins
- High Island
- Highland Village
- Highlands
- Hillister
- Hillsboro
- Hilltop Lakes
- Hitchcock
- Hobson
- Hochheim
- Hockley
- Holland
- Holliday
- Hondo
- Honey Grove
- Hooks
- Horizon City
- Horseshoe Bay
- Houston
- Howardwick
- Howe
- Hubbard
- Hudson Oaks
- Huffman
- Hughes Springs
- Hull
- Humble
- Hungerford
- Hunt
- Huntington
- Huntsville
- Hurst
- Hutchins
- Hutto
- Hye
- Haby Crossing
- Hacienda Heights
- Haciendito
- Hackberry
- Hackberry Crossing
- Haeckerville
- Hagansport
- Hagerville
- Hahn
- Hail
- Hainesville
- Halesboro
- Halfway
- Hall
- Hall Lake
- Hallmark Crossing
- Halls Bluff
- Halls Store
- Hallsburg
- Halsell
- Halsted
- Hamby
- Hammetts Crossing
- Hammond
- Hamon
- Hampton
- Hamrick
- Hancock
- Handley
- Handy
- Hanger
- Hannibal
- Hanover
- Hansford
- Happy Hideaway
- Happy Hill
- Happy Hollow
- Happy Union
- Happy Valley
- Haralson Lakes
- Harbin
- Harbor Grove
- Harborview
- Hardy
- Hardy Heights
- Hare
- Harkeyville
- Harlem
- Harlow
- Harmaston
- Harmon
- Harmony
- Harpers Crossing
- Harpersville
- Harrells
- Harriet
- Harris
- Harris Chapel
- Harrisburg
- Harrison
- Harrison Town
- Hart Camp
- Hartburg
- Hartex
- Hartland
- Hartman
- Harts Bluff
- Harvard
- Harvest Meadows
- Harvey
- Harveytown
- Harwell Point
- Hasima
- Haslam
- Hasse
- Hastings
- Hastings Green
- Hatchel
- Hatchetville
- Hathaway
- Havana
- Hawdon
- Hawk Cove
- Hawkinsville
- Hawthorne
- Hayford Crossing
- Haymond
- Haynesville
- Haynie Flat
- Hays
- Hays City
- Hays Crossing
- Hays Spring
- Hazeldell
- Headsville
- Heafer
- Heaker
- Heakers
- Hearthstone
- Heath
- Heather Glen
- Heathergate
- Heatherwood
- Heaton
- Hebert
- Hebron
- Heckville
- Hedwig Village
- Hedwigs Hill
- Hefner
- Hegar
- Heidelberg
- Heights
- Helbig
- Heldnfelt
- Helena
- Helmic
- Helms
- Hemming
- Henderson Chapel
- Hendrix
- Henkhaus
- Henly
- Hennessey
- Henrys Chapel
- Herbert
- Heritage Green
- Heritage Meadows
- Herman
- Hermits Cove
- Hermosa
- Herndon
- Herring
- Herty
- Hester
- Heyser
- Hickey
- Hickory Creek
- Hickory Forrest
- Hickory Hill
- Hickory Hollow
- Hickory Ridge
- Hicks
- Hicks Crossing
- Hicksbaugh
- Hickston
- Hidden Acres
- Hidden Echo
- Hidden Forest
- Hidden Hill
- Hidden Valley
- Hide Away
- Hideaway Hill
- Higginbotham
- High
- High Hill
- High Valley
- Highbank
- Highland
- Highland Acres Homes
- Highland Addition
- Highland Bayou
- Highland Gardens
- Highland Haven
- Highland Heights
- Highland Meadows
- Highland Waters
- Hightower
- Hightown
- Hilburn
- Hilda
- Hilda Siding
- Hilger
- Hill and Dale Terrace
- Hill City
- Hill Country Village
- Hillard
- Hillcrest
- Hillebrandt
- Hillje
- Hills
- Hills Prairie
- Hilltop
- Hilltop Acres
- Hilshire Village
- Hilton
- Hinckley
- Hindes
- Hindman
- Hinds
- Hines
- Hinkles Ferry
- Hippie Ridge
- Hiram
- Hishway
- Hitchland
- Hitson
- Hitt
- Hix
- Hoard
- Hoban
- Hobbs
- Hobby
- Hodges
- Hodgson
- Hoefer
- Hoen
- Hogan Acres
- Hogansville
- Hogeye
- Hogg
- Hogpen Crossing
- Holden
- Holder
- Holiday Beach
- Holiday Lakes
- Holiday Shores
- Holland Quarters
- Hollicott Crossing
- Holloway Heights
- Holly
- Holly Beach
- Holly Grove
- Holly Springs
- Holman
- Holt
- Homer
- Homestead Meadows
- Honea
- Honey Creek
- Honey Island
- Hood
- Hooker Ridge
- Hoop and Holler
- Hoot
- Hoot and Holler Crossing
- Hoover
- Hope
- Hopewell
- Horn Hill
- Hornsby Bend
- Horsehead Crossing
- Hortense
- Horton
- Hoskins
- Hostyn
- Hot Springs
- Hot Wells
- House Crossing
- Houston Heights
- Hovey
- Howard
- Howards
- Howland
- Howth
- Hoxie
- Hoyte
- Hub
- Huber
- Hubert
- Huckabay
- Hudd
- Hudson
- Hudson Bend
- Hudson Chapel
- Hudson Mast
- Hudsonville
- Huff Creek
- Huffins
- Huffman Oaks
- Hufsmith
- Huggins
- Hughes
- Hulldale
- Hulver
- Humble Acres
- Humble Camp
- Humble Colorado Camp
- Hume
- Hunt Crossing
- Hunter
- Hunter Ridge Village
- Hunters Creek Village
- Hunters Glen
- Huntoon
- Huntwick Forest
- Hurley
- Hurlwood
- Hurnville
- Huron
- Hurst Springs
- Hurstown
- Huxley
- Hyatt
- Hylton
- Hyman
- Hynds City
- Highland Park
- Hutchinson County Airport
- Hanson
- Hillcrest Manor Colonia
- Hale County Airport
- Holly Lake Ranch
- Harrison County Airport
- Hacienda Gardens Colonia
- Holshouser Number 2 Colonia
- Hoehn Drive Colonia
- Hilda Colonia Number 2
- Hacienda Real Colonia
- Heartland
- Hugh Terry Colonia
- Hilltop Acres Colonia
- Hayward Junction
- Hermosa Vista Addition Colonia
- Hacienda de los Vegas Colonia
- Hidden Acres Colonia
- Howell Addition Colonia
- Hilltop Estates Colonia
- Heritage Square Number 2 Colonia
- Hughes Spgs
- Hollywood Park
- Homestead Homes Colonia
- Hamlet Colonia
- Hillside Acres Number 2 Colonia
- Houston Road East Colonia
- Havana Lomas Number 2 Colonia
- Hilltop Colonia
- Homer Junction
- High Land Colonia
- H and B Colonia
- Homestead Meadows South Number 1 Colonia
- Hme Colonia
- Heathridge
- Idalou
- Imperial
- Industry
- Inez
- Ingleside
- Ingram
- Iola
- Iowa Park
- Ira
- Iraan
- Iredell
- Irene
- Irving
- Italy
- Itasca
- Ivanhoe
- Iago
- Iatan
- Ida
- Idyle Hour Acres
- Idylwood
- Iglehart
- Ike
- Illinois Bend
- Impact
- Imperial Gardens
- Imperial Valley
- Inadale
- Inari
- Independence
- India
- Indian Creek
- Indian Gap
- Indian Hills
- Indian Hot Springs
- Indian Lake
- Indian Rock
- Indian Springs
- Indianola
- Indio
- Ingleside on the Bay
- Intercontinental Village
- Inwood
- Inwood Forest
- Inwood Pines
- Inwood Terrace
- Inwood West
- Iona
- Iowa Colony
- Irby
- Ireland
- Ironosa
- Ironton
- Irwin
- Iser
- Isla
- Islitas
- Israel
- Iuka
- Ivan
- Izoro
- Ingleside On-the-Bay
- Ingle-Doolittle Colonia
- Ignacio Perez Colonia
- Imperial Colonia
- Indian Trails Lane Colonia
- Indio Number 1 Colonia
- Inspiration Rd Number 3 Colonia
- Isaacs Colonia
- Ismael Montalvo Colonia Number 1
- Jacksboro
- Jacksonville
- Jarrell
- Jasper
- Jayton
- Jefferson
- Jermyn
- Jewett
- Joaquin
- Johnson City
- Joinerville
- Jonesboro
- Jonestown
- Jonesville
- Josephine
- Joshua
- Jourdanton
- Judson
- Junction
- Justiceburg
- Justin
- Jacinto City
- Jackson
- Jackson Crossing
- Jacob Settlement
- Jacobia
- Jacobs
- Jagoe
- Jakes Colony
- Jamaica Beach
- James
- Jamestown
- Jamestown Colony
- Jardin
- Jarvis
- Jasper Heights
- Java
- Jayell
- Jean
- Jeanetta
- Jeddo
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Jentsch Acres
- Jericho
- Jersey Acres
- Jersey Village
- Jewell
- Jiba
- Jinks Branch
- Joe
- Joe Lee
- Joel
- Johnfarris
- Johnson
- Johnston Store
- Johnstone
- Johnsue
- Johnsville
- Johntown
- Joiner
- Joliet
- Jolly
- Jollyville
- Jonah
- Jones
- Jones Creek
- Jones Prairie
- Joplin
- Joppa
- Jordan
- Jordans Store
- Josselet
- Josserand
- Joy
- Jubilee Springs
- Jud
- Judkins
- Juilliard
- Julian
- Juliff
- Jumbo
- Junction Windmill
- Juno
- JBSA Randolph
- JBSA Lackland
- Jersey Vlg
- Johnsons Station
- Jasper County Airport
- J and E Junction
- Jessan Colonia
- Juan Gonzales Colonia
- J W Owens Estates Colonia
- Jessups Colonia
- James Allen Colonia
- J R Colonia Number 1
- JBSA Ft Sam Houston
- Jackson's New World Colonia Number 2
- Kamay
- Karnack
- Karnes City
- Katy
- Kaufman
- Keene
- Keller
- Kelly Usa
- Kemah
- Kemp
- Kempner
- Kendalia
- Kendleton
- Kenedy
- Kennard
- Kennedale
- Kenney
- Kerens
- Kermit
- Kerrick
- Kerrville
- Kildare
- Kilgore
- Killeen
- Kingsbury
- Kingsland
- Kingsville
- Kingwood
- Kirbyville
- Kirvin
- Klein
- Klondike
- Knickerbocker
- Knippa
- Knott
- Knox City
- Kopperl
- Kosse
- Kountze
- Kress
- Krugerville
- Krum
- Kurten
- Kyle
- Kadane Corner
- Kaffir
- Kalgary
- Kamey
- Kanawha
- Kane
- Karen
- Karon
- Katemcy
- Katyland
- Kay Bee Heights
- Kearny
- Keechi
- Keefer
- Keeler
- Keelersville
- Keenan
- Keeter
- Keith
- Keithton
- Kelland Heights
- Kellers Corner
- Kellerville
- Kellogg
- Kelly
- Kellyville
- Kelsay
- Kelsey
- Kelton
- Keltys
- Kemper City
- Kenefick
- Kennedy Heights
- Kennemer Crossing
- Keno
- Kenser
- Kensing
- Kenswick
- Kent
- Kentucky Town
- Kentwood Manor
- Kenwood
- Kerrville South
- Key
- Key Allegro
- Keys Crossing
- Keystone Meadows
- Kiam
- Kicaster
- Kiesling
- Kimball
- Kincheonville
- King
- Kings Forest
- Kings Highway
- Kings Lake Forest
- Kings Landing
- Kings Village
- Kingsmill
- Kingsmill Camp
- Kingston
- Kingsway
- Kingswood
- Kingtown
- Kinkler
- Kinsloe
- Kinwood
- Kiomatia
- Kirby
- Kirk
- Kirkland
- Kirkwood
- Kirtley
- Kitalou
- Kitsee Ridge
- Kittrell
- Kleberg
- Klump
- Knapp
- Knight Crossing
- Knights Bluff Landing
- Knob Hill
- Knobbs Springs
- Knoblaw
- Knolle
- Knollwood
- Koerth
- Kohrville
- Kokernot
- Kokomo
- Komensky
- Koockville
- Kopernik Shores
- Koppe
- Kosciusko
- Kossuth
- Kovar
- Krebsville
- Kreutzberg
- Kubala Store
- Kyote
- Kimble County Airport
- Kenney Lane West Colonia
- Kountry Hill Estates Colonia
- Katy Estates
- Kildare Junction
- Kiesling's Colonia
- Kellers Corner Colonia
- K-Bar-J Estates Colonia
- La Blanca
- La Coste
- La Feria
- La Grange
- La Joya
- La Marque
- La Porte
- La Pryor
- La Salle
- La Vernia
- La Villa
- La Ward
- Lackland Air Force Base
- Ladonia
- Lago Vista
- Laguna Park
- Laird Hill
- Lake City
- Lake Creek
- Lake Dallas
- Lake Jackson
- Lake Kiowa
- Lakehills
- Lakeside
- Lakeview
- Lakeway
- Lamesa
- Lampasas
- Lancaster
- Lane City
- Laneville
- Langtry
- Lantana
- Laredo
- Larue
- Lasara
- Latexo
- Laughlin Air Force Base
- Lavon
- Lawn
- Lazbuddie
- League City
- Leakey
- Leander
- Ledbetter
- Leesburg
- Leesville
- Lefors
- Leggett
- Lelia Lake
- Leming
- Lenorah
- Leon Valley
- Leona
- Leonard
- Leroy
- Levelland
- Lewisville
- Lexington
- Liberty
- Liberty Hill
- Lillian
- Lincoln
- Lindale
- Linden
- Lindsay
- Lingleville
- Linn
- Lipan
- Lipscomb
- Lissie
- Little Elm
- Little River
- Littlefield
- Live Oak
- Liverpool
- Livingston
- Llano
- Lockhart
- Lockney
- Lodi
- Lohn
- Lolita
- Lometa
- London
- Lone Oak
- Lone Star
- Long Branch
- Longview
- Loop
- Lopeno
- Loraine
- Lorena
- Lorenzo
- Los Ebanos
- Los Fresnos
- Los Indios
- Lott
- Louise
- Lovelady
- Loving
- Lowake
- Lozano
- Lubbock
- Lueders
- Lufkin
- Luling
- Lumberton
- Lyford
- Lyons
- Lytle
- La Aura Crossing
- La Bahia
- La Belle
- La Camellia Colonia A
- La Casa
- La Casita
- La Cerda
- La Fruta
- La Gloria
- La Grulla
- La Guna
- La Homa
- La India
- La Junta
- La Leona
- La lsla
- La Nana
- La Paloma
- La Para
- La Parita
- La Parra Landing
- La Porte Terrace
- La Presa
- La Puerta
- La Reforma
- La Rosa
- La Rosita
- La Tina
- La Tina Ranch
- La Tuna
- La Union
- La Victoria
- Laban
- Laceola
- Lackland City
- Lackland Heights
- Lackland Terrace
- LaCoste
- Lacy
- Lacyville
- Ladd
- LaFayette
- Lafitte
- Lagarto
- Lago
- Laguna
- Laguna Heights
- Laguna Seca
- Laguna Vista
- Lahey
- Laird
- Lajitas
- Lake Barbara
- Lake Bridgeport
- Lake Brownwood
- Lake Dunlap
- Lake Forest
- Lake Gardens
- Lake Hills
- Lake Jackson Farms
- Lake James
- Lake Medina Highlands
- Lake Nueces
- Lake Placid
- Lake Shore
- Lake Spendora
- Lake Tanglewood
- Lake Tejas
- Lake Victor
- Lake View
- Lake View Homes
- Lake Water Wheel
- Lake Worth
- Lakefront Lodge
- Lakeland
- Lakeland Heights
- Lakenon
- Lakepointe
- Lakeport
- Lakes of Bridgewater
- Lakes on El Ridge
- Lakeshore Gardens
- Lakeside City
- Lakeside Forest
- Lakeside Heights
- Lakeside Manor
- Lakeside Village
- Laketon
- Lakeview Assembly
- Lakeview Heights
- Lakewood
- Lakewood Harbor
- Lakewood Heights
- Lakewood Village
- Lakewood West
- Laman
- Lamar
- Lamar Terrace
- Lamasco
- Lamkin
- Lamont
- Lanark
- Landa Park Highlands
- Landergin
- Landrum
- Lane
- Lanely
- Laneport
- Lanetown
- Lanham
- Lanier
- Lannius
- Lansing
- Laredo Ranchettes
- Larga Vista
- Lariat
- Larissa
- Lark
- Las Colonias
- Las Escobas
- Las Flores
- Las Gallinas
- Las Lomas
- Las Lomitas
- Las Lulas
- Las Milpas
- Las Palmas
- Las Playas
- Las Quintas Fronterizas
- Las Rusias
- Las Tiendas
- Las Vegas
- Las Yescas
- LaSalle
- Lasana
- Lassater
- Latch
- Latex
- Latium
- Lauback
- Laurel
- Laurel Hill
- Laureles
- Laurelfield
- Lautz
- Lavender
- Lavon Lake Lodges
- Lawrence
- Lawrence Springs
- Lawson
- Lawson Crossing
- Lawsonville
- Lazare
- Lazy Bend
- Le Verte
- Leaday
- Leagueville
- Leal
- Leary
- Lebanon
- Ledbetter Hills
- Lee
- Lee Land
- Lee Spring
- Leedale
- Lees
- Leewood West
- Lefman
- Legion
- Lehman
- Leigh
- Leisure Acres
- Lela
- Lelavale
- Lemley
- Lemonville
- Lena
- Lenox
- Lenz
- Leo
- Leon Springs
- Leona Schroder
- Leonidas
- Lesley
- Leverett's Chapel
- Levi
- Levinson
- Levita
- Lexington Woods
- Liberty Chapel
- Liberty City
- Liberty Grove
- Lider
- Lightner
- Lilbert
- Lillard
- Lily Island
- Lime City
- Lincoln City
- Lincoln Green East
- Lincoln Green South
- Linda Vista
- Lindale Farms
- Lindberg
- Lindenau
- Lindendale
- Link Five
- Linkwood
- Linn Flat
- Linwood
- Littig
- Little Cypress
- Little Hope
- Little Midland
- Little New York
- Little Ridge
- Live Oak Resorts
- Lively
- Llano Grande
- Llano Grande Homesites
- Lobo
- Lochridge
- Locker
- Lockett
- Lockettville
- Loco
- Locust
- Locust Grove
- Loeb
- Loebau
- Log Cabin
- Logan
- Loire
- Lois
- Lolaville
- Loma
- Loma Alta
- Loma Pelona
- Loma Terrace
- Loma Vista
- Lomax
- Londonderry
- Lone Camp
- Lone Cedar
- Lone Elm
- Lone Grove
- Lone Pine
- Lone Willow
- Long Crossing
- Long Hollow
- Long Lake
- Long Mott
- Long Point
- Longfellow
- Longhorn
- Longpoint
- Longview Heights
- Longworth
- Looneyville
- Lopezville
- Lora
- Lord
- Lori Woods
- Los Alvarez
- Los Angeles
- Los Angeles Subdivision
- Los Barreras
- Los Coyotes
- Los Cuates
- Los Escondidos
- Los Garzas
- Los Lomas
- Los Ojuelos
- Los Saenz
- Los Velas
- Los Villareales
- Los Ybanez
- Losoya
- Lost Creek
- Lost Prairie
- Lotta
- Louetta
- Love
- Lovelace
- Lovell Lake
- Lowe
- Lowman
- Lowry Crossing
- Loyal Valley
- Loyola Beach
- Lozier
- Lucas
- Luckenbach
- Lucky Ridge
- Luella
- Luke Wilson
- Lull
- Lumkins
- Lumm
- Lums Chapel
- Luna
- Lunas
- Lund
- Lusk
- Luther
- Lutie
- Luxello
- Lyday Crossing
- Lydia
- Lynchburg
- Lynchburg Landing
- Lynn Grove
- Lyra
- Lytton Springs
- Lackland A F B
- Laughlin A F B
- Lacy Lakeview
- Lacy-Lakeview
- Little River-Academy
- Laughlin AFB
- Lackland AFB
- La Masa Road Colonia
- Larga Vista Colonia
- Las Palmas Number 2 Colonia
- Los Altos Colonia
- Lakeview Colonia
- La Hacienda Colonia
- La Carla Colonia
- Los Ranchitos Colonia
- Lake Crest Estates
- La Fuente Colonia
- L and P Colonia
- Las Flores Colonia
- La Frontera Colonia
- La Quinta Colonia
- Las Palmas Colonia
- Los Minerales Colonia
- Los Olmos Colonia
- Lourdes Street Colonia
- Loma Bonita Colonia
- Lyford South Colonia
- Lunar Heights Colonia
- Leona Colonia
- Las Fuentes Colonia
- Little Mexico Colonia
- La Puerta Number 2 Colonia
- Loma Linda Number 2 Colonia
- Las Quintas Fronterizas Colonia
- La Aurora Colonia
- L R Bell Colonia
- Lavernia
- La Paloma Number 1 Colonia
- Las Haciendas Colonia
- L J Number 1 Colonia
- Los Leones Colonia
- Live Oak Estates Colonia
- Los Cerritos Colonia
- Loma Linda Colonia
- Los Ebanos Colonia Number 2
- Los Ebanos Colonia Number 1
- La Coma Heights Colonia
- Las Brisas Colonia
- La Paloma Junction
- La Homa Grove Estates Colonia
- Lantana Colonia
- La Coma Colonia
- Lane Number 2 Colonia
- La Loma Alta Colonia
- Lavon Beach Estates
- Las Cuevas Number 2 Colonia
- Los Corralitos Colonia
- Las Quintas Colonia
- Las Quintas Number 2 Colonia
- La Homa Groves Estates Number 3 Colonia
- Lane Number 1 Colonia
- L D Morgan's Colonia
- La Union Estates Colonia
- Las Milpas Addition Colonia
- Los Ebanos Estates Colonia
- Los Ranchitos Number 1-3 Colonia
- Lincoln Park
- Los Veteranos 83 Colonia
- Lakeshore Gardens Number 2 Colonia
- La Paloma Site Colonia
- Las Brisas del Sur Colonia
- Las Lomitas B Colonia
- Lake View Addition Colonia
- La Esperanza Colonia
- La Blanca Heights Colonia
- Lisa Colonia
- Las Aves Colonia
- Las Casitas Number 2 Colonia
- Lake Citrus Estates Colonia
- Los Guajillos Colonia
- La Homa Five Colonia
- Lago Vista Colonia
- Los Castillos Estates Colonia
- Loma Linda Heights Colonia
- Laguna Escondida Colonia
- La Lomita Colonia
- Las Casitas Number 1 Colonia
- Loma Linda West Colonia
- Las Blancas Colonia
- La Peñusca
- La Homa Acres Number 4 Colonia
- La Camellia Colonia
- La Pampa Colonia
- Leon Junction
- Lopez Colonia
- Mabank
- Macdona
- Madisonville
- Magnolia
- Malakoff
- Malone
- Manchaca
- Manor
- Mansfield
- Manvel
- Maple
- Marathon
- Marble Falls
- Marfa
- Marietta
- Marion
- Markham
- Marlin
- Marquez
- Marshall
- Mart
- Martindale
- Martinsville
- Maryneal
- Mason
- Masterson
- Matador
- Matagorda
- Mathis
- Maud
- Mauriceville
- Maxwell
- May
- Maydelle
- Maypearl
- Mcadoo
- Mcallen
- McCamey
- McCaulley
- Mccoy
- McDade
- Mcfaddin
- McGregor
- Mckinney
- Mclean
- McLeod
- McQueeney
- Meadow
- Meadowlakes
- Medina
- Megargel
- Melissa
- Melvin
- Memphis
- Menard
- Mentone
- Mercedes
- Mereta
- Meridian
- Merit
- Merkel
- Mertens
- Mertzon
- Mesquite
- Mexia
- Meyersville
- Miami
- Mico
- Midfield
- Midkiff
- Midland
- Midlothian
- Midway
- Milam
- Milano
- Miles
- Milford
- Millersview
- Millican
- Millsap
- Minden
- Mineola
- Mineral
- Mineral Wells
- Mingus
- Mirando City
- Mission
- Missouri City
- Mobeetie
- Monahans
- Mont Belvieu
- Montague
- Montalba
- Montgomery
- Moody
- Moore
- Moran
- Morgan
- Morgan Mill
- Morse
- Morton
- Moscow
- Moulton
- Mound
- Mount Calm
- Mount Enterprise
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Vernon
- Mountain City
- Mountain Home
- Muenster
- Muldoon
- Muleshoe
- Mullin
- Mumford
- Munday
- Murchison
- Murphy
- Myra
- M K Crossing
- Mabelle
- Mabry
- Mac Bain
- Macedonia
- Macey
- MacGregor Palms
- Machovec
- Mackay
- Macomb
- Macon
- Macune
- Madero
- Madras
- Mae
- Magasco
- Magers Crossing
- Magic City
- Magnet
- Magnolia Beach
- Magnolia Gardens
- Magnolia Hills
- Magnolia Springs
- Magnum Manor
- Magoun
- Magwalt
- Maha
- Mahl
- Mahomet
- Mahoney
- Main Street Gardens
- Majors
- Malden
- Mallard
- Malta
- Malvado
- Malvern
- Mambrino
- Manchester
- Manda
- Mangum
- Mangus Corne
- Manheim
- Mankin
- Mankins
- Mankins Mill
- Mann
- Mann Crossing
- Manning
- Manson
- Mantu
- Maple Crest Acres
- Maple Springs
- Mapleton
- Maplewood
- Maplewood North
- Marak
- Marco
- Margaret
- Margie
- Mariam
- Marie
- Marilee
- Marilla
- Marjorie
- Market at Hunting Bayou
- Markley
- Markout
- Marlow
- Marly
- Mars
- Marsh
- Marshall Creek
- Marshall Ford
- Marshall Northeast
- Marshall Springs
- Marshy Springs
- Marston
- Martha
- Martin
- Martin Springs
- Martinez
- Martins Mill
- Marvels
- Marvin
- Marwood
- Maryetta
- Marystown
- Marysville
- Mason Crossing
- Mason Park Terrace
- Mason Park West
- Massa
- Massey Lake
- Matilda
- Matinburg
- Matthews
- Mattox
- Mattson
- Maudlowe
- Maverick
- Maxdale
- Maxey
- Maxey Town
- Maxwell Crossing
- Mayd
- Mayde Creek Farms
- Mayer
- Mayfair
- Mayfield
- Mayflower
- Mayhill
- Maynard
- Mayo
- Mays Crossing
- Maysfield
- McBride
- McClanahan
- McClelland
- McCook
- McCroskey
- McDaniels
- McDonald
- McElroy
- McFadden
- McGirk
- McHattie
- McKamy Meadow
- McKeichan Crossing
- McKibben
- McKinney Acres
- McKinney Springs
- McKnight
- McLendon
- McMahan
- McMillan
- McNair
- McNair Village
- McNary
- McNeel
- McNeil
- McNorton
- Meaders
- Meador Grove
- Meadow Bend
- Meadow Creek Village
- Meadow Lake
- Meadow Walk
- Meadowbrook
- Meadowcreek
- Meadowview
- Mecca
- Medicine Mound
- Medill
- Medina Base
- Meeker
- Meeks
- Meisterwood
- Meldrum
- Melendy
- Melo
- Melody Hills
- Melody Wood
- Melon
- Melrose
- Melrose Gardens
- Memorial Bend
- Memorial Grove
- Memorial Hollow
- Memorial Parkway
- Memorial Pines
- Memorial Plaza
- Memorial Thicket
- Mendiates
- Mendota
- Mendoza
- Menlow
- Mentz
- Mercury
- Meredeth Manor
- Merito
- Merle
- Merrelltown
- Merriam
- Merrick
- Mesa
- Mesquite Acres Island
- Metcalf Gap
- Metz
- Mewshaw
- Mexico
- Meyerland
- Midcity
- Middle Crossing
- Middle Water
- Middlebrook
- Middleburg
- Middlegate Village
- Middleton
- Middlewell
- Midline
- Midway Crossing
- Midyett
- Miguel
- Mikeska
- Mila Doce
- Milburn
- Mildred
- Mile High
- Military Crossing
- Mill Creek
- Mill Ridge North
- Mill Town
- Millcreek
- Miller Grove
- Miller's Cove
- Millers
- Millers Cove
- Millett
- Millheim
- Milligan
- Mills
- Millsville
- Millwood
- Milo Center
- Milton
- Milvid
- Mims
- Mims Chapel
- Minchin
- Minera
- Mineral Heights
- Minerva
- Mingo
- Mings Chapel
- Minnetex
- Minter
- Minters Chapel
- Mission Bend
- Mission Bend South
- Mission Glen
- Mission Green North
- Mission Hills
- Mission Valley
- Mission West
- Mitchell
- Mitchell Crossing
- Mitchell Hill
- Mittie
- Mixon
- Mobile City
- Modern
- Mofeta
- Moffat
- Moffitt
- Moline
- Monarch Oaks
- Monaville
- Monica
- Monkstown
- Monroe
- Monroe City
- Mont
- Montague Village
- Monte Alto
- Monte Christo
- Monte Grande
- Montell
- Monteola
- Monterey
- Montfort
- Monthalia
- Monticello
- Montopolis
- Montoya
- Moonshine Hill
- Moore Grove
- Moore Hill
- Moore Settlement
- Mooredale
- Moores Crossing
- Mooreville
- Mooring
- Morales
- Moravia
- Morey
- Morgan Bluff
- Morgan Creek
- Morgan's Point
- Morgan's Point Resort
- Morgans Point
- Morgans Point Resort
- Morita
- Morning Glory
- Morrill
- Morris Grove
- Morris Ranch
- Morrison Falls
- Morton Valley
- Moselle
- Moser
- Mosheim
- Moss Bluff
- Moss Hill
- Moss Oaks
- Mosswood
- Mossy Grove
- Mostyn
- Mound City
- Mound Prairie
- Mount Bethel
- Mount Blanco
- Mount Evergreen
- Mount Gainor
- Mount Haven
- Mount Herman
- Mount Houston
- Mount Joy
- Mount Joy Crossing
- Mount Lebanon
- Mount Lucas
- Mount Mitchell
- Mount Morian
- Mount Olive
- Mount Selman
- Mount Sylvan
- Mount Union
- Mount Wesley
- Mount Zion
- Mountain Community
- Mountain Heaven
- Mountain Peak
- Mountain Springs
- Mountain Top
- Mountain View
- Moursund
- Mozelle
- Mozo
- Muddig
- Mudville
- Muehlsville
- Muellersville
- Muil
- Mulberry
- Mulberry Springs
- Mulkey
- Mullins Crossing
- Mullins Prairie
- Muncy
- Munger
- Mungerville
- Muniz
- Munson
- Murdo
- Murray
- Murvaul
- Musgrove
- Mustang
- Mustang Beach
- Mustang Meadows
- Mustang Mott
- Mustang Ridge
- Mykawa
- Myrtle
- Myrtle Springs
- Mystic Village
- Mc Gregor
- Mt Pleasant
- Mc Queeney
- Mt Vernon
- Mc Camey
- Mc Kinney
- Mesa Verde Colonia
- Meadow Creek Country Club Colonia
- Minnie Fenton Colonia
- Mesilla Park
- Morales Number 2A Colonia
- McMasters Colonia
- McDaniel Addition Colonia
- Murillo Colonia
- Magnolia Park
- Mitchell Colonia
- Matt Colonia
- McDaniel Colonia
- Morgan Farm Area
- Mansfiel
- Morales Circle Colonia
- Meadows Place
- Maier Colonia
- Montalvo Hills Colonia
- Morales Number 2 East Colonia
- Maverick County Airport
- Milagro Estates Colonia
- Manuel Medina Addition Colonia
- Mountain View Estates
- Munoz Estates Colonia
- Melton Place Addition Colonia
- Mary Lou Park Colonia
- Mikes Colonia
- Moreno Colonia
- Merrill Colonia
- Monte Cristo Acres Colonia
- Mc Dade
- Morales - Sanchez Colonia
- Meadow Lands Colonia
- McLendon-Chisholm
- Moorefield Acres Colonia
- Monterosales Colonia
- Monte Cristo Heights Colonia
- Mt Enterprise
- Morningside Estates Colonia
- Miller Resub Lot A Colonia
- McCracken Estates Colonia
- Moon Addition Colonia
- Mason Lake Estates
- Morgan's Lakefront Lodge Colonia
- Monica Acres Colonia
- Magnolia Number 1 Colonia
- Mc Leod
- Nacogdoches
- Nada
- Naples
- Naval Air Station / JRB
- Nash
- Natalia
- Navasota
- Nazareth
- Neches
- Nederland
- Needville
- Nemo
- Nevada
- New Baden
- New Boston
- New Braunfels
- New Caney
- New Deal
- New Home
- New London
- New Summerfield
- New Ulm
- New Waverly
- Newark
- Newcastle
- Newton
- Niederwald
- Nixon
- Nocona
- Nolan
- Nolanville
- Nome
- Nordheim
- Normangee
- Normanna
- North Houston
- North Richland Hills
- North Zulch
- Norton
- Notrees
- Novice
- Nursery
- Naaman
- Nadeau
- Nameless
- Nancy
- Napier
- Narcisso
- Naruna
- Nasawood
- Nassau Bay
- Nat
- Navarro
- Navarro Mills
- Navidad
- Navo
- Neale
- Necessity
- Nechanitz
- Needmore
- Neely Ward
- Negley
- Negro Crossing
- Negros Liberty Settlement
- Neinda
- Nell
- Nelleva
- Nelson
- Nelson City
- Nelsonville
- Nelta
- Nena
- Neri
- Nesbitt
- Neuville
- New Berlin
- New Bethel
- New Bielau
- New Birthright
- New Blox
- New Bremen
- New Camp Ruby
- New Chapel Hill
- New Clarkson
- New Colony
- New Corn Hill
- New Davy
- New Fairview
- New Falcon
- New Fountain
- New Harmony
- New Harp
- New Hope
- New Katy
- New Liberty
- New Loco
- New Lynn
- New Mesquite
- New Mobeetie
- New Moore
- New Mountain
- New Prospect
- New Salem
- New Sweden
- New Taiton
- New Territory
- New Wehdem
- New Willard
- New York
- Newark Beach
- Newburg
- Newby
- Newgulf
- Newlin
- Newman
- Newport
- Newsome
- Newt
- Newtonville
- Neylandville
- Niblock
- Nicholas
- Nickel
- Nickleberry
- Nickleville
- Nigton
- Nimrod
- Nineteen Mile Crossing
- Nineveh
- Nix
- Noack
- Nob Hill
- Nobility
- Noble
- Nockenut
- Noelke
- Nogalus
- Nolte
- Nona
- Noodle
- Noonan
- Noonday
- Nopal
- Norchester
- Noria Willie
- Norias
- Norman
- Normandy
- Normans Crossing
- Norrick
- Norse
- North Abilene
- North Alamo
- North Beach
- North Cleveland
- North Country
- North Cowden
- North Elm
- North Escobares
- North Forest
- North Fork
- North Georgetown
- North Groesbeck
- North Hopkins
- North Jericho
- North Loop
- North Pearsall
- North Prairie
- North Redland
- North Roby
- North Salem
- North San Antonio Hills
- North San Pedro
- North Seadrift
- North Shadydale
- North Shore
- North Shore Acres
- North Star
- Northampton Forest
- Northborough
- Northbrook
- Northcliff
- Northcliffe Manor
- Northcrest
- Northfield
- Northgate Crossing
- Northglen
- Northlake
- Northland Shopping Center
- Northline Terrace
- Northmead Village
- Northpointe East
- Northrup
- Northside
- Northview
- Northwest Crossing
- Northwest Green
- Norwood
- Nottawa
- Nottingham
- Nottingham Forest
- Nottingham West
- Nottingham Woods
- Novohrad
- Noxville
- Nueces
- Nugent
- Nunnelee
- Nurillo
- Nuway
- Nye
- N Richland Hills
- Northeast
- N Richlnd Hls
- Naval Air Station/ Jrb
- Naval Air Station JRB
- North Fort Hood USPFO Mates W45K1Q
- Nelle Estates Colonia
- North Sherman Junction
- Nueces Bay Colonia
- North Depot Road Colonia
- Nellis Lands Colonia
- North Uvalde Colonia
- New Palm Colonia
- North Hilltop Addition Colonia
- Nuway Addition Colonia
- Nuevo Penitas Colonia
- North La Feria Village Colonia
- North Capisallo Colonia
- North Santa Cruz Colonia
- Nina Colonia
- North Alamo Village Colonia
- North Loop Acres Colonia
- Northside Village Colonia Number 2
- O'Brien
- Oakalla
- Oakhurst
- Oakland
- Oakville
- Oakwood
- Odell
- Odem
- Odessa
- Odonnell
- Oglesby
- Oilton
- Oklaunion
- Old Glory
- Old Ocean
- Olden
- Olmito
- Olney
- Olton
- Omaha
- Onalaska
- Orange
- Orange Grove
- Orangefield
- Orchard
- Ore City
- Orla
- Otto
- Ovalo
- Overton
- Ovilla
- Ozona
- O'Donnell
- O'Farrell
- O'Quinn
- Oak Bend
- Oak Brook West
- Oak Cliff
- Oak Cliff Acres
- Oak Creek
- Oak Creek Village
- Oak Flat
- Oak Flats
- Oak Forest
- Oak Grove
- Oak Harbor
- Oak Hill
- Oak Island
- Oak Leaf
- Oak Moss
- Oak Park Trails
- Oak Point
- Oak Ridge
- Oak Ridge North
- Oak Shade
- Oak Terrace
- Oak Trail Shores
- Oak Valley
- Oak Village
- Oakdale
- Oakhurst Shores
- Oaklake
- Oakland Plaza
- Oaks
- Oaks of Atascocita
- Oaks of Clear Creek
- Oaks of Devonshire
- Oaks of Inwood
- Oakwilde
- Oakwood Glen
- Oates Prairie
- Oatmeal
- Oberly Crossing
- Obregon
- Ocaw
- Ocee
- Ochoa
- Ocker
- Odds
- Odlaw
- Odom
- Oenaville
- Ogburn
- Ogden
- Ogg
- Ohio
- Oil City
- Oilla
- Ojo de Angua
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma Flat
- Oklahoma Lane
- Okra
- Ola
- Olcott
- Old Boston
- Old Bowling
- Old Brazoria
- Old Caseyville Crossing
- Old Center
- Old Davy
- Old Diana
- Old Dime Box
- Old Elwood
- Old Farm Crossing
- Old Flatonia
- Old London
- Old Midway
- Old Moulton
- Old Place Windmill
- Old Place Windmills
- Old River Community
- Old River Terrace
- Old Saint Marys
- Old Salem
- Old Santa Elena
- Old Union
- Old Waverly
- Olde Oaks
- Oldenburg
- Oldham
- Oletha
- Olfen
- Olin
- Olivarez
- Olivia
- Ollie
- Olmos
- Omen
- Onion Creek
- Onion Spring
- Opdyke
- Opdyke West
- Opelika
- Oplin
- Ora
- Oran
- Orangedale
- Orangeville
- Orelia
- Orient
- Orozimbo
- Orrs
- Ort
- Orton Hill
- Orvil
- Osage
- Oscar
- Osceola
- Osman
- Otey
- Otis Chalk
- Ottine
- Overcup Landing
- Overland
- Owens
- Owensville
- Owentown
- Owl Creek
- Owl Ranch
- Owlett Green
- Oxford
- Oyster Creek
- Oak Ridge N
- Old Ingleside Colonia
- Olivarez Number 1 Colonia
- One River Place Colonia
- O and J Colonia
- Olivarez Number 18 Colonia
- Orleander Estates Colonia
- Owassa Rd-Tower Rd Colonia
- Old Houston Highway Colonia
- Old Corbett Place
- Owl Ranch Number 1 Colonia
- Old Freitag Place
- O'Farrell Acres Number 1 Colonia
- Olivarez Number 17 Colonia
- Old River-Winfree
- Owassa Estates Colonia
- Old Round Rock
- Old Airport Road Colonia
- Owl Ranch Number 3 Colonia
- Olmito and Olmito Number 2 Colonia
- Owens Addition Number 1 Colonia
- O Brien
- Owassa-I Rd Colonia
- O'Donnell Place
- Owens Addition Number 2 Colonia
- Oak Colonia
- Olmos Park
- Old Milwaukee East Colonia
- Paducah
- Paige
- Paint Rock
- Palacios
- Palestine
- Palmer
- Palmhurst
- Palmview
- Palo Pinto
- Paluxy
- Panhandle
- Panna Maria
- Panola
- Pantego
- Paradise
- Paris
- Pasadena
- Pattison
- Pattonville
- Pawnee
- Pear Valley
- Pearland
- Pearsall
- Peaster
- Pecan Gap
- Pecos
- Peggy
- Pendleton
- Penelope
- Penitas
- Pennington
- Penwell
- Pep
- Perrin
- Perryton
- Petersburg
- Petrolia
- Pettus
- Petty
- Pflugerville
- Pharr
- Pickton
- Pierce
- Pilot Point
- Pinehurst
- Pineland
- Pipe Creek
- Pittsburg
- Placedo
- Plains
- Plainview
- Plano
- Plantersville
- Pleasanton
- Pledger
- Plum
- Point
- Point Comfort
- Pointblank
- Pollok
- Ponder
- Pontotoc
- Poolville
- Port Acres
- Port Aransas
- Port Arthur
- Port Bolivar
- Port Isabel
- Port Lavaca
- Port Mansfield
- Port Neches
- Port O'Connor
- Porter
- Portland
- Post
- Poteet
- Poth
- Pottsboro
- Pottsville
- Powderly
- Powell
- Poynor
- Prairie Hill
- Prairie Lea
- Prairie View
- Premont
- Presidio
- Price
- Priddy
- Princeton
- Proctor
- Progreso
- Prosper
- Purdon
- Purmela
- Putnam
- Pyote
- Pampa
- Pacio
- Paddock
- Padgett
- Paint Creek
- Paint Crossing
- Paisano
- Pakan
- Palafox
- Palava
- Palisades
- Palito Blanco
- Palm Grove
- Palm Harbor
- Palm Valley
- Palmetal
- Palmetto
- Palo Alto
- Palo Alto Heights
- Paloduro
- Paloma
- Pamela Heights
- Pancake
- Pandale
- Pandora
- Panorama Village
- Pantera
- Papalote
- Papalote Colorado
- Papalote del Norte
- Papalote Escondido
- Papalote Llano
- Papalote Seco
- Paradise Valley
- Parita
- Park Community
- Park Glen West
- Park Ridge
- Park Springs
- Parker
- Parker Point
- Parkland Village
- Parks Camp
- Parks Corner Windmill
- Parkstone
- Parkview
- Parkview Manor
- Parkway
- Parkway Forest
- Parkway Villages
- Parkway West
- Parkwest
- Parkwood Village
- Parmerton
- Parnell
- Parsley Crossing
- Parsley Hill
- Partwood Crossing
- Parvin
- Pasadena Gardens
- Pasche
- Pastura
- Patillo
- Patman
- Patman Switch
- Patonia
- Patricia
- Patrick
- Patroon
- Patton Village
- Patton Woods
- Pattonfield
- Pauline
- Pawelekville
- Paxton
- Payne
- Payne Springs
- Paynes
- Paynes Corner
- Payton
- Peace Valley Harbor
- Peach Creek
- Peach Tree Village
- Peacock
- Peadenville
- Pear Ridge
- Pearl
- Pearl City
- Pearson
- Pearsons Chapel
- Peavy
- Pebble Beach Sunset Acres
- Pecan Acres
- Pecan Creek
- Pecan Crossing
- Pecan Grove
- Pecan Grove Plantation
- Pecan Heights
- Pecan Hill
- Pecan Mott
- Pecan Plantation
- Pecan Springs
- Pecan Wells
- Pedeco
- Pedegrel Forest
- Peden
- Peeltown
- Peerless
- Pelham
- Pelican
- Pelican Bay
- Pelly
- Pendell
- Peniel
- Penland
- Peoria
- Percilla
- Perezville
- Perico
- Pernitas Point
- Perry
- Perry Grove
- Perry Landing
- Perryville
- Pershing
- Personville
- Pert
- Pescadito
- Peters
- Peters Prairie
- Peterson Landing
- Petersville
- Petronila
- Petteway
- Pettibone
- Pettigrew
- Pettit
- Pettits
- Pettys Chapel
- Pettytown
- Peveto
- Pezuna del Caballo
- Phalba
- Phantom Hill
- Pheasant
- Pheasant Creek
- Pheasant Run
- Phelan
- Phelps
- Phillipe
- Phillips
- Phillips Camp
- Phillipsburg
- Philrich
- Phoenix
- Pickens
- Pickett
- Pidcoke
- Piedmont
- Pierces Chapel
- Pike
- Pila Blanca
- Pilgrim
- Pilgrim Rest
- Pilot Grove
- Pilot Knob
- Pin Hook
- Pin Oak
- Pin Oak Village
- Pine
- Pine Branch
- Pine Crest
- Pine Forest
- Pine Forest Village
- Pine Grove
- Pine Grove Valley
- Pine Hill
- Pine Hills
- Pine Island
- Pine Mills
- Pine Prairie
- Pine Ridge
- Pine Springs
- Pine Terrace
- Pine Trails
- Pine Valley
- Pine View Manor
- Pinehill
- Pinehurst of Atascocita
- Pinemont Plaza
- Pines of Atascocita
- Pineshadows
- Pineview
- Pineview Terrace
- Pinevillage North
- Pinewood Village
- Piney
- Piney Grove
- Piney Point
- Piney Point Village
- Pinkerton
- Pinto
- Pioneer
- Pioneer Town
- Pipers Meadow
- Pirtle
- Pisek
- Pisgah
- Pittsville
- Placid
- Plain
- Plains Assembly
- Planeport
- Plank
- Plaska
- Plata
- Platt
- Pleak
- Pleasant Farms
- Pleasant Grove
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Oaks
- Pleasant Point
- Pleasant Ridge
- Pleasant Run
- Pleasant Springs
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant Valley Crossing
- Plemons
- Plover
- Pluck
- Plum Creek
- Plum Grove
- Plummer Crossing
- Pluto
- Podo
- Poe
- Poetry
- Point Blank
- Point Enterprise
- Point Loma
- Point Venture
- Polar
- Polly Oaks
- Polvo
- Pomeroy
- Pomona
- Pond Springs
- Ponderosa Forest
- Pone
- Ponta
- Poole
- Poorboy Landing
- Pope City
- Porfirio
- Port Alto
- Port Brownsville
- Port Harlingen
- Port Ingleside
- Port Morris
- Port Sullivan
- Porter Heights
- Porter Springs
- Porvenir
- Posey
- Post Oak
- Post Oak Bend
- Post Oak Bend City
- Post Oak Manor
- Post Oak Point
- Post Oak Village
- Post Wood
- Postoak
- Potosi
- Powell Crossing
- Powell Point
- Prado Verde
- Praesel
- Praha
- Prairie Center
- Prairie Chapel
- Prairie Dell
- Prairie Grove
- Prairie Mountain
- Prairie Point
- Prairie Valley
- Prairieville
- Prattville
- Preble
- Preiss Heights
- Preston
- Preston Manor
- Preston Villa
- Prices
- Pride
- Primera
- Primrose
- Pringle
- Pritchett
- Proffitt
- Proffitt Crossing
- Progreso Lakes
- Progress
- Prospect
- Providence
- Provident City
- Pruett
- Pruitt
- Pruitt Lake
- Pueblo
- Pueblo Nuevo
- Pueblo Vitoria
- Puente
- Puerto Rico
- Pullman
- Pumphrey
- Pumpkin
- Pumpville
- Punkin Center
- Purley
- Pursley
- Purves
- Paso El Rey Number 3 Colonia
- Port O Connor
- Park Place
- Parkwood Estates
- Palmarina Colonia
- Parker County Airport
- Peel Junction
- Pralle Colonia
- Palm Heights Colonia
- Palma Colonia
- Porciones Center Colonia
- Pinewood Estates
- Palmer Colonia
- Palmetto Park
- Palm Lake Estates Number 4 Colonia
- Palmas Colonia Number 2
- Plains Junction
- Payment Colonia
- Perlas de Naranja Colonia
- Pine Trail Estates
- Paisano Park Colonia
- Palm Acres Number 1 Colonia
- Palmeras Colonia
- Palm Drive North Colonia
- Polkinghorn Addition Colonia
- Primavera Number 2 Colonia
- Paseo de Palmas Colonia
- Praxedis Saldivar Colonia
- Portway Acres
- Providence Village
- Puerta del Sol Colonia
- Peter Gort Colonia
- Puerta Blanca Colonia
- Pitner Junction
- Parajitos Colonia
- Plateau
- Park Row
- Q
- Rainbow
- Ralls
- Rancho Viejo
- Randolph
- Randolph Air Force Base
- Ranger
- Rankin
- Ransom Canyon
- Ratcliff
- Ravenna
- Raymondville
- Raywood
- Reagan
- Realitos
- Red Oak
- Red Rock
- Redford
- Redwater
- Refugio
- Reklaw
- Reno
- Rhome
- Rice
- Richards
- Richardson
- Richland
- Richland Hills
- Richland Springs
- Richmond
- Richwood
- Riesel
- Ringgold
- Rio Frio
- Rio Grande City
- Rio Hondo
- Rio Medina
- Rio Vista
- Rising Star
- River Oaks
- Riverside
- Riviera
- Roanoke
- Roans Prairie
- Roaring Springs
- Robert Lee
- Robinson
- Robstown
- Roby
- Rochelle
- Rochester
- Rock Island
- Rockdale
- Rockport
- Rocksprings
- Rockwall
- Rockwood
- Rogers
- Roma
- Romayor
- Roosevelt
- Ropesville
- Rosanky
- Roscoe
- Rosebud
- Rosenberg
- Rosharon
- Ross
- Rosser
- Rosston
- Rotan
- Round Mountain
- Round Rock
- Round Top
- Rowena
- Rowlett
- Roxton
- Royse City
- Rule
- Runaway Bay
- Runge
- Rusk
- Rye
- Rabb
- Rabbs Hill
- Rabbs Prairie
- Raccoon Bend
- Rachal
- Radium
- Ragtown
- Raisin
- Raleigh
- Ralston Acres
- Rambo
- Ramireno
- Ramirez
- Ramsdell
- Ramsey
- Ranchito
- Ranchitos Las Lomas
- Rancho Alegre
- Rancho Banquete
- Rancho Chico
- Rancho de la Parita
- Ranchos Penitas West
- Rand
- Randado
- Rangerville
- Ratamosa
- Ratibor
- Ratler
- Rattan
- Rattlesnake Bead
- Ravensway
- Ravensway South
- Ravenwood
- Rawlins
- Ray
- Ray Point
- Rayburn
- Rayford
- Rayland
- Raymond
- Razor
- Reagan Wells
- Reagor Springs
- Reavilon
- Rebecca
- Recreation Farms
- Red Bank
- Red Bird Addition
- Red Bluff
- Red Bluff Crossing
- Red Branch
- Red Cut Heights
- Red Fish Cove
- Red Gate
- Red Hill
- Red Lake
- Red Level
- Red Lick
- Red Mud
- Red Ranger
- Red River City
- Red Springs
- Red Top
- Redbank
- Redfield
- Redland
- Redlawn
- Redtown
- Redwood
- Reeds Settlement
- Reedville
- Reedwoods
- Reese
- Reese Village
- Refuge
- Regal Oaks
- Regency
- Rehburg
- Rehm
- Reid Hope King
- Reilly Springs
- Reinhardt
- Rek Hill
- Relampago
- Reliance
- Remolino
- Rendon
- Renner
- Reservoir Acres
- Retreat
- Retta
- Revlon
- Rexville
- Reyes
- Reynard
- Reynolds
- Reynolds Crossing
- Rhea
- Rhea Mills
- Rhineland
- Rhode Island
- Rhonesboro
- Ricardo
- Rices Crossing
- Rickels
- Riderville
- Ridge
- Ridge Point
- Ridgecrest
- Ridgegate
- Ridgeheights
- Ridgemont
- Ridgeway
- Ridings
- Ridout
- Riggs Ford
- Rincon
- Rio Bravo
- Rio Grande Village
- Rio Rico
- Riomedina
- Rios
- Rita
- Ritchie
- River Bend
- River Creek Acres
- River Hill
- River Hills
- River Spur
- River Terrace
- Riverbrook
- Riverby
- Rivercrest
- Riverdale
- Rivers End
- Riverside Crest
- Riverside Terrace
- Riverton
- Riverview
- Riverwalk
- Riverwood
- Riviera Beach
- Riviera East
- Roach
- Roane
- Robards
- Robberson
- Robbins
- Robertson
- Robinson Arms Landing
- Roch
- Rock Bluff
- Rock Creek
- Rock Crossing
- Rock Harbor
- Rock Hill
- Rock Springs
- Rockett
- Rockford
- Rockhill
- Rockhouse
- Rockland
- Rockledge
- Rockne
- Rockstone
- Rockwell
- Rocky Branch
- Rocky Creek
- Rocky Hill
- Rocky Mound
- Rocky Point
- Rocky Point Center
- Rocky Springs
- Roddy
- Rodeo Square
- Rodney
- Roeder
- Roganville
- Rogers Hill
- Rogers Plantation
- Rogerslacy
- Roland
- Rolla
- Rolling Green
- Rolling Hills
- Rolling Hills Shores
- Rolling Meadows
- Rollingwood
- Rollover
- Roma Creek
- Roman Forest
- Romero
- Romney
- Rosalie
- Rose City
- Rose Hill
- Rose Hill Acres
- Rosedale
- Rosedale Acres
- Rosedale Gardens
- Roseland Manor
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenthal
- Rosevine
- Rosewood
- Rosita
- Ross City
- Rosslyn
- Rossville
- Rotherwood
- Rough Creek Crossing
- Round Mott
- Round Prairie
- Round Timber
- Roundup
- Rowden
- Rowland
- Roy
- Royal Forest
- Royal Oaks
- Royal View
- Royalty
- Royalwood
- Royder
- Royston
- Roznov
- Rubboard Crossing
- Rucker
- Ruckers Bridge
- Rudolph
- Rugby
- Rugeley
- Ruidosa
- Ruliff
- Rumley
- Runn
- Rural Shade
- Rushing
- Russell
- Russell Crossing
- Russelltown
- Russellville
- Rustic Acres
- Rustic Oaks
- Rustling Oaks
- Rutersville
- Ruth Springs
- Rutland
- Ryan
- Ryan Acres
- Rylie
- Rymers
- Red River Army Depot W45G19
- Randolph AFB
- Rio Grande Cy
- Rivera Colonia
- Randolph Air
- R W Jones Colonia
- Rosa Linda Colonia
- Ranchette Estates Colonia
- Rodriguez Number 2 Colonia
- Robinette Colonia
- Rosita North
- Rodriguez Colonia Number 2
- Ranchos Penitas West Colonia
- R S W Incorporated Number 1 Colonia
- Rodriguez Colonia
- Ruthven Number 1 Colonia
- Radio Junction
- Rodgers Lake Estates Colonia
- Ranchito San Jose Colonia
- Riverside Acres Colonia
- Ranchitos las Lomas Number 2 Colonia
- Ranchitos Los Mesquites Colonia
- Red Barn Colonia
- Ramos Colonia
- Rodriguez Number 1 Colonia
- Ramona Colonia
- Regino Ramirez Colonia
- Rio Bravo Colonia
- Ranchitos 359 East Colonia
- Rock House
- Rio Rancho Estates Colonia
- Rancho Nuevo Colonia
- Radar Base
- Reina Colonia
- Roseville Colonia
- Rockaway Country Sites Colonia
- Rush Addition Colonia
- Rio Pasado Estates Colonia
- Riverside Estates Colonia
- Rambo Estates Colonia
- Ramirez Colonia
- Ramos Addition Number 1 Colonia
- Ranchette Estates
- Rio Bravo Annex Colonia
- R C Babb Colonia Number 2
- R C W Colonia
- Ramon Leal Colonia
- Rivereno Colonia
- Remuda Rv Park Colonia
- Sabinal
- Sabine Pass
- Sachse
- Sacul
- Sadler
- Saginaw
- Saint Hedwig
- Saint Jo
- Salado
- Salt Flat
- Saltillo
- Samnorwood
- Sam Rayburn
- San Angelo
- San Antonio
- San Augustine
- San Benito
- San Diego
- San Elizario
- San Felipe
- San Isidro
- San Juan
- San Leon
- San Marcos
- San Perlita
- San Saba
- San Ygnacio
- Sanderson
- Sandia
- Sanford
- Sanger
- Santa Anna
- Santa Elena
- Santa Fe
- Santa Maria
- Santa Rosa
- Santo
- Saragosa
- Saratoga
- Sargent
- Sarita
- Satin
- Savoy
- Schertz
- Schulenburg
- Schwertner
- Scotland
- Scottsville
- Scroggins
- Scurry
- Seabrook
- Seadrift
- Seagoville
- Seagraves
- Sealy
- Sebastian
- Segno
- Seguin
- Selma
- Selman City
- Seminole
- Seven Points
- Seymour
- Shallowater
- Shamrock
- Shavano Park
- Sheffield
- Shelbyville
- Shepherd
- Sheppard Air Force Base
- Sheridan
- Sherman
- Shiner
- Shiro
- Sidney
- Sierra Blanca
- Silsbee
- Silver
- Silverton
- Simms
- Simonton
- Sinton
- Sisterdale
- Skellytown
- Skidmore
- Slaton
- Slidell
- Slocum
- Smiley
- Smithville
- Smyer
- Snook
- Snyder
- Socorro
- Somerset
- Somerville
- Sonora
- Sour Lake
- South Bend
- South Houston
- South Padre Island
- South Plains
- Southlake
- Southland
- Southmayd
- Spade
- Spearman
- Spicewood
- Splendora
- Spring
- Spring Branch
- Springlake
- Springtown
- Spur
- Spurger
- Stafford
- Stamford
- Stanton
- Staples
- Star
- Stephenville
- Sterling City
- Stinnett
- Stockdale
- Stonewall
- Stowell
- Stratford
- Strawn
- Streetman
- Sublime
- Sudan
- Sugar Land
- Sullivan City
- Sulphur Bluff
- Sulphur Springs
- Summerfield
- Sumner
- Sundown
- Sunnyvale
- Sunray
- Sunrise Beach
- Sunset
- Sunset Valley
- Sutherland Springs
- Sweeny
- Sweet Home
- Sweetwater
- Sylvester
- Sabanno
- Sabathany
- Sabine
- Sabine Sands
- Sabinetown
- Sageglen
- Sagemeadow
- Sagemont
- Sagerton
- Saint Elijah Village
- Saint Elmo
- Saint Francis
- Saint Francis Village
- Saint James
- Saint John
- Saint Johns Colony
- Saint Lawrence
- Saint Paul
- Saint Rosa
- Salem
- Salesville
- Saline
- Salmon
- Salona
- Salt Gap
- Salter
- Saltlick Mill
- Salty
- Sam Fordyce
- Sam Houston
- Samaria
- Sample
- San Antonio Prairie
- San Antonio Viejo
- San Carlos
- San Francisco
- San Gabriel
- San Geronimo
- San Jacinto
- San Jose
- San Leanna
- San Manuel
- San Martine
- San Miguel
- San Pablo
- San Patricio
- San Pedro
- San Ramon
- San Roman
- San Vicente Crossing
- Sanco
- Sanctuary
- Sand
- Sand Branch
- Sand Flat
- Sand Flats
- Sand Hill
- Sand Lake
- Sand Ridge
- Sand Springs
- Sandhill
- Sandjack
- Sandlin
- Sandoval
- Sandow
- Sandpiper
- Sandpiper Village
- Sandune
- Sandusky
- Sandy
- Sandy Acres
- Sandy Fork
- Sandy Harbor
- Sandy Hill
- Sandy Hills
- Sandy Point
- Santa Catarina
- Santa Clara
- Santa Cruz
- Santa Elena Crossing
- Santa Margarita
- Santa Monica
- Santa Rita
- Santo Tomas
- Sapoak
- Sarber
- Sarco
- Sardis
- Saron
- Sash
- Saspamco
- Satsuma
- Sattler
- Saturn
- Sauney Stand
- Savage
- Saxet
- Sayers
- Sayersville
- Scallorn
- Scarsdale
- Scatter Branch
- Scenic Brook
- Scenic Hills
- Scenic Oaks
- Scenic Woods
- Scenic Woods Plaza
- Scharbauer City
- Schattel
- Schicke Point Community
- School Hill
- Schoolerville
- Schoolland
- Schroeder
- Schumannsville
- Schwab City
- Science Hall
- Scissors
- Scobee
- Scofield
- Scott
- Scott Crossing
- Scottcrest
- Scotts Corner
- Scotts Crossing
- Scranton
- Scrapping Valley
- Scurlock
- Sea Breeze
- Sea Isle
- Seagate
- Seale
- Seaman
- Seaton
- Seawillow
- Sebastopol
- Seclusion
- Seco Mines
- Second Corinth
- Second Crossing
- Security
- Sedalia
- Sedgewood
- Sedwick
- Seeligson
- Seger
- Segovia
- Sejita
- Selden
- Selfs
- Selman
- Senate
- Senterfitt
- Sequoya Bend
- Serbin
- Serenada
- Seth
- Seth Ward
- Settegast
- Settlers Village
- Seven Heart Crossing
- Seven Knobs
- Seven L Crossing
- Seven Oaks
- Seven Pines
- Seven Sisters
- Sevenmile Corner
- Seventeen Mile Crossing
- Sexton
- Sexton City
- Seymore
- Shadow Glen
- Shadow Oaks
- Shadowland
- Shady Acres
- Shady Grove
- Shady Hollow
- Shady Oaks
- Shady Shores
- Shady Timbers
- Shadycrest
- Shafter
- Shamrock Manor
- Shamrock Shores
- Shangri La
- Shanklerville
- Shannon
- Shannon Forest
- Sharp
- Sharpstown
- Sharyland
- Shaufler
- Shaw
- Shawnee
- Shawnee Prairie
- Shaws Bend
- Shawville
- Sheeks
- Sheerin
- Shelby
- Sheldon
- Sheldon Acres
- Shell Ridge
- Shenandoah
- Shep
- Shepherd Trace
- Shepton
- Sheraton Oaks
- Sherlock
- Sherry
- Sherwood
- Sherwood Oaks
- Sherwood Shores
- Sherwood Trails Village
- Shields
- Shiloh
- Shire
- Shirley
- Shirley Creek
- Shive
- Shoreacres
- Shorewood
- Short
- Shortall
- Shorts Corner
- Shotgun Crossing
- Shovel Mountain
- Shumla
- Sienna Plantation
- Sierra Chino
- Siesta Shores
- Silas
- Siloam
- Silver City
- Silver Creek Village
- Silver Hills
- Silver Lake
- Silver Pines
- Silver Valley
- Silvermill
- Simmons
- Simmons Bottom
- Simmonsville
- Simpsonville
- Sims
- Simsboro
- Sinclair City
- Singletary Sites
- Singleton
- Sion
- Sipe Springs
- Sivells Bend
- Six Point
- Sixmile
- Sixmile Crossing
- Sixteen Corner Windmill
- Sixteen Mile Crossing
- Skeen
- Skeeterville
- Skellyville
- Skinner Town
- Sky Harbor
- Skyscraper Shadows
- Slab Crossing
- Slabtown
- Slate Shoals
- Slater
- Slayden
- Sleepy Hollow
- Slide
- Sligo
- Sloan
- Smada
- Small
- Smallwood Terrace
- Smeltertown
- Smetana
- Smith
- Smith Grove
- Smith Hill
- Smith Oaks
- Smith Point
- Smithdale
- Smithfield
- Smithland
- Smiths Bend
- Smiths Bluff
- Smithson Valley
- Smithwick
- Smoot
- Smyrna
- Smyth Crossing
- Sneedville
- Snipe
- Snow Hill
- Snuff Ridge
- Snug Harbor
- Soda Springs
- Sodville
- Solino
- Solis
- Solis Landing
- Solms
- Somerall
- Sommers Mill
- Soncy
- Songwood
- Sonoma
- Sorghumville
- Sorrelle
- Soules Chapel
- South Acres
- South Alamo
- South Bosque
- South Brice
- South Camp
- South Dayton
- South Elm
- South Franklin
- South Hanlon
- South Haven
- South Houston Gardens
- South Jonestown Hills
- South Lawn
- South Liberty
- South Main Plaza
- South Mountain
- South Point
- South Purmela
- South Salem
- South San Pedro
- South Shore
- South Shore Village
- South Sulphur
- South Texarkana
- South Toledo Bend
- Southbrook
- Southdown
- Southdown Village
- Southland Acres
- Southton
- Southwest Manor
- Southwyck
- Sowells Bluff
- Sowers
- Spanish Fort
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Village
- Sparenberg
- Sparks
- Sparks Crossing
- Speaks
- Spear
- Spears Village
- Specht Store
- Speegleville
- Sperry
- Spicewood Springs
- Spider Mountain
- Spillers Store
- Spindletop
- Spivey Crossing
- Splawn
- Spofford
- Spraberry
- Spring Branch Acres
- Spring Branch Gardens
- Spring Creek
- Spring Creek Forest
- Spring Forest
- Spring Hill
- Spring Hills
- Spring Lakes
- Spring Meadows
- Spring Oaks
- Spring Seat
- Spring Shadows
- Spring Valley
- Spring Valley Village
- Spring Woods
- Springdale
- Springfield
- Springs Hill
- Sprinkle
- Spurlin
- Squaw Mountain
- Stacy
- Staff
- Stag Creek
- Stagecoach
- Stairtown
- Staley
- Stallwitz Lake
- Stampede
- Stamps
- Standart
- Stanfield
- Star Harbor
- Star Route
- Stark
- Starrville
- Startzville
- State Line
- Steedham
- Steele Hill
- Steen
- Steep Creek
- Steep Hollow
- Stegall
- Stekoll Camp
- Stellar
- Stephen Creek
- Stephens Crossing
- Sterley
- Sterling Forest
- Sterling Green
- Sterling Green South
- Sterling Knoll
- Sterling Wood
- Sterrett
- Sterrett Hill
- Stevens
- Stewards Mill
- Stewart
- Stiles
- Stillwell Crossing
- Stilson
- Stingaree
- Stith
- Stockard
- Stockholm
- Stockman
- Stolz
- Stone City
- Stone Heights
- Stone Point
- Stoneburg
- Stoneham
- Stony
- Stout
- Stowers Corner Windmill
- Strain
- Stranger
- Strathmore
- Stratton
- Streeter
- Strickland Crossing
- Stricklin Springs
- String Prairie
- Strington
- Stringtown
- Strip Crossing
- Strong
- Structure
- Stubblefield
- Stubbs
- Stude
- Study Butte
- Stumptown
- Sturdivant
- Sturgeon
- Styx
- Sublett
- Sudduth
- Sugar Mill
- Sugar Valley
- Suggs
- Sulphur
- Sumer Hill
- Summerville
- Summerwood
- Sun City
- Sun Meadow
- Sun Valley
- Sundown Glen
- Sunny Side
- Sunny Side Post Office
- Sunnylane
- Sunnyside
- Sunnyside Gardens
- Sunpark
- Sunrise
- Sunrise Acres
- Sunrise Beach Village
- Sunset Meadows
- Sunset Oaks
- Sunshine
- Sunwood
- Surf Oaks
- Surfside
- Surfside Beach
- Sutton
- Suttons Mill
- Swan
- Swansons Landing
- Swartout
- Swearingen
- Sweet Union
- Swenson
- Swift
- Swiftex
- Swiss Alp
- Sycamore
- Sylvan
- Sylvan Beach
- Sheppard AFB
- Starr Colonia
- Salineno
- Sioux Terrace Colonia
- South Lake
- St Paul
- Sulphur Spgs
- Saint Clair Acres Colonia
- Sansom Park
- Salinas Colonia
- San Fernando Colonia
- Sanchez Colonia
- South Tower Estates Colonia
- San Juan South Estates Colonia
- Spark's Addition Colonia
- Stardust Colonia
- Saint Claire Fisher Colonia
- Siez Tract Colonia
- Stuart Place
- Santa Cruz Number 2 Colonia
- Share 52 Colonia
- Sherwood Place
- Sunrise Hill Colonia
- Southside Place
- Stephens County Airport
- San Juan East Colonia
- Seville Park Number 1 Colonia
- Sauceda Colonia
- Sunset Acres Colonia
- Stewart Colonia
- Santa Elena Colonia
- Sunrise Estates Number 1 Colonia
- Silverado Colonia
- Swinney Switch
- San Pedro Colonia
- Shary Country Acres Colonia
- Sonterra
- Savannah
- South Palm Gardens Estates Number 1 Colonia
- South Fork Colonia
- Sioux Terrace South Colonia
- Sauz Creek Colonia
- Stonegate Colonia Number 1
- Sunshine Colonia
- Spring Gardens Colonia
- Southfork Estates Colonia
- Seward Junction
- Serendipity Way Colonia
- South Palm Gardens Estates Number 2 Colonia
- Salida del Sol Estates Colonia
- Salinas-Hinojosa Colonia
- Seventh Street Addition Colonia
- Socorro Mission Number 1 Colonia
- South Fork Estates
- Sunrise Estates Number 2 Colonia
- Siesta Shores 1 Colonia
- Santa Cruz Orange Gardens Colonia
- Stewart South Colonia
- Santa Cruz Estates Colonia
- San Ignacio Viejo Unit 2 Colonia
- Sno-Bird Estates Number 2 Colonia
- San Carlos Acres Colonia
- Sherwood Forest Colonia
- Saldivar Colonia
- Siesta Shores Section A Colonia
- Sanchez Ranch Colonia
- Schunior's Colonia
- Sun Valley Estates Number 1 Colonia
- S Texarkana
- Seminary Village Colonia
- Sandy Oaks
- Stewart Place Colonia
- Saint Paul Estates Colonia
- Siesta Village Number 2 Colonia
- Sunset Colonia
- Swinney Swtch
- Sienna Plant
- SH 88-15 North-4 West Colonia
- S Padre Isle
- Stephensons Colonia
- Taft
- Tahoka
- Talco
- Talpa
- Tarpley
- Tarzan
- Tatum
- Taylor
- Teague
- Tehuacana
- Telegraph
- Telephone
- Telferner
- Tell
- Temple
- Tenaha
- Tennessee Colony
- Tennyson
- Terlingua
- Terrell
- Texarkana
- Texas City
- Texline
- The Colony
- The Hills
- The Woodlands
- Thicket
- Thomaston
- Thompsons
- Thorndale
- Thornton
- Thrall
- Three Rivers
- Throckmorton
- Tilden
- Timpson
- Tioga
- Tivoli
- Tokio
- Tolar
- Tom Bean
- Tomball
- Tornillo
- Tow
- Toyah
- Toyahvale
- Trent
- Trenton
- Trinidad
- Trinity
- Troup
- Troy
- Tuleta
- Tulia
- Turkey
- Turnertown
- Tuscola
- Tye
- Tyler
- Tynan
- Tabor
- Tacubaya
- Tadmor
- Taiton
- Talbert Crossing
- Tall Cedars
- Talley
- Tallowwood
- Talty
- Tam Anne
- Tamberg
- Tamina
- Tanglewood
- Tanglewood Forest
- Tankersley
- Tanner Settlement
- Tarrant
- Tarrytown
- Tascosa
- Tascosa Hills
- Tate Springs
- Tatsie
- Tatsie Crossing
- Tavener
- Taylor Lake Village
- Taylor Landing
- Taylor Town
- Taylorsville
- Tazewell
- Tealbrook Reservation
- Teaselville
- Tecula
- Telico
- Temco
- Temple Springs
- Teneryville
- Tenmile
- Tenmile Crossing
- Tennessee
- Terlingua Abaja
- Terrace
- Terramar Beach
- Terramare
- Terranova
- Terrell Hills
- Terrell Wells
- Terry
- Terry Chapel
- Terryville
- Tesco
- Tesnus
- Texhoma
- Texla
- Texon
- Texroy
- Thalia
- The Crossroads
- The Divide
- The Forest
- The Grove
- The Oaks of Woodlake
- Thedford
- Thelma
- Theodore
- Theon
- Thermo
- Third Crossing
- Thomas
- Thomas Crossing
- Thompson Grove
- Thompsonville
- Thorn Hill
- Thornberry
- Thorne
- Thorntonville
- Thornwood
- Thorp Spring
- Three Corner Windmill
- Three Lakes East
- Three Leagues
- Three Oaks
- Three Points
- Three States
- Three Way
- Thrift
- Thrifty
- Thunderbird West
- Thurber
- Tidwell
- Tidwell Prairie
- Tierra Bonita
- Tierra Grande
- Tiffany Gardens
- Tiffin
- Tigertown
- Tigerville
- Tigua
- Tiki Island
- Tilmon
- Timber Forest
- Timber Grove Manor
- Timber Lane
- Timber Oaks
- Timbercreek Canyon
- Timberlane Acres
- Timberwood
- Timesville
- Tin Top
- Tinaja
- Tira
- Titley
- Tivett
- Tivydale
- Tobacco Patch
- Toco
- Todd
- Todd City
- Todd Mission
- Todville
- Togo
- Toland
- Tolbert
- Toledo
- Tolette
- Tolosa
- Toluca
- Tomlinson Hill
- Tool
- Topsey
- Torian
- Toronto
- Tours
- Tower Lake
- Tower Oak Bend
- Tower Oak Plaza
- Tower Oaks
- Tower Oaks Meadows
- Town Bluff
- Town West
- Townpark
- Townsend
- Tracy
- Tradewinds
- Trammels
- Travis
- Traweek Gardens
- Trawick
- Treasure Island
- Treichel
- Tres Papalotes
- Trevat
- Triangle
- Tribune
- Trickham
- Trinity Mills
- Trio
- Tripp
- Trophy Club
- Trotti
- Trout Creek
- Truby
- Truce
- True
- Trumbull
- Truscott
- Tubbs Corner
- Tucker
- Tuckers Corner
- Tuff
- Tulane
- Tulip
- Tulsita
- Tundra
- Tunis
- Tupelo
- Turcotte
- Turkey Hollow
- Turlington
- Turnbaugh Corner
- Turner
- Turnersville
- Turney
- Turtle Bayou
- Turtle Cove
- Turtle Lake
- Tuxedo
- Twentymile Crossing
- Twichell
- Twin City
- Twin Creek
- Twin Grove
- Twin Mill
- Twin Mountains
- Twin Sisters
- Twitty
- Two F Crossing
- Two Worlds
- Type
- Tyson
- Timberhill Villa Colonia
- Tolle Colonia
- Todds Colonia Number 2
- Trenton Acres Colonia
- Thomas Ortega Colonia
- Timon and Morgan Colonia
- Tagle Colonia Number 1
- Travis Road Colonia
- Tierra Maria Colonia
- Timberhill Villa Number 4 Colonia
- Tierra Dorada Colonia
- Tres Amigos Colonia
- Texas City Terminal Junction
- Texas City Junction
- Tower Heights Colonia
- Towne East Colonia Number 1
- Turf Estates Number 1 Colonia
- Tropicana Colonia
- Tiejerina Estates Colonia
- Trenton Manor Colonia
- Trevino Colonia
- Tolle Colonia Number 2
- Thrasher Terrace Colonia
- Tierra Bonita Number 1 Colonia
- Tierra Bonita Number 2 Colonia
- Timber Lake Estates
- Trosper Road Colonia
- Twin Lake Colonia
- Tierra del Valle Colonia
- Triple R Number 1 Colonia
- Tierra Estates Colonia
- Triple C Colonia
- Tenn Colony
- Timbercrk Cyn
- Umbarger
- Universal City
- Utopia
- Uvalde
- Uhland
- Ultzville
- Uncertain
- Underwood
- Union
- Union Center
- Union Grave
- Union Grove
- Union High
- Union Hill
- Union Valley
- Unity
- University Green
- University Oaks
- University Park Village
- Upper Meyersville
- Upshaw
- Upton
- Urbana
- Urebeno
- Utley
- University Park
- Uvalde Estates
- Uvalde Colonia
- Universal Estates Colonia
- Umberto Garcia Junior Colonia
- Valentine
- Valera
- Valley Mills
- Valley Spring
- Valley View
- Van
- Van Alstyne
- Van Horn
- Van Vleck
- Vancourt
- Vanderbilt
- Vanderpool
- Vega
- Venus
- Verhalen
- Veribest
- Vernon
- Victoria
- Vidor
- Village Mills
- Vinton
- Voca
- Von Ormy
- Voss
- Votaw
- Vacarro Manor
- Vahlsing
- Vair
- Val Verde
- Val Verde East
- Valdasta
- Valdina Farms
- Valley Farms
- Valley Grove
- Valley Hi
- Valley Ridge
- Valley Wells
- Van Pelt
- Van Raub
- Van Sickle
- Vance
- Vandalia
- Vandyke
- Vanva Settlement
- Varisco
- Vasco
- Vashti
- Vattman
- Vattmannville
- Vaughan
- Veach
- Vealmoor
- Velasco
- Velasco Heights
- Vemo
- Venable
- Venadito
- Venetia
- Ventura
- Vera
- Vera Cruz
- Verbena
- Verde Mills
- Verdi
- Verhelle
- Verona
- Vesrue
- Vessey
- Viboras
- Vick
- Vicksburg
- Victor
- Victory
- Victory City
- Vidaurri
- Vienna
- View
- Viewpoint
- Vilas
- Villa
- Villa Cavazos
- Villa del Sol
- Villa Nueva
- Villa Pancho
- Villa Siesta Retirement Village
- Villa Verde
- Village Green
- Village Grove
- Village of Oak Lakes
- Villareales
- Vincent
- Vinegarone
- Vineyard
- Vinson
- Viola
- Violet
- Virginia Hill
- Virginia Point
- Vista
- Vistula
- Vita Villas
- Viterbo
- Vivian
- Volente
- Volga
- Vontress
- Voth
- Vsetin
- Vysehrad
- Victoria Colonia
- Valle Vista Colonia
- Valle Alto Number 1 Colonia
- Villa Donna Colonia
- Valley View Estates Colonia
- Valle Verde Colonia
- Venecia Colonia
- Villas del Valle Colonia
- Valle Alto Number 2 Colonia
- Vanham Addition Colonia
- Victory Place Colonia
- Vista Larga Number 2 Colonia
- Vista Larga Colonia
- Villa Cavazos Colonia
- Villa Nueva Colonia
- Val Verde Park Number 2 Colonia
- Val Bar Estate Colonia
- Valley Junction
- Victoria Acres Colonia
- Villa Capri Colonia
- Valley Rancheros Colonia
- Val Verde Park Colonia
- Vlg O the Hls
- Valle Hermosa Colonia
- Victoria Belen Colonia
- Villa Pancho Colonia
- Valle de Oro
- Waco
- Wadsworth
- Waelder
- Waka
- Wake Village
- Walburg
- Wall
- Waller
- Wallis
- Wallisville
- Walnut Springs
- Warda
- Waring
- Warren
- Warrenton
- Washington
- Waskom
- Watauga
- Water Valley
- Waxahachie
- Wayside
- Weatherford
- Webberville
- Webster
- Weesatche
- Weimar
- Weinert
- Weir
- Welch
- Wellborn
- Wellington
- Wellman
- Wells
- Weslaco
- West
- West Columbia
- West Point
- Westbrook
- Westhoff
- Westminster
- Weston
- Wetmore
- Wharton
- Wheeler
- Wheelock
- White Deer
- White Oak
- White Settlement
- Whiteface
- Whitehouse
- Whitesboro
- Whitewright
- Whitharral
- Whitney
- Whitsett
- Whitt
- Wichita Falls
- Wickett
- Wiergate
- Wildorado
- Willis
- Willow City
- Willow Park
- Wills Point
- Wilmer
- Wilson
- Wimberley
- Winchester
- Windom
- Windthorst
- Winfield
- Wingate
- Wink
- Winnie
- Winnsboro
- Winona
- Winters
- Woden
- Wolfe City
- Wolfforth
- Woodlake
- Woodlawn
- Woodsboro
- Woodson
- Woodville
- Woodway
- Wortham
- Wrightsboro
- Wylie
- Wadley
- Wagner
- Wake
- Wakefield
- Walcott
- Walda
- Waldeck
- Walden
- Walden on Lake Houston
- Walden Woods
- Waldenwood
- Waldon Place Windmill
- Waldrip
- Walhalla
- Walker Crossing
- Walker Village
- Walkers Mill
- Walkerton
- Wallace
- Wallsville Gardens
- Walnut Bend
- Walnut Forest
- Walnut Grove
- Walnut Hills
- Walnut Ridge
- Walton
- Waltonia
- Wamba
- Wampler
- Waneta
- Waples
- Ward
- Ward Creek
- Ward Prairie
- Ward Spring
- Wardlaw
- Ware
- Waresville
- Warfield
- Warlock
- Warren City
- Warren Springs
- Warsaw
- Warsaw Center
- Warwick
- Washburn
- Wasson
- Wastella
- Waterbury
- Waterford
- Waterloo
- Waterman
- Waters Bluff
- Waterwood
- Watkins
- Watson
- Watsonville
- Watt
- Watterson
- Watts
- Waukegan
- Waverly
- Wayland
- Wealthy
- Weatherly
- Weaver
- Webb
- Webb Village
- Webbville
- Weches
- Weedhaven
- Weeks Settlement
- Weeping Mary
- Wehdem
- Weiland
- Weiss Bluff
- Welcome
- Welcome Valley
- Welder
- Weldon
- Weldon Pines
- Welfare
- Wells Branch
- Wells Creek
- Wellswood
- Wendell
- Wendt
- Wentworth
- Weschester
- Wesco
- Weser
- Wesley
- Wesley Grove
- West Bluff
- West Carlisle
- West Crest
- West Delta
- West Glen
- West Lake Hills
- West Lea
- West Livingston
- West Midway
- West Mineola
- West Mountain
- West New Hope
- West Oakland
- West Oaks
- West Oaks Village
- West Odessa
- West Orange
- West Pearsall
- West Port Arthur
- West Saint Paul
- West Sharyland
- West Sinton
- West Sweden
- West Tawakoni
- West Tempe
- West Wind
- Westbank
- Westbourne
- Westbury
- Westbury South
- Westcliff
- Westcott
- Westdale
- Western Homes
- Western Lake
- Westfield
- Westfield Village
- Westgreen
- Westhampton
- Westhaven
- Westlake
- Westlake Forest
- Westlake Village
- Westland
- Weston Lakes
- Westover
- Westover Hills
- Westpark Village
- Westphalia
- Westview Terrace
- Westville
- Westway
- Westways
- Westwick
- Westwood
- Westwood Village
- Westworth
- Westworth Village
- Wetsel
- Whaley
- Whaley Corner
- Whatley
- Wheatland
- Wheeler Springs
- Whiskey Ford
- Whispering Lakes
- Whispering Pines
- White City
- White Hall
- White Mound
- White Oak Springs
- White Rock
- White Shed
- White Stone
- Whiteflat
- Whitehall
- Whitehead
- Whiteland
- Whiterock
- Whitestar
- Whiteway
- Whitman
- Whitson
- Whitton
- Whon
- Wicker
- Wied
- Wiedeville
- Wieland
- Wiggins
- Wigginsville
- Wilco
- Wilcox
- Wild Hurst
- Wild Peach
- Wild Peach Village
- Wilderness Trails
- Wilderville
- Wildheather
- Wildwood
- Wilhelm
- Wilkins
- Wilkinson
- Willamar
- Willchester
- William Penn
- Williams
- Williams Chase
- Williamsburg
- Williamsburg Colony
- Williamsburg Hamlet
- Williamsburg Parish
- Williamsburg Parish II
- Williamsburg Settlement
- Williamson
- Williamson Settlement
- Willman
- Willow
- Willow Bend
- Willow Brook
- Willow Creek
- Willow Forest
- Willow Grove
- Willow Point
- Willow Run
- Willow Spring
- Willow Springs
- Willowood
- Willowview
- Wilmeth
- Wilsey
- Wimbledon Champions
- Wimbledon Country
- Winchell
- Winchester Country
- Windcrest
- Windemere
- Windfern Forest
- Windsong
- Windsor
- Windsor Forest
- Windsor Park Lakes
- Windstone
- Windwood
- Windy Hill
- Winedale
- Winkler
- Winningkoff
- Winscott
- Winslow
- Winter Haven
- Winter Hill
- Winterfield
- Winterwood Village
- Wise
- Witco
- Withers
- Witting
- Wixon Valley
- Wizard Wells
- Wokaty
- Wolf Creek
- Womack
- Wonderland Forest
- Wood Creek
- Wood Fern
- Wood Forest
- Wood Forest North
- Wood Hi
- Wood Hollow
- Wood Springs
- Woodal Farm
- Woodbine
- Woodbranch
- Woodbury
- Woodcreek
- Woodcrest Acres
- Wooded Hills
- Woodedge Village
- Woodglen
- Woodhaven
- Woodland
- Woodland Acres
- Woodland Heights
- Woodland Hills
- Woodland Hills Village
- Woodland Oaks
- Woodland Trails North
- Woodloch
- Woodmeadow
- Woodridge
- Woodrow
- Woods
- Woods of Lakeside
- Woods of Wimbledon
- Woodsdale
- Woodside
- Woodside Plaza
- Woodsons
- Woodstock
- Woodward
- Woosley
- Wooster
- Worsham
- Worthing
- Wright
- Wright City
- Wuthrich Hill
- Wyldwood
- Wynne
- Wynnewood Acres
- Westchester Estates
- Westwood Park
- Wendy Acres Colonia
- Winkler County Airport
- Wood Colonia
- West Side
- Ware Country Colonia
- Wolters Village
- Whispering Oaks Estates Colonia
- West Houston Airport
- Warren Allen Road Colonia
- West Highway Colonia
- West University Place
- Western Estates Number 1 Colonia
- White Oak Junction
- Westview Heights Colonia
- Windsong Village Colonia
- Ware West Colonia
- W J Ranch Colonia
- Walnut Spgs
- Welch Tract Colonia
- Walston Farms Colonia
- Woodlake Park
- Wilton Acres Colonia
- Westgate Estates Colonia
- Woodburn Place
- Wasicek Colonia
- Winter Valley Estates
- W Lake Hills
- Wht Settlemt
- Y
- Z