All loads in Minnesota, MN
Truck loads found (real-time):
- Origin
- Destination
- Pickup
- Size Weight
- Miles
- Equipment Type
- Credit Score
- Details
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score103/34
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL18312 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/35
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL1000 lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score99/35
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score98/36
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score103/34
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightLTL16000 lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score103/25
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL45000 lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score100/31
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL- lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score97/37
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL46000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score98/36
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score103/34
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Major Minnesota (MN) cities:
All cities with truck loads:
- Ada
- Adams
- Adolph
- Adrian
- Afton
- Aitkin
- Akeley
- Albany
- Albert Lea
- Alberta
- Albertville
- Alborn
- Alden
- Aldrich
- Alexandria
- Almelund
- Alpha
- Altura
- Alvarado
- Amboy
- Andover
- Angle Inlet
- Angora
- Angus
- Annandale
- Anoka
- Apple Valley
- Appleton
- Arco
- Arden Hills
- Argyle
- Arlington
- Ashby
- Askov
- Atwater
- Audubon
- Aurora
- Austin
- Avoca
- Avon
- Acheson Mobile Home Village
- Acton
- Airlie
- Albion Center
- Albright
- Alder
- Alford
- Alger
- Alida
- Allen
- Alma City
- Almora
- Alvwood
- Amherst
- Amiret
- Amor
- Andree
- Andrusia
- Andyville
- Anglim
- Anthony
- Arago
- Arbutus
- Arcola
- Arendahl
- Argonne
- Arlberg
- Armour Number Two Mine
- Armstrong
- Arnold
- Arthyde
- Artichoke
- Asbury
- Ash Creek
- Ash Lake
- Assumption
- Atkinson
- Atwood
- Augusta
- Aure
- Austin Acres
- Automba
- Avalon
- Averill
- Antlers Park
- Anderson Court
- Allansons Park
- Babbitt
- Backus
- Badger
- Bagley
- Baker
- Balaton
- Barnesville
- Barnum
- Barrett
- Barry
- Battle Lake
- Baudette
- Baxter
- Bayport
- Beardsley
- Beaver Bay
- Beaver Creek
- Becker
- Bejou
- Belgrade
- Bellchester
- Belle Plaine
- Bellingham
- Beltrami
- Belview
- Bemidji
- Bena
- Benedict
- Benson
- Bertha
- Bethel
- Big Falls
- Big Lake
- Bigelow
- Bigfork
- Bingham Lake
- Birchdale
- Bird Island
- Biwabik
- Blackduck
- Blaine
- Blomkest
- Blooming Prairie
- Bloomington
- Blue Earth
- Bluffton
- Bock
- Borup
- Bovey
- Bowlus
- Bowstring
- Boy River
- Boyd
- Braham
- Brainerd
- Brandon
- Breckenridge
- Brewster
- Bricelyn
- Brimson
- Britt
- Brook Park
- Brooklyn Center
- Brooklyn Park
- Brooks
- Brookston
- Brooten
- Browerville
- Browns Valley
- Brownsdale
- Brownsville
- Brownton
- Bruno
- Buckman
- Buffalo
- Buffalo Lake
- Buhl
- Burnsville
- Burtrum
- Butterfield
- Buyck
- Byron
- Baden
- Badoura
- Bailey
- Bain
- Bald Eagle
- Bald Eagle Center
- Ball Bluff
- Ball Club
- Balsam
- Bancroft
- Banning
- Baptism Crossing
- Barden
- Baroda
- Barrows
- Bartlett
- Bass Brook
- Bassett
- Basswood
- Basswood Grove
- Bath
- Bay Lake
- Bayview
- Bear River
- Bear Valley
- Beauford
- Beaulieu
- Beaver
- Beaver Crossing
- Beaver Falls
- Bechyn
- Becida
- Beckville
- Bee
- Bel Air Mobile Manor
- Belden
- Bell Harbor
- Bellaire
- Belle Creek
- Belle Haven
- Belle Prairie
- Belle River
- Bellechester
- Belvidere Mills
- Ben Linn Landing
- Bengal
- Bennett
- Bennettville
- Benning
- Benoit
- Benson Mobile Manor
- Benton
- Bergen
- Bergville
- Bernadotte
- Berne
- Berner
- Berning Mill
- Beroun
- Bethany
- Big Bear Landing
- Big Bend City
- Big Lake Chapel
- Big Spring
- Big Stone Colony
- Big Woods
- Birch
- Birch Beach
- Birchmont
- Birchwood
- Birchwood Village
- Biscay
- Bixby
- Black Hammer
- Blackberry
- Blackhoof
- Blakeley
- Blomford
- Bloomington Ferry
- Blue Grass
- Bodum
- Boisberg
- Bombay
- Bonanza Grove
- Bonga Landing
- Bongards
- Bonnie Glen
- Border
- Bradford
- Branch
- Bratsberg
- Breda
- Breezy Point
- Bremen
- Brennyville
- Brevik
- Brickton
- Bridgeman
- Briggs Lake
- Bristol
- Brittmount
- Brooklyn
- Brownell
- Bruce
- Brunswick
- Brush Creek
- Brushvale
- Bucks Mill
- Bucksnort
- Buffalo Manor East
- Bufflao Manor
- Bunde
- Burchard
- Burnett
- Burntside
- Burntside Lake
- Burr
- Burschville
- Burwell
- Bush Landing
- Butler
- Butternut
- Bygland
- Brooklyn Ctr
- Burns Township
- Big Lake Estates
- Blmng Prairie
- Caledonia
- Callaway
- Calumet
- Cambridge
- Campbell
- Canby
- Cannon Falls
- Canton
- Canyon
- Carlos
- Carlton
- Carver
- Cass Lake
- Castle Rock
- Cedar
- Center City
- Centerville
- Ceylon
- Champlin
- Chandler
- Chanhassen
- Chaska
- Chatfield
- Chisago City
- Chisholm
- Chokio
- Circle Pines
- Clara City
- Claremont
- Clarissa
- Clarkfield
- Clarks Grove
- Clear Lake
- Clearbrook
- Clearwater
- Clements
- Cleveland
- Climax
- Clinton
- Clitherall
- Clontarf
- Cloquet
- Cohasset
- Cokato
- Cold Spring
- Coleraine
- Collegeville
- Cologne
- Columbia Heights
- Comfrey
- Comstock
- Conger
- Cook
- Coon Rapids
- Correll
- Cosmos
- Cottage Grove
- Cotton
- Cottonwood
- Courtland
- Crane Lake
- Cromwell
- Crookston
- Crosby
- Crosslake
- Crystal
- Culver
- Currie
- Cushing
- Cyrus
- Cable
- Calhoun Beach
- Cambria
- Canisteo
- Cannon City
- Caribou
- Carimona
- Carlisle
- Carman Terrace
- Carmel
- Carmody
- Carp
- Carpenters Corner
- Carver Beach
- Casco
- Casey
- Cashtown
- Casino
- Casperson
- Castle Danger
- Cazenovia
- Cedar Beach
- Cedar Grove
- Cedar Lake
- Cedar Mills
- Cee Jefferson
- Celina
- Central
- Central Lakes
- Cerro Gordo
- Chamberlain
- Charlesville
- Cherry
- Cherry Grove
- Chester
- Chickamaw Beach
- Childs
- Chippewa City
- Choice
- Churchill
- City Trailer Park Number One
- Clappers
- Claremont Mobile Homes
- Claybank
- Clear View
- Clementson
- Clifton
- Clinton Falls
- Clotho
- Cloverdale
- Cloverleaf Mobile Home Community
- Cloverton
- Clyde
- Coates
- Cobden
- Coffee Pot Landing
- Coin
- Colby
- Collis
- Columbus
- Comus
- Conception
- Concord
- Coney Island
- Constance
- Cooley
- Coon Creek
- Coon Lake Beach
- Coopers Corner
- Copas
- Corcoran
- Cordova
- Cormorant
- Corning
- Corona
- Cort
- Corvuso
- Country Acres
- Cove
- Covill
- Craigville
- Cramer
- Credit River
- Crescent Beach
- Crescent Drive Mobile Village
- Cresson
- Croftville
- Crosby Beach
- Cross Lake
- Crow River
- Crow Wing
- Crown
- Crystal Bay
- Crystal Spring
- Cummingsville
- Current Lake
- Cusson
- Cutler
- Cuyuna
- Camp Ripley Junction
- Camp Ripley ARNG Training Site
- Chicago Lake
- Clearwater Estates
- Cardigan Junction
- Crookston Junction
- Croix Estates
- Colony Court
- Cedar E Bethl
- Dakota
- Dalbo
- Dalton
- Danube
- Danvers
- Darfur
- Darwin
- Dassel
- Dawson
- Dayton
- De Graff
- Deer Creek
- Deer River
- Deerwood
- Delano
- Delavan
- Dellwood
- Dennison
- Dent
- Detroit Lakes
- Dexter
- Dilworth
- Dodge Center
- Donaldson
- Donnelly
- Doran
- Dover
- Dovray
- Duluth
- Dumont
- Dundas
- Dundee
- Dunnell
- Duquette
- Dads Corner
- Dahlgren
- Dakomin
- Dale
- Danesville
- Darling
- Davidson
- Davies
- Day
- Days High Landing
- De Forest
- Debs
- Deephaven
- Deer Lane
- Deer River Post Office
- Deerfield
- Delft
- Delhi
- Dell
- Delorme
- Denham
- Diamond Corner
- Ditter
- Domaas
- Donehower
- Dora Lake
- Dorothy
- Dorset
- Dotson
- Douglas
- Downer
- Doyle
- Dresbach
- Dudley
- Duelm
- Duesler
- Dugdale
- Duluth Heights
- Dumblane
- Dumfries
- Dunbar
- Dunvilla
- Dupont
- Duxbury
- Duluth Federal Prison
- Deer Park
- Dakota Junction
- Eagan
- Eagle Bend
- Eagle Lake
- East Bethel
- East Grand Forks
- East Gull Lake
- Easton
- Echo
- Eden Prairie
- Eden Valley
- Edgerton
- Edina
- Effie
- Eitzen
- Elbow Lake
- Eldred
- Elgin
- Elizabeth
- Elk River
- Elko
- Elkton
- Ellendale
- Ellsworth
- Elmore
- Elrosa
- Ely
- Elysian
- Embarrass
- Emily
- Emmons
- Erhard
- Erskine
- Esko
- Essig
- Euclid
- Evan
- Evansville
- Eveleth
- Excelsior
- Eyota
- Eagle Lake Regency
- Eagles Nest
- East Beaver Bay
- East Chain
- East Cottage Grove
- East Lake
- East Lake Francis Shores
- East Union
- Ebro
- Echols
- Eden
- Edgewood
- Edwards
- Eggleston
- Eidswold
- Elba
- Elbow Lake Village
- Elcor
- Eldes Corner
- Elevenmile Corner
- Elko New Market
- Ellerth
- Ellis
- Ellson
- Elmdale
- Elmer
- Emmaville
- Empire
- Enfield
- Englund
- Enok
- Epsom
- Erdahl
- Ericsburg
- Erie
- Espelie
- Esterdy
- Estes Brook
- Etna
- Etter
- Eureka
- Eureka Center
- Everdell
- Evergreen
- Evergreen Village
- E Grand Forks
- Evergreen Park
- Elm Estates
- Fairfax
- Fairmont
- Faribault
- Farmington
- Farwell
- Federal Dam
- Felton
- Fergus Falls
- Fertile
- Fifty Lakes
- Finland
- Finlayson
- Fisher
- Flensburg
- Flom
- Floodwood
- Foley
- Forbes
- Forest Lake
- Foreston
- Fort Ripley
- Fort Snelling
- Fosston
- Fountain
- Foxhome
- Franklin
- Frazee
- Freeborn
- Freeport
- Fridley
- Frontenac
- Frost
- Fulda
- Fairbanks
- Fairfield
- Fairhaven
- Fairland
- Faith
- Falcon Heights
- Farming
- Farris
- Faunce
- Fernando
- Fillmore
- Finkle
- Five Corners
- Five Points
- Flaming
- Fletcher
- Florence
- Florian
- Foldahl
- Foley Mobile Home Park South
- Fond du Lac
- Forada
- Forest Center
- Forest City
- Forest Grove
- Forest Lake Post Office
- Forest Mills
- Forestville
- Forsman
- Fort Saint Charles
- Fossum
- Foster
- Four Corners
- Four Town
- Fox
- Fox Lake
- Franconia
- Fredenberg
- Freeburg
- Freedhem
- Freeman
- Freiheit Spring
- Fremont
- French
- French Lake
- French River
- Friesland
- Frogner
- Frontier
- Fruitville
- Funkley
- Fairmont Estates
- Forest Knolls Estates
- Garden City
- Garrison
- Garvin
- Gary
- Gatzke
- Gaylord
- Geneva
- Georgetown
- Gheen
- Ghent
- Gibbon
- Gilbert
- Gilman
- Glencoe
- Glenville
- Glenwood
- Glyndon
- Golden Valley
- Gonvick
- Good Thunder
- Goodhue
- Goodland
- Goodridge
- Graceville
- Granada
- Grand Marais
- Grand Meadow
- Grand Portage
- Grand Rapids
- Grandy
- Granite Falls
- Grasston
- Green Isle
- Greenbush
- Greenwald
- Grey Eagle
- Grove City
- Grygla
- Gully
- Garfield
- Garnes
- Gates Corner
- Gem Lake
- Gemmell
- Genoa
- Genola
- Gentilly
- Georgeville
- Gheen Corner
- Giese
- Gilfillan
- Girard
- Gladstone
- Glen
- Glen Lake
- Glendale
- Glendorado
- Glory
- Gloster
- Gluek
- Godahl
- Golden Hill
- Goldenrod
- Goodview
- Gordonsville
- Gotha
- Gowan
- Gracelock
- Graceton
- Graff
- Grainwood
- Grand Falls
- Grand Lake
- Grand View Heights
- Granger
- Grant
- Grass Lake
- Grayling
- Greaney
- Greely
- Green Valley
- Greendale Manor
- Greenfield
- Greenland
- Greenleaf
- Greenleafton
- Greenview
- Greenwood
- Greenwood Communities
- Gregory
- Grogan
- Groningen
- Grove Lake
- Groveland
- Guckeen
- Gunn
- Gutches Grove
- Guthrie
- Glenwood Junction
- Hackensack
- Hadley
- Hallock
- Halma
- Halstad
- Ham Lake
- Hamburg
- Hamel
- Hampton
- Hancock
- Hanley Falls
- Hanover
- Hanska
- Hardwick
- Harmony
- Harris
- Hartland
- Hastings
- Hatfield
- Hawick
- Hawley
- Hayfield
- Hayward
- Hazel Run
- Hector
- Henderson
- Hendricks
- Hendrum
- Henning
- Henriette
- Herman
- Hermantown
- Heron Lake
- Hewitt
- Hibbing
- Hill City
- Hillman
- Hills
- Hinckley
- Hines
- Hitterdal
- Hoffman
- Hokah
- Holdingford
- Holland
- Hollandale
- Holloway
- Holmes City
- Holt
- Holyoke
- Homer
- Hope
- Hopkins
- Houston
- Hovland
- Howard Lake
- Hoyt Lakes
- Hugo
- Humboldt
- Huntley
- Hutchinson
- Hackett
- Hader
- Hadler
- Hagan
- Haley
- Hallmark Terrace
- Hamilton
- Hammond
- Happy Wanderer
- Harding
- Harlis
- Harliss
- Harney
- Harold
- Hart
- Hartley Spur
- Hassman
- Hastings Mobile Home Terrace
- Hasty
- Haug
- Havana
- Hay Creek
- Haydenville
- Haypoint
- Hazel
- Hazeltine
- Hazelton
- Hazelwood
- Heatwole
- Heiberg
- Heidelberg
- Heinola
- Hendrickson Landing
- Henrytown
- Hidden Valley Mobile Home Village
- High Forest
- High Landing
- Highland
- Highwood
- Hillside Terrace Homes
- Hilltop
- Hillview
- Hinsdale
- Hixon
- Hoffmans Corner
- Hollywood
- Holman
- Hopper
- Hornby
- Horton
- Houpt
- Hubbard
- Hull
- Huntersville
- Huot
- Hutton
- Hydes Lake
- Hazel Park
- Heritage Estates
- Highland Park Estates
- Hunters Park
- Hollandale Junction
- I
- J
- Kanaranzi
- Kandiyohi
- Karlstad
- Kasota
- Kasson
- Keewatin
- Kelliher
- Kellogg
- Kelly Lake
- Kelsey
- Kennedy
- Kenneth
- Kensington
- Kent
- Kenyon
- Kerkhoven
- Kerrick
- Kettle River
- Kiester
- Kilkenny
- Kimball
- Kinney
- Klossner
- Knife River
- Kabekona Corner
- Kabetogama
- Keenan
- Kelly Landing
- Kennedy Landing
- Kenwood Gables
- Kerns
- Kerr
- Kettle Falls
- Kevin
- Key West
- Kimberly
- Kinbrae
- Kingsdale
- Kingsley Corner
- Kingston
- Kirk
- Kitzville
- Klondyke
- Knapp
- Komensky
- Koniska
- Kost
- Kragnes
- Kroschel
- Kingsway Estates
- La Crescent
- La Salle
- Lafayette
- Lake Benton
- Lake Bronson
- Lake City
- Lake Crystal
- Lake Elmo
- Lake George
- Lake Itasca
- Lake Lillian
- Lake Park
- Lake Wilson
- Lakefield
- Lakeland
- Lakeville
- Lamberton
- Lancaster
- Lanesboro
- Lansing
- Laporte
- Lastrup
- Lauderdale
- Le Center
- Le Roy
- Le Sueur
- Lengby
- Leonard
- Leota
- Lester Prairie
- Lewiston
- Lewisville
- Lindstrom
- Lino Lakes
- Lismore
- Litchfield
- Little Canada
- Little Falls
- Littlefork
- Loman
- Long Lake
- Long Prairie
- Longville
- Lonsdale
- Loretto
- Lowry
- Lucan
- Lutsen
- Luverne
- Lyle
- Lynd
- La Prairie
- LaBelle
- Lac qui Parle
- Lagoona Beach
- Lake Elysian
- Lake Eunice
- Lake Henry
- Lake Hubert
- Lake Netta
- Lake Saint Croix Beach
- Lake Sarah
- Lake Shore
- Lakeland Shores
- Lakeside
- Lakeview Terrace
- Lakewood
- Lamoille
- Lamson
- Landfall
- Langdon
- Langor
- Largo
- Larsmont
- Laurel
- Lauren
- Lavinia
- Lawler
- Lawndale
- Lawrence
- Lax Lake
- Leader
- Leaf Valley
- Leander
- Leavenworth
- Leetonia
- Legionville
- LeHillier
- Leighton
- Lemond
- Lennox
- Lenora
- Leo
- Leonidas
- Lerdal
- Lewis Lake
- Lexington
- Libby
- Lilydale
- Lime Creek
- Lincoln
- Linden
- Linden Grove
- Lindford
- Linwood
- Litomysl
- Little Chicago
- Little Marais
- Little Marais Postoffice
- Little Pine
- Little Rock
- Little Sauk
- Little Swan
- Lockhart
- Loerch
- London
- Long Beach
- Long Point
- Longworth
- Lorne
- Louisburg
- Louriston
- Lowville
- Luce
- Lucknow
- Luna
- Luxemburg
- Lydia
- Lyman
- Lyndale
- Lakeview Estates
- Landfall Village
- Mabel
- Madelia
- Madison
- Madison Lake
- Magnolia
- Mahnomen
- Mahtomedi
- Mahtowa
- Makinen
- Manchester
- Mankato
- Mantorville
- Maple Grove
- Maple Lake
- Maple Plain
- Mapleton
- Maplewood
- Marble
- Marcell
- Marietta
- Marine on Saint Croix
- Markville
- Marshall
- Max
- Mayer
- Maynard
- Mazeppa
- McGrath
- Mcgregor
- Mcintosh
- Meadowlands
- Medford
- Medicine Lake
- Melrose
- Melrude
- Menahga
- Mendota
- Mendota Heights
- Mentor
- Merrifield
- Middle River
- Milaca
- Milan
- Millville
- Milroy
- Miltona
- Minneapolis
- Minneota
- Minnesota City
- Minnesota Lake
- Minnetonka
- Minnetonka Beach
- Mizpah
- Montevideo
- Montgomery
- Monticello
- Montrose
- Moorhead
- Moose Lake
- Mora
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morristown
- Morton
- Motley
- Mound
- Mounds View
- Mountain Iron
- Mountain Lake
- Murdock
- Myrtle
- Madelia Mobile Village
- Mae
- Mahkonce
- Mahoning
- Maine
- Malcolm
- Mallory
- Malmo
- Malung
- Manannah
- Maney
- Manganese
- Manhattan Beach
- Manitou
- Manley
- Mansfield
- Maple
- Maple Bay
- Maple Hill
- Maple Island
- Maple Springs
- Mapleview
- March
- Margie
- Marion
- Markham
- Marna
- Martin Lake
- Martin Landing
- Marty
- Marysburg
- Marystown
- Matawan
- Mattson
- Mavie
- Mayhew
- Mayville
- McCauleyville
- McComber
- McDonalds Lakeview Terrace
- McKinley
- McNair
- Meadow Brook
- Meadow View Manor
- Medina
- Meire Grove
- Melby
- Melvin
- Meriden
- Merriam
- Merton
- Mesaba
- Midvale
- Midway
- Miesville
- Mildred
- Millersburg
- Millerville
- Miloma
- Minerva
- Minneiska
- Minnesota Boys Town
- Minnetonka Mills
- Minnetrista
- Minnewawa
- Mission
- Mission Creek
- Mission Farms
- Mitchell
- Mobile Court East
- Mobile Manor
- Moland
- Money Creek
- Morningside Terrace
- Morrill
- Mort
- Moscow
- Muckland
- Mudbaden
- Munger
- Murphy City
- Murray
- Murtaugh
- Muskoda
- Minnesota ANGB
- Moorehead State Clg
- Minn City
- Mc Grath
- Midland Junction
- Mendota Hts
- Missabe Junction
- Marine
- Maple Leaf Court
- Minetonka Mls
- Minnetnka Mls
- Nashua
- Nashwauk
- Nassau
- Naytahwaush
- Nelson
- Nerstrand
- Nett Lake
- Nevis
- New Auburn
- New Brighton
- New Germany
- New Hope
- New London
- New Market
- New Munich
- New Prague
- New Richland
- New Ulm
- New York Mills
- Newfolden
- Newport
- Nicollet
- Nielsville
- Nimrod
- Nisswa
- Norcross
- North Branch
- North Mankato
- North Oaks
- North Saint Paul
- Northfield
- Northome
- Northrop
- Norwood
- Noyes
- Nakoda
- Nansen
- Nary
- Nashville Center
- Nebish
- Nemadji
- New Duluth
- New Hartford
- New Rome
- New Sweden
- New Trier
- New Ulm Mobile Village
- Newburg
- Newhouse
- Nichols
- Nickerson
- Nicollet Landing
- Nicols
- Nicolville
- Nininger
- Nirvana
- Nodine
- Normania
- Norseland
- North Benton
- North Prairie
- North Redwood
- North Shore
- North Star
- Northcote
- Northdale
- Norway Lake
- Norwegian Grove
- Norwood Young America
- Nowthen
- Navarre
- New York Mls
- Norway Park
- Northview Court
- N Saint Paul
- Nya
- Oakland
- Oak Park Heights
- Oakdale
- Odessa
- Odin
- Ogema
- Ogilvie
- Okabena
- Oklee
- Olivia
- Onamia
- Ormsby
- Oronoco
- Orr
- Ortonville
- Osage
- Osakis
- Oslo
- Osseo
- Ostrander
- Ottertail
- Outing
- Owatonna
- Oak Park
- Oak Center
- Oak Grove
- Oak Knoll
- Oak Manor Mobile Home Village
- Oak Terrace
- Oakbury
- Oakport
- Oakridge
- Oaks Corner
- Old Frontenac
- Old Mesaba
- Olga
- Onega
- Oneota
- Onigum
- Opole
- Opstead
- Orchard Garden
- Oreland
- Org
- Orleans
- Orono
- Orrock
- Orth
- Oshawa
- Oslund
- Oster
- Otisco
- Otisville
- Otsego
- Ottawa
- Otter Creek
- Otto
- Owanka
- Oxboro
- Oxlip
- Oylen
- Oakwood Court
- Oronoco Estates
- Oak Island
- Palisade
- Park Rapids
- Parkers Prairie
- Parkville
- Paynesville
- Pease
- Pelican Rapids
- Pemberton
- Pengilly
- Pennington
- Pennock
- Pequot Lakes
- Perham
- Perley
- Peterson
- Pierz
- Pillager
- Pine City
- Pine Island
- Pine River
- Pine Springs
- Pipestone
- Plainview
- Plato
- Plummer
- Plymouth
- Ponemah
- Ponsford
- Porter
- Preston
- Princeton
- Prinsburg
- Prior Lake
- Proctor
- Puposky
- Padua
- Page
- Palmdale
- Palmer
- Palmers
- Palo
- Parent
- Parkdale
- Paupores
- Payne
- Peary
- Pelan
- Pelland
- Penasse
- Pencer
- Pequot Terrace
- Perault
- Perkins
- Perth
- Petersburg
- Petran
- Peyla
- Pfingsten
- Phelps
- Philbin
- Philbrook
- Pickwick
- Pigeon River
- Pillsbury
- Pilot Grove
- Pine Bend
- Pine Brook
- Pine Center
- Pine Creek
- Pine Knoll
- Pine Point
- Pinecreek
- Pinetop
- Pineville
- Pinewood
- Pitt
- Platte
- Pleasant Beach
- Pleasant Grove
- Pleasant Hill Manor
- Pleasant Lake
- Pleasant Valley
- Point Douglas
- Pomroy
- Ponsford Landing
- Pontoria
- Poor Farm Landing
- Poplar
- Popple Creek
- Port Cargill
- Post Town
- Potsdam
- Prairie Portage
- Prairieville
- Pratt
- Predmore
- Priam
- Prosit
- Prosper
- Providence
- Pine Ridge Court
- Pine Cone Court
- Pel Rapids
- Racine
- Radium
- Ramsey
- Randall
- Randolph
- Ranier
- Raymond
- Reading
- Reads Landing
- Red Lake Falls
- Red Wing
- Redby
- Red Lake
- Redwood Falls
- Remer
- Renville
- Revere
- Rice
- Richfield
- Richmond
- Richville
- Riverton
- Robbinsdale
- Rochert
- Rochester
- Rock Creek
- Rockford
- Rockville
- Rogers
- Rollag
- Rollingstone
- Roosevelt
- Roscoe
- Rose Creek
- Roseau
- Rosemount
- Roseville
- Rothsay
- Round Lake
- Royalton
- Rush City
- Rushford
- Rushmore
- Russell
- Ruthton
- Rutledge
- Rambush Estates II
- Ramey
- Ramshaw
- Ransom
- Ranum
- Rapidan
- Rassat
- Rauch
- Ray
- Red Rock
- Redore
- Redtop
- Regal
- Remus Trailer Lots
- Reno
- Renova
- Rice Lake
- Riceford
- Rich Valley
- Richards
- Richdale
- Richwood
- Ridge
- Ridgeway
- Riley
- Rindal
- Ringe
- River Point
- River Valley
- Riverside
- Riverside Heights
- Riverview Terrace
- Roan
- Robbin
- Robinson
- Rock Dell
- Roland
- Rollins
- Ronald
- Ronneby
- Rosby
- Roscoe Center
- Rose City
- Roseland
- Rosen
- Rosendale
- Roseport
- Rosewood
- Ross
- Rossburg
- Rost
- Rosy
- Rothman
- Round Prairie
- Rowena
- Rowland
- Roy Lake
- Rush Point
- Rush River
- Rushford Village
- Ruskin
- Rustad
- Ryan
- Ryan Village
- Riverbend Estates
- Ruby Junction
- River Bluff Estates
- River Junction
- Rockford Riverview Estates
- Redlake
- RL Falls
- Sabin
- Sacred Heart
- Saginaw
- Saint Cloud
- Saint Michael
- Saint Paul
- Salol
- Sanborn
- Sandstone
- Santiago
- Sargeant
- Sartell
- Sauk Centre
- Sauk Rapids
- Saum
- Savage
- Sawyer
- Scandia
- Schroeder
- Seaforth
- Searles
- Sebeka
- Sedan
- Shafer
- Shakopee
- Shelly
- Sherburn
- Shevlin
- Shoreview
- Side Lake
- Silver Bay
- Silver Creek
- Silver Lake
- Slayton
- Sleepy Eye
- Solway
- Soudan
- South Haven
- South Saint Paul
- Spicer
- Spring Grove
- Spring Lake
- Spring Lake Park
- Spring Park
- Spring Valley
- Springfield
- Squaw Lake
- Saint Bonifacius
- Saint Charles
- Saint Clair
- Saint Francis
- Saint Hilaire
- Saint James
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Leo
- Saint Louis Park
- Saint Martin
- Saint Paul Park
- Saint Peter
- Saint Stephen
- Saint Vincent
- Stacy
- Stanchfield
- Staples
- Starbuck
- Steen
- Stephen
- Stewart
- Stewartville
- Stillwater
- Stockton
- Storden
- Strandquist
- Strathcona
- Sturgeon Lake
- Sunburg
- Sunfish Lake
- Svea
- Swan River
- Swanville
- Swatara
- Saco
- Saga Hill
- Saint Anna
- Saint Anthony
- Saint Augusta
- Saint Benedict
- Saint George
- Saint Henry
- Saint Johns Landing Camp
- Saint Josephs
- Saint Kilian
- Saint Mary
- Saint Marys Point
- Saint Mathias
- Saint Nicholas
- Saint Patrick
- Saint Paul Church
- Saint Rosa
- Saint Thomas
- Saint Wendel
- Salem Corners
- Salida
- Salo Corner
- Saratoga
- Sawbill Landing
- Sax
- Scanlon
- Schechs Mill
- Schley
- Scott
- Scotts Corner
- Scranton
- Scribner
- Secluded Acres
- Section Thirty
- Sedil
- Shanty Town
- Shaw
- Sheldon
- Shephard
- Sherack
- Sherman
- Shermans Corner
- Sherwood
- Sherwood Manor
- Sheshebee
- Shieldsville
- Shirley
- Shooks
- Shoreham
- Shorewood
- Shotley
- Shovel Lake
- Sibley Estates East
- Siegel
- Sigsbee
- Silica
- Silver Rapids
- Silverdale
- Silverwood
- Simar
- Simpson
- Sioux Valley
- Skibo
- Skime
- Skyberg
- Skyline
- Smith Lake
- Smiths Mill
- Smithville
- Snellman
- Snowden
- Sobieski
- Soderville
- Sogn
- Solana
- South Branch
- South Fork Homes
- South Hollandale
- South International Falls
- South Ridge
- South Rushford
- South Silver Lake
- South Troy
- Spafford
- Sparta
- Spaulding
- Spencer Brook
- Spring Creek
- Spring Hill
- Spring Lodge Resort and Marina
- Springvale
- Spruce
- Spruce Center
- Squier
- Stanchfield Corner
- Stanley
- Stanton
- Stark
- Steele Center
- Steelton
- Sterling Center
- Stevenson
- Stockholm
- Stroms
- Strout
- Stubbs Bay
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon River Landing
- Sugarloaf
- Sultan
- Summit
- Sumter
- Sundal
- Sunrise
- Suomi
- Sveadahl
- Swanburg
- Swift
- Swift Falls
- Sylvan
- Syre
- St Paul Park
- St Cloud State Clg
- St Croix Bch
- St Bonifacius
- St Paul
- Stoney Creek Estates
- St Louis Park
- St Anthny Vlg
- Taconite
- Talmoon
- Tamarack
- Taopi
- Taunton
- Taylors Falls
- Tenstrike
- Theilman
- Thief River Falls
- Tintah
- Tofte
- Tower
- Tracy
- Trail
- Trimont
- Trosky
- Truman
- Turtle River
- Twig
- Twin Lakes
- Twin Valley
- Two Harbors
- Tyler
- Tabor
- Taconite Harbor
- Taft
- Tansem
- Tawney
- Tenmile Corner
- Tenney
- Terrace
- Terrebonne
- The Lakes
- Thompson Heights
- Thompson Riverview Terrace
- Thomson
- Thor
- Thorhult
- Thunderbird Resort
- Tobique
- Togo
- Toimi
- Toivola
- Tonka Bay
- Torfin
- Traverse
- Trommald
- Trondjem
- Troy
- Twin Grove
- Two Inlets
- Twig Station
- U
- V
- Wabasha
- Wabasso
- Waconia
- Wadena
- Wahkon
- Waite Park
- Waldorf
- Walker
- Walnut Grove
- Walters
- Waltham
- Wanamingo
- Wanda
- Wannaska
- Warba
- Warren
- Warroad
- Warsaw
- Waseca
- Waskish
- Watertown
- Waterville
- Watkins
- Watson
- Waubun
- Waverly
- Wawina
- Wayzata
- Webster
- Welch
- Welcome
- Wells
- Wendell
- West Concord
- West Lakeland
- West Saint Paul
- West Union
- Westbrook
- Wheaton
- White Bear Lake
- White Earth
- Willernie
- Williams
- Willmar
- Willow River
- Wilmont
- Wilton
- Windom
- Winger
- Winnebago
- Winona
- Winsted
- Winthrop
- Winton
- Wirt
- Wolf Lake
- Wolverton
- Wood Lake
- Woodbury
- Woodstock
- Worthington
- Wrenshall
- Wright
- Wykoff
- Wyoming
- Wabedo
- Wacouta
- Wacouta Beach
- Wahlsten
- Wakemup
- Walbo
- Walcott
- Waldeck
- Waldo
- Wales
- Wall Lake
- Wangs
- Ward Springs
- Warman
- Washington
- Wasioja
- Wastedo
- Watab
- Waterford
- Waukenabo
- Waukon
- Wayland
- Wealthwood
- Weaver
- Weber
- Wegdahl
- Weme
- Werner
- Wescott
- West Albany
- West Albion
- West Coon Rapids
- West Duluth
- West Fargo
- West Lake Francis Shores
- West Lynn
- West Newton
- West Point
- West View Terrace
- West Virginia
- Westbury
- Western
- Weston
- Westport
- Westside Mobile Manor
- Westwood Acres
- Whalan
- Wheatland
- Wheeler Landing
- Wheelers Point
- Whipholt
- White Bear Beach
- White Hawk
- White Iron
- White Rock
- White Willow
- Whiteface
- Whitman
- Whyte
- Wilbert
- Wilder
- Wilds
- Wildwood
- Wilkinson
- Willington Grove
- Willow Creek
- Wilmington
- Wilno
- Wilpen
- Wilson
- Windsor Court Mobile Home Community
- Winner
- Winter
- Wirock
- Wisner
- Withrow
- Witoka
- Wolf
- Wolford
- Woodland
- Woodrow
- Woodward Brook
- Wrightstown
- Wyanett
- Wyattville
- Wykoff Mobile Home Park I
- Wykoff Mobile Home Park II
- Wylie
- Wyman
- West St Paul
- White Bear Township
- Winnipeg Junction
- West View Court
- West Wind Estates
- W Saint Paul
- W St Paul
- W Lakeland
- Y
- Z
- Q