Van loads in Louisiana, LA
Truck loads found (real-time):
- Origin
- Destination
- Pickup
- Size Weight
- Miles
- Equipment Type
- Credit Score
- Details
Size weightTL- lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score103/32
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL- lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score103/29
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL42000 lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score103/32
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL35000 lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score94/40
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL- lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score100/26
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL- lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score103/32
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightLTL8000 lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score100/32
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightLTL20000 lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score103/34
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- Lafayette, LA
- McKinney, TX
Size weightTL- lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score100/33
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL35000 lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score103/32
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Major Louisiana (LA) cities:
All cities with truck loads:
- Abbeville
- Abita Springs
- Addis
- Aimwell
- Akers
- Albany
- Alexandria
- Ama
- Amelia
- Amite
- Anacoco
- Angie
- Angola
- Arabi
- Arcadia
- Archibald
- Arnaudville
- Ashland
- Athens
- Atlanta
- Avery Island
- Avondale
- Abby Plantation
- Aben
- Abington
- Abney Country Air
- Acadia
- Acadian Villa
- Acadiana
- Acme
- Acy
- Ada
- Adeline
- Adner
- Afeman
- Afton
- Afton Oaks
- Airline Acres
- Airline Terrace
- Ajax
- Alabama Landing
- Albania
- Albemarle
- Alberta
- Alco
- Alden Bridge
- Alfalfa
- Alford Acres
- Alford Heights
- Alfords
- Algiers
- Alhambra
- Alice
- Alice B
- Aline
- Allemand
- Allemania
- Allen
- Allen Landing
- Allendale
- Alliance
- Allon
- Alluvial City
- Alma
- Almadane
- Almedia
- Aloha
- Alphenia Landing
- Alsatia
- Alsen
- Alsen Heights
- Alto
- Alton
- Altoona
- Amite City
- Amos
- Anabel
- Anandale
- Anchor
- Anchor Landing
- Anchorage
- Anderson
- Andrew
- Angelina
- Angola Landing
- Annadale
- Anse La Butte
- Ansley
- Antioch
- Antioch Villa
- Antonia
- Antonio
- Antrim
- Ararat
- Arbolada Addition
- Arbroth
- Arceneaux
- Archie
- Arcola
- Ardenwood
- Ardoyne
- Argent
- Argo
- Argyle
- Argyle Plantation
- Arizona
- Arkana
- Arlatex
- Arlington
- Armagh
- Armant
- Armistead
- Ashley
- Ashly
- Ashton
- Atchafalaya
- Atherton
- Athlone
- Atkins
- Attakapas Canal
- Attakapas Landing
- Aubin
- Aubrey
- Audubon
- Audubon Place Plaza
- Audubon Terrace
- Augusta
- Aurora Gardens
- Autumn Run
- Avalon
- Avalon Terrace
- Avoca
- Aycock
- Azucena
- Alexandria Junction
- Audrey Park
- Airline Park Estates
- Acadian Place
- Abney Estates
- Crowley
- Cade
- Calhoun
- Calvin
- Cameron
- Campti
- Cankton
- Carencro
- Carville
- Castor
- Cecilia
- Center Point
- Centerville
- Chalmette
- Charenton
- Chase
- Chataignier
- Chatham
- Chauvin
- Cheneyville
- Choudrant
- Church Point
- Clarence
- Clarks
- Clayton
- Clifton
- Clinton
- Cloutierville
- Colfax
- Collinston
- Columbia
- Convent
- Converse
- Cotton Valley
- Cottonport
- Coushatta
- Covington
- Creole
- Creston
- Crowville
- Cullen
- Cut Off
- Cabot
- Caddo
- Cadeville
- Caernarvon
- Caffery
- Caire
- Calcasieu
- Calumet
- Calvert Acres
- Camardelle
- Camelot
- Camille
- Camp Hardtner
- Camp Leroy Johnson
- Campbell
- Camperdown
- Canbeal
- Cancienne
- Cane
- Canebrake
- Caneland
- Caney
- Cannon
- Cannonburg
- Canton
- Capital Heights
- Capitan
- Capitol View
- Caplis
- Carboco
- Carey
- Cargas
- Carla
- Carlisle
- Carlton
- Carlyss
- Carmel
- Carmel Acres
- Carmen Terrace
- Carney
- Carolina
- Caroline
- Carriage Oaks
- Carroll
- Carrollton
- Carrollwood
- Carson
- Carte Rouge
- Carterville
- Carthage Bluff Landing
- Cartwright
- Casa Linda
- Cash Point
- Cason
- Caspiana
- Cassandra
- Castille
- Castle Manor
- Castlewood
- Castor Plunge
- Catahoula
- Catahoula Cove
- Catfish Landing
- Catherine
- Catuna
- Cavett
- Cecil
- Cecile
- Cedar Glen
- Cedar Grove
- Cedar Grove Plantation
- Cedar Mill Run
- Cedarcrest
- Cedarton
- Centerra
- Central
- Chacahoula
- Chackbay
- Chalkley
- Chalmette Vista
- Chamale Cove
- Chamberlin
- Chambers
- Chamblee
- Champagne
- Charleston Square
- Charlieville
- Charlotte
- Charmingdale
- Charon
- Chasewood
- Chateau Village
- Chatman Town
- Chatsworth Acres
- Chaudiere Casse
- Chef Menteur
- Chegby
- Chelly Landing
- Chenal
- Chenal Crossing
- Chenango
- Cheniere
- Cheniere au Tigre
- Cheniere Caminada
- Cherry Grove
- Chesbrough
- Chester
- Chestnut
- Chevey Chase
- Chiasson
- Chickasaw
- China
- Chinchuba
- Chipola
- Chloe
- Choctaw
- Chopin
- Choupique
- Christi Ann Lea
- Chula
- Church Spur
- Cimmaron
- Cinclare
- Claiborne
- Claiborne Hill
- Clare
- Clarks Landing
- Clausen
- Clay
- Claybank
- Clearmont
- Clearwater
- Clifford
- Clifton Crossing
- Clio
- Clotilda
- Clovelly Farms
- Cloverdale
- Cloverland
- Clubhouse Landing
- Clyde
- Cobb
- Cobbs Addition
- Coburn
- Cocodrie
- Cocoville
- Cofield
- Coin Du Lestin
- Coker
- Coldwater
- Cole
- Cole Central
- Coleman
- Coleman Town
- Colgrade
- College Drive Heights
- College Hills
- Collegetown
- Collinsburg
- Colquitt
- Colt
- Columbia Heights
- Colyell
- Comite
- Comite Hills
- Comite Hills West
- Como
- Como Landing
- Comrade
- Concession
- Concord
- Conn
- Constance Beach
- Contreras
- Conway
- Cooktown
- Cool Coosa
- Cooley
- Coon
- Cooper Road
- Coopers
- Coopersville
- Cooter Point
- Cooters Landing
- Cooterville
- Copeland Landing
- Copenhagen
- Copley
- Cora
- Corbin
- Corey
- Corinth
- Corleyville
- Cornerview
- Cornland
- Corso
- Cossinade
- Cote Blanche Landing
- Coteau
- Coteau Bourgeois
- Coteau Holmes
- Coteau Rodaire
- Cotton Plant
- Cottonwood
- Couchwood
- Couley
- Coulon Plantation
- Country Estate Acres
- Country Hollow
- Country Manor
- Country Road
- County Acres
- County Landing
- County Side
- Courtableau
- Couters Neck
- Coverdale
- Cox Crossing
- Cox Ferry
- Craig Landing
- Crane
- Cranky Corner
- Cravens
- Crawford Landing
- Creola
- Crescent
- Crescent Landing
- Crestwood Heights
- Crestworth
- Crew Lake
- Crews
- Crichton
- Crimea
- Crosby
- Crosley
- Cross Gates
- Cross Keys
- Cross Lake Hills South
- Cross Roads
- Crosskeys
- Crossroads
- Crown Point
- Crowson
- Crozier
- Cuba
- Culbertson
- Curry
- Curtis
- Cut Off Landing
- Cutoff
- Cypremort
- Cypremort Point
- Cypress
- Cypress Cove
- Cypress Creek
- Cypress Gardens
- Cypress Heights
- Cypress Point
- Camp Beauregard
- Century Park
- Colquitt Estates
- Chateau Place
- Centurion Place
- Cynthia Park
- Cunnard Place
- Coleman Park
- Cadillac Park
- Castle Ridge Estates
- Country Place
- Concord Estates
- Concord Park
- Central Park
- College Park
- Courtland Place
- Country Club Estates
- Central Estates
- Chinquapin Park
- Baker
- Baldwin
- Ball
- Barataria
- Barksdale Air Force Base
- Basile
- Baskin
- Bastrop
- Batchelor
- Baton Rouge
- Bayou Goula
- Belcher
- Bell City
- Belle Chasse
- Belle Rose
- Belmont
- Bentley
- Benton
- Bernice
- Berwick
- Bethany
- Bienville
- Blanchard
- Bogalusa
- Bonita
- Boothville
- Bordelonville
- Bossier City
- Bourg
- Boutte
- Boyce
- Braithwaite
- Branch
- Breaux Bridge
- Bridge City
- Brittany
- Broussard
- Brusly
- Bueche
- Bunkie
- Buras
- Burnside
- Bush
- B and S Park Subdivision
- Baccus
- Bagdad
- Bailey
- Bains
- Baker Hills
- Bakerfield
- Bakers
- Balco
- Ballina
- Balmoral
- Bancker
- Bancroft
- Banker Plantation
- Bankers
- Banks Springs
- Baptist
- Barber Spur
- Barbreck
- Barcelona
- Bardel
- Barham
- Barmen
- Barnes
- Barnet Springs
- Barnsdall
- Barrett
- Barron
- Barso
- Barton
- Baskinton
- Bassa Bassa
- Bat
- Bates
- Baton Rouge Terrace
- Batree
- Battle
- Bawcomville
- Bayou Barbary
- Bayou Bend
- Bayou Boeuf
- Bayou Cane
- Bayou Chene
- Bayou Chicot
- Bayou Corne
- Bayou Crab
- Bayou Current
- Bayou Fountain
- Bayou Gauche
- Bayou Geneve
- Bayou Jack
- Bayou Liberty Gardens
- Bayou Oaks
- Bayou Paul
- Bayou Pierre
- Bayou Sale
- Bayou Scie
- Bayou Sorrel
- Bayou Terrace
- Bayou Vincent
- Bayou Vista
- Baywood
- Beachview
- Beachwood
- Beacon Hill
- Beal Crossing
- Beale
- Bear Creek
- Bear Skin
- Beaud
- Beaujolais
- Beaulieu
- Beauregard Town
- Beaver
- Bedford
- Bedico
- Bee Bayou
- Beech Springs
- Beechwood
- Beekman
- Beggs
- Bel
- Bel Air
- Belah
- Belair
- Belair Cove
- Belfair
- Belfield
- Belfort
- Bell Fontaine
- Bell Terre Acres
- Bellaire
- Belle Alliance
- Belle Amie
- Belle Bower
- Belle d'Eau
- Belle Helene
- Belle Meade
- Belle Point
- Belle River
- Belle Terre
- Bellemeade
- Belleville
- Bellevue
- Bellewood
- Bellingrath
- Bellingrath Hills
- Bellwood
- Belmont Landing
- Bemis
- Bend
- Bendel Gardens
- Bennett Bay Landing
- Benson
- Berard
- Bermuda
- Bernard
- Bernard Terrace
- Bertie
- Bertrandville
- Beshel
- Bessie K
- Bethany Cooperative Community
- Bethel
- Bethel Springs
- Bethlehem
- Beverly Hills
- Beverly Knoll
- Bickham
- Big A Plenty Landing
- Big Bend
- Big Branch
- Big Cane
- Big Creek
- Big Island
- Big Woods
- Bijou
- Billeaud
- Billy Goat Hill
- Biltmore
- Bird
- Bissonet Plaza
- Bivens
- Black Hawk
- Blackburn
- Blade
- Blairstown
- Blakes Addition
- Blanche
- Blanks
- Blankston
- Blond
- Blue Lake Landing
- Bluebonnet Ridge
- Bluff Creek
- Blume
- Blythwood
- Bob
- Bob Acres
- Bobtown
- Bocage
- Bodcau
- Bodin
- Bodoc
- Boeuf
- Bogan
- Boganvilla
- Bohemian
- Bolden
- Boley
- Bolinger
- Bolinger Hillsppl
- Bolivar
- Bolwood Acres
- Bomer
- Bon Air
- Bon Ami
- Bon Dickey
- Bon Secours Plantation
- Bon Village
- Bonaire
- Bond
- Bonfouca
- Bonham Landing
- Bonn
- Bonvillain
- Book
- Bordenax
- Boretta
- Borodino
- Bosco
- Boscoville
- Boston
- Boudreaux
- Bougere
- Bourgeois Landing
- Bowden
- Bowie
- Brake
- Brandon
- Brandon Hollow
- Brandywine
- Brannon
- Brantley Landing
- Breard
- Breedlove Hills
- Breezy Hill
- Bremond
- Brent
- Breton
- Brewtons Mill
- Brian
- Briarcliff
- Bridges Mill
- Bridlewood
- Brignac
- Brimstone
- Bringhurst
- Bristol
- Broadmoor
- Broadmoor Forest
- Broadmoor Plaza
- Broadmoor Terrace
- Broadview
- Bronson
- Brookhollow Glen
- Brooks
- Brookstown
- Brouillette
- Brousard Plaza
- Broussard Landing
- Brousville
- Brown
- Brown Heights
- Brownell
- Brownfields
- Brownlee
- Browns
- Browns Village
- Brownsfield
- Brownsville
- Brownview
- Brugier
- Brule
- Brulie Maurin
- Bruly La Croix
- Bruly McCall
- Bruly Saint Martin
- Bruns
- Brunswick Plantation
- Brusle Saint Vincent
- Brusly Landing
- Bryceland
- Bubenzer
- Buckeye
- Buckner
- Bucktown
- Buffwood
- Buhler
- Buie
- Bull Run
- Buller
- Bullion
- Bullitt Bayou
- Bunker
- Burbridge
- Burke
- Burkplace
- Burnbridge
- Burns
- Burnstown
- Burr Ferry
- Burton Landing
- Burton Lane
- Burtville
- Bushes
- Bushville
- Butte La Rose
- Barksdale AFB
- Butte Larose
- Brookhaven Estates
- Barkley Place
- Bonaire Estates
- Briarwood Estates
- Brookwood Estates
- Baker Estates
- Barrington Park
- Bywaters
- Bayou Paquet Estates
- Brown Park Estates
- Bonnabel Place
- Brightside Park
- Bell Grove Place
- Brentwood Place
- Bodcau Park
- Beechwood Estates
- Darrow
- Davant
- Delcambre
- Delhi
- Delta
- Denham Springs
- Dequincy
- Deridder
- Derry
- Des Allemands
- Destrehan
- Deville
- Dodson
- Donaldsonville
- Donner
- Downsville
- Doyline
- Dry Creek
- Dry Prong
- Dubach
- Dubberly
- Dulac
- Duplessis
- Dupont
- Duson
- D'Arbonne
- D'Arbonne Hills
- Dalcour
- Danks
- Danville
- Darbonne
- Darby
- Darley
- Darlington
- Darnell
- Daspit
- Dauterive Landing
- Davids
- Davis Landing
- Davis Plantation
- Dawson Switch
- Day
- Dayson
- Dayton
- De Broeck Landing
- De Loach
- De Loutre
- De Siard
- De Soto Heights
- Dean
- Dearborn
- DeClouet
- Deep Woods
- Deer Island
- Deer Range
- Deerford
- Degeneres
- Dehlco
- Del Rey Plaza
- Delacroix
- Delaware
- Delhoste
- Delombre
- Delwood
- Denhart
- Denmark Landing
- Dennison
- Denson
- Dent Terrace
- Derouen
- Des Glaise
- Deshotel
- Deslatte
- Dess
- Devalls
- Diamond
- Dickey Landing
- Dido
- Dixie
- Dixie Gardens
- Dixie Inn
- Dixie Landing
- Dixie Plantation
- Dobs Crossing
- Dogwood Acres
- Dogwood Forest
- Dogwood Hills
- Dolsen
- Donwood
- Dopson
- Dorcheat
- Dorcyville
- Dorian Terrace
- Dossman
- Douglas
- Dove Landing
- Doyle
- Drew
- Duboin
- Dubuisson
- Duchamp
- Duckroost
- Dufresne
- Dugan Landing
- Dukedale
- Dumesnil
- Dunbarton
- Dunlap
- Dunn
- Duralde
- Dusenbury
- Dutch Bayou
- Dutch Town
- Duty
- Duvic
- Dwight Fields
- Dykesville
- De Ridder
- De Quincy
- Delmont Place
- Doubloon Bayou Estates
- Darius Place
- Denham Spgs
- Deer Creek Estates
- Dougherty Place
- Dazet Estates
- Donaldsonvlle
- Drusilla Place
- Dune Estates
- Echo
- Edgard
- Effie
- Egan
- Elizabeth
- Elm Grove
- Elmer
- Elton
- Empire
- Enterprise
- Epps
- Erath
- Eros
- Erwinville
- Estherwood
- Ethel
- Eunice
- Evangeline
- Evans
- Evergreen
- Extension
- Easleyville
- East Broadmoor
- East Dayton
- East Fairlane
- East Gentilly
- East Glen
- East Hodge
- East Natchitoches
- East Parkview
- East Point
- East Ridgewood
- East Sherwood Forest
- East Side
- East Side Subdivision
- Eastern Heights
- Eastgate
- Eastland
- Easton
- Eastridge
- Eastwood
- Ebenezer
- Ebenzer
- Ecco
- Eden
- Eden Isle
- Edgefield
- Edgerly
- Edgewater
- Edgewood Village
- Edith
- Edna
- Edward Daigle
- Egg Bend
- El Ranchito
- Elam
- Elba
- Elder
- Eliza
- Elkhorn
- Elkins
- Elks
- Ellendale
- Ellerbe Woods
- Ellerslie
- Ellington
- Elliot Acres
- Ellis
- Ellsworth
- Elm Grove Garden
- Elm Hall
- Elmelhine
- Elmfield
- Elmwood
- Eltringham Landing
- Elysian Acres
- Emad
- Emden
- Emma
- Emmett
- Encalade
- Engleswood
- Englewood
- English
- English Turn
- Enoka
- Enola
- Enon
- Eola
- Erco
- Espanita Forest
- Espanita Village
- Esperance Landing
- Essen
- Essen Plaza
- Essen South
- Estelle
- Esther
- Esto
- Eureka
- Eva
- Evelyn
- Evergreen Hills
- Evergreen Plantation
- Ewing
- Expressway Acres
- Ellen Place
- Ellerbe Road Estates
- Evangeline Hermitage Estates
- Executive Park
- Eden Park
- Eastwood Estates
- Fairbanks
- Farmerville
- Fenton
- Ferriday
- Fields
- Fisher
- Flatwoods
- Flora
- Florien
- Fluker
- Folsom
- Fordoche
- Forest
- Forest Hill
- Fort Necessity
- Fort Polk
- Franklin
- Franklinton
- Frierson
- French Settlement
- Faircloth
- Fairfax
- Fairfield
- Fairlane
- Fairmont
- Fairmount
- Fairview
- Fairview Acres
- Fairview Alpha
- Fairville
- Fairway Forest
- Fairwoods
- False River
- Farmers
- Farmland
- Faubourg
- Faubourg Marigny
- Feitel
- Feliciana
- Felixville
- Fellowship
- Felps
- Fenris
- Ferguson
- Fern
- Ferncrest
- Ferry Lake
- Ferry Newlight Landing
- Fifth Ward
- Filhiol
- Fillmore
- Fish Creek
- Fish Island
- Fisherville
- Fishville
- Fiske
- Five Forks
- Five Oaks
- Fivemile Oaks
- Flagville
- Flanders
- Flat Creek
- Florence
- Florence Landing
- Florenville
- Florida Plaza
- Flournoy
- Flower Hill
- Floyd
- Floyd Landing
- Foley
- Fondale
- Fontenot
- Forbing
- Fords
- Foreman
- Foremans Hall
- Forest Grove
- Forest Home
- Forest Isle
- Forest Manor
- Forest Oak
- Forest Oaks
- Forest Pines
- Forest Villa
- Forked Island
- Forksville
- Fort Buhlow
- Fort Jackson
- Fort Jesup
- Fort Randolph
- Fort Saint Phillip
- Fortune
- Fortune Fork
- Fosters
- Fosters Canal
- Foules
- Fountainbleau
- Four Corners
- Four Forks
- Fowler
- Fox Run
- Foxhollow
- Frank Bell Subdivision
- Fred
- Free Town
- Freeland
- Freetown
- Frellsen
- Frenchtown Acres
- Frenier
- Frey
- Friendship
- Frilot Cove
- Frisco
- Frizzell Spur
- Frogmore
- Frost
- Frost Town
- Frozard
- Fryeburg
- Fullerton
- Fulton
- Funston
- Fair Grounds
- Farmington Place
- Fountain Park
- Frenchmens Estates
- Forest Park
- Fort Johnson
- Fort Johnson SSTA
- Galliano
- Galvez
- Garden City
- Garyville
- Geismar
- Georgetown
- Gheens
- Gibsland
- Gibson
- Gilbert
- Gilliam
- Glenmora
- Gloster
- Glynn
- Golden Meadow
- Goldonna
- Gonzales
- Grambling
- Gramercy
- Grand Cane
- Grand Chenier
- Grand Coteau
- Grand Isle
- Grant
- Gray
- Grayson
- Greensburg
- Greenwell Springs
- Greenwood
- Gretna
- Grosse Tete
- Gueydan
- Gaars Mill
- Gahagan
- Gahn
- Gajan
- Galbraith
- Galion
- Gall
- Galva
- Galvez Town
- Gamble Spur
- Gandy
- Ganeyville
- Gansville
- Garden District
- Gardere
- Gardner
- Garland
- Gas Center
- Gassoway
- Gayles
- Gaytine
- Gecko
- Ged
- Geddie
- Gekop
- Genessee
- Gentilly
- Gentilly Terrace
- Gentilly Woods
- Georgeville
- Georgia
- Germantown
- Gibbs
- Gibbstown
- Gibson Landing
- Gifford
- Gilark
- Gilead
- Gilleyville
- Gillis
- Gills Ferry
- Girard
- Glade
- Glade Bayou Landing
- Glen Oaks
- Glenbrook
- Glencoe
- Glendale
- Glenmore
- Glenwild
- Glenwood
- Gloria
- Godchaux
- Gold Dust
- Gold Mine
- Golden Meadows
- Golden Ridge
- Golden Star Plantation
- Goldman
- Goldman Landing
- Goldridge
- Good Hope
- Good Pine
- Good Roads
- Goodbee
- Goodwill
- Goodwood
- Goodwood Homesites
- Goosport
- Gordon
- Gordy
- Gorum
- Goss
- Goudeau
- Gowen
- Grabow
- Grambling Corners
- Grand Annse
- Grand Bayou
- Grand Ecore
- Grand Lake
- Grand Point
- Grand Prairie
- Grand River
- Grandbois
- Grande Ecaille
- Grandstaff
- Grangeville
- Grappes Bluff
- Gravel
- Gravel Point
- Gray Point
- Grays
- Green
- Green Acres
- Green Back Forest
- Green Gables
- Green Gate
- Green Springs
- Green Terrace
- Greenbrook
- Greendale
- Greenfield
- Greenlaw
- Greens Ditch
- Greenville
- Greenwell Acres East
- Greenwell Forest
- Greenwood Acres
- Greenwood Hills
- Greewood Plantation
- Greig
- Greinwich Village
- Gretna Green
- Griffin
- Grim
- Grimes
- Grosse Isle
- Grove
- Grove Hill
- Gulf Crossing
- Gulftown
- Gullett
- Gum Bayou Landing
- Gum Ridge
- Gurley
- Guthrie
- Guynes
- Guyton
- Gypsy
- Greenway Place
- Greenacres Place
- Gibbens Place
- Garden Park
- Goodwood Estates
- Glen Oaks Place
- Greenwood Estates
- Greenwel Spgs
- Hackberry
- Hahnville
- Hall Summit
- Hamburg
- Hammond
- Harahan
- Harrisonburg
- Harvey
- Haughton
- Hayes
- Haynesville
- Heflin
- Henderson
- Hessmer
- Hester
- Hineston
- Hodge
- Holden
- Holly Ridge
- Homer
- Hornbeck
- Hosston
- Houma
- Husser
- Haas
- Haaseville
- Haaswood
- Hacketts Corner
- Hackley
- Haddens
- Hadley
- Hagewood
- Haile
- Halfway
- Hallf Moon
- Hamilton
- Hammock
- Hampton
- Hancock
- Hanna
- Happy Jack
- Happy Meadows
- Happy Woods
- Harbor
- Harding Heights
- Harding Terrace
- Hardwood
- Harelson
- Hargis
- Hargrove
- Harlem
- Harmon
- Harmony
- Harmony Heights
- Harris
- Harris Landing
- Harwich
- Hatchersville
- Hatfield
- Hathaway
- Hawthorne
- Haynes Landing
- Hayti
- Hazelwood
- Head of Island
- Heatherstone
- Hebert
- Hebron
- Hecker
- Hedgeland
- Hedgeland Landing
- Helena
- Helme
- Helvetia
- Hemphill
- Henry
- Heritage Subdivision
- Hermedel
- Hermitage
- Hesperides
- Hester Landing
- Hickory
- Hickory Hills
- Hickory Ridge
- Hickory Valley
- Hicks
- Hicks Crossing
- Hico
- Hidden Acres
- Hidden Creek
- Hidden Oaks
- Higginbotham
- High Island
- Highland
- Highland Acres
- Highland Community
- Highland Creek
- Highland Crossing
- Highland Farms
- Highland Gardens
- Highland Hills
- Highland Lakes
- Highland Park Heights
- Highland Square
- Highlandia
- Hill
- Hillaryville
- Hillcrest Acres
- Hillsdale
- Hillside
- Hilltop
- Hilly
- Himalaya
- Hinkle
- Hipple
- Hite
- Hobart
- Hohen Solms
- Holiday Acres
- Holiday Woods
- Hollingsworth
- Holloway
- Holly
- Holly Beach
- Holly Grove
- Holly Hill
- Holly Springs
- Hollybrook
- Hollyridge
- Hollywood
- Holmesville
- Holmwood
- Holton
- Holum
- Honore
- Hood
- Hooker Hole
- Hope
- Hope Villa
- Hopedale
- Hopewell Landing
- Horse Bluff Landing
- Hortman
- Hot Wells
- Houltonville
- Howard
- Howcott
- Howell
- Howell Community Farms
- Howell Park Terrace
- Howze Beach
- Hubertville
- Hudson
- Hudson Addition
- Hughes
- Humphreys
- Hundley
- Hundred Oaks
- Hungarian Settlement
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunter Landing
- Huntwyck Village
- Huron
- Hurricane
- Hutton
- Hyacinth Terrace
- Hyams
- Hydell
- Hymel
- Hyde Park
- Harahan Junction
- Highland Estates
- Home Estates
- Hanna Park
- Huntington Park
- Harwick Place
- High School Park
- Highland Park
- Hi-Land
- Home Place
- Iberville
- Ida
- Independence
- Innis
- Iota
- Iowa
- Iatt
- Iberville Terrace
- Idlewild
- Idlewood
- Ikes
- Illinois Plant
- Immaculata
- Independent
- Indian Bayou
- Indian Beach
- Indian Landing
- Indian Village
- Ingleside
- Inglewood
- Inniswold
- Intracoastal City
- Invincible
- Irene
- Irish Bend
- Irma
- Ironton
- Isabel
- Island
- Isle Labbe
- Isle of Cuba
- Istrouma
- Ithra
- Ivan
- Ivanhoe
- Independence Place
- Indian Hills Estates
- Inniswold Estates
- Jackson
- Jamestown
- Jarreau
- Jeanerette
- Jefferson
- Jena
- Jennings
- Jigger
- Jones
- Jonesboro
- Jonesville
- Joyce
- Junction City
- Jack
- Jackson Landing
- Jacoby
- Janie
- Jay
- Jean Lafitte
- Jefferson Heights
- Jefferson Island
- Jefferson Shadows
- Jefferson Terrace
- Jefferson Terrace East
- Jenkins
- Jericho
- Jesuit Bend
- Johnson
- Johnson Bayou Landing
- Johnson Landing
- Johnson Ridge
- Johnsons Bayou
- Jones Creek
- Jones Landing
- Jonesburg
- Jordan Hill
- Jordan Terrace
- Juanita
- Judd
- Judice
- Julien
- Justina
- Junction
- Jackson Park
- Jefferson Place
- Kaplan
- Keatchie
- Keithville
- Kelly
- Kenner
- Kentwood
- Kilbourne
- Killona
- Kinder
- Kraemer
- Krotz Springs
- Kurthwood
- Kadesh
- Kahns
- Karo
- Kateland
- Katy
- Keachi
- Kedron
- Keller
- Kelleys
- Kellogg
- Kelsey
- Kemper
- Kenilworth
- Kenmore
- Kennedy Heights
- Kent
- Kernan
- Kessler
- Keystone
- Kickapoo
- Kildare
- Kile
- Kilgore Plantation
- Killian
- Kimberly Heights
- Kimberly Manor
- Kin Tally
- King
- King Forest
- King Hill
- Kings Hill
- Kings Oaks
- Kings Point
- Kingsbridge
- Kingston
- Kingsville
- Kingswood
- Kipling
- Kirks Landing
- Kiroli Woods
- Kisatchie
- Kleinert
- Kleinpeter
- Klienpeter Terrace
- Kline
- Klondyke
- Klotzville
- Knapp
- Knight
- Knot Point
- Kolin
- Kolter
- Koran
- Kraft
- Kings Estates
- Keaty Place
- La Place
- Labadieville
- Lacassine
- Lacombe
- Lafayette
- Lafitte
- Lake Arthur
- Lake Charles
- Lake Providence
- Lakeland
- Larose
- Lawtell
- Leander
- Lebeau
- Leblanc
- Lecompte
- Leesville
- Lena
- Leonville
- Lettsworth
- Libuse
- Lillie
- Lisbon
- Livingston
- Livonia
- Lockport
- Logansport
- Longleaf
- Longstreet
- Longville
- Loranger
- Loreauville
- Lottie
- Luling
- Lutcher
- Lydia
- L T Plantation
- La Belle Aire
- La Branche
- La Mesa
- La Reussite
- La Rosen
- La Tierra
- Laark
- Labarre
- Lacamp
- Lachute
- Lacour
- Lafitte Hill
- Lafourche
- Lagan
- Lagas
- Lagonda
- Lake
- Lake Bruin
- Lake Carmel
- Lake Catherine
- Lake Cove
- Lake End
- Lake Forest
- Lake Gardens
- Lake Hayes
- Lake Judge Perez
- Lake Oaks
- Lake Sherwood Acres
- Lake Shore Village
- Lake Terrace
- Lake View
- Lake Village
- Lakecrest
- Lakefield
- Lakeland Gardens
- Lakeland Terrace
- Lakeshore
- Lakeshore East
- Lakeshore North
- Lakeshore West
- Lakeside
- Lakeside Acres
- Lakeview
- Lakewood
- Lamar
- Lamkin
- Lamourie
- Land O'Lakes
- Landry
- Langston
- Lapeyrouse
- Lapine
- Laplace
- Larabee
- Laran
- Larey Gardens
- Larto
- Lasalle
- Latanier
- Latex
- Lauderdale
- Laurel Grove
- Laurel Grove Plantation
- Laurel Hill
- Laurel Lea
- Laurel Ridge
- Laurel Ridge Plantation
- Laurel Valley Plantation
- Laurents Point
- Lavacco
- Lawhon
- Lazy Acres
- Le Blanc
- Le Bleu
- Le Jeune
- Le Moyen
- Leavel
- Leche
- Ledoux
- Lee Bayou
- Lee Heights
- Lee Hills
- Lees Creek
- Lees Landing
- Leesburg
- Leeville
- Legonier
- Leighton
- Leinster
- Leisure Village
- Lejeune
- Lela
- Leland
- Leleux
- Lemannville
- Lenwil
- Leroy
- Leslie
- Leton
- Levert
- Lewisburg
- Lewiston
- Lewistown
- Li Rocchi
- Liberty
- Liberty Acres
- Liberty Farms
- Liberty Hill
- Liberty Pines
- Lida Grove
- Liddieville
- Lifenite
- Lincecum
- Lincoln Heights
- Lindberg Glen
- Lindsay
- Linton
- Linville
- Linwood
- Lions
- Lismore
- Lisso
- Litroe
- Little Creek
- Little Prairie
- Little Texas
- Little Valley Plantation
- Little Woods
- Live Oak
- Live Oak Manor
- Liverpool
- Lobdell
- Loch Lomond
- Lockhart
- Lockmoor
- Lockport Heights
- Loco
- Locust Ridge
- Loe
- Lofton
- Log Cabin
- Loggy Bayou
- Logtown
- Loisel
- Lone Pine
- Lone Star
- Long Bridge
- Long Springs
- Longacre
- Longstraw
- Longview
- Longwood
- Longwood Village
- Lorelein
- Loring
- Lorraine
- Lotus
- Loudon
- Lower Garden District
- Lower Texas
- Lower Vacherie
- Lowlands
- Lowry
- Loyd
- Lozes
- Lucas
- Lucky
- Lucy
- Ludevine
- Ludger
- Ludington
- Luella
- Luke Landing
- Lukeville
- Lula
- Lums
- Luna
- Lunita
- Lutes
- Lyles
- Lyles Addition
- Lynch
- Lynwood Village
- Lyons
- Lyons Point
- Louisa
- Lexington Place
- Louisville
- Lafayette Square
- Lincoln Park
- Lakewood Estates
- Lynn Place
- Lake Forest Park
- Lk Providence
- Lakewood Country Club Estates
- Madisonville
- Mamou
- Mandeville
- Mangham
- Mansfield
- Mansura
- Many
- Maringouin
- Marion
- Marksville
- Marrero
- Marthaville
- Mathews
- Maurepas
- Maurice
- Melrose
- Melville
- Mer Rouge
- Meraux
- Mermentau
- Merryville
- Metairie
- Milton
- Minden
- Mittie
- Monroe
- Montegut
- Monterey
- Montgomery
- Mooringsport
- Mora
- Moreauville
- Morgan City
- Morganza
- Morrow
- Morse
- Mound
- Mount Airy
- Mount Hermon
- Mab
- Mack
- Macland
- Madewood
- Mag Terrace
- Magenta
- Magnolia
- Magnolia Bend
- Magnolia Forest
- Magnolia Heights
- Magnolia Landing
- Magnolia Plantation
- Magnolia Ridge
- Magnolia Woods
- Mahan
- Maidco
- Mail Boxes
- Maitland
- Maitland Landing
- Majors
- Manchac
- Manchester
- Mandalay
- Manifest
- Mansford
- Maplewood
- Marathon
- Marcarco
- Marce
- Marceaux
- Marchand
- Marco
- Marguerite
- Maria
- Maribel Village
- Markee
- Mars Hill
- Marsalis
- Martello Castle
- Martin
- Martins Landing
- Martinville
- Marwede
- Maryland
- Maryland Heights
- Mason
- Masters
- Matilda
- Maude
- Maxie
- Mayers
- Mayfair Heights
- Mayfair Park North
- Mayflower
- Mayhew Landing
- Mayna
- Mayo
- McBride
- McCall
- McClane City
- McClure
- McCrea
- McDade
- McDonoghville
- McElroy
- McFarland Heights
- McGinty
- McGrath Heights
- McHugh
- McIntyre
- McKenzie
- McKnight Crossing
- McLain
- McLemore Acres
- McLeod
- McManus
- McNary
- McNeely
- McNutt
- Meadow Creek Ranch
- Meadow Creek Subdivision
- Meadow Lea
- Meaux
- Mechanicville
- Meeker
- Melder
- Melodia Plantation
- Melrose East
- Menefee
- Mengel Landing
- Meridian
- Merlin
- Merrick
- Merrydale
- Merrywoods
- Mestayer
- Metairie Terrace
- Methvin
- Metropolis
- Michoud
- Midland
- Midway
- Migues
- Milams
- Milburn
- Miles
- Mileston Forks
- Mill
- Millards
- Milldale
- Millerton
- Millerville
- Millhaven
- Millikin
- Milneburg
- Mimosa Gardens
- Mineral Springs
- Minerva Plantation
- Mink
- Minorca
- Mira
- Mirabeau Gardens
- Mire
- Missionary
- Mitchell
- Mitchiner
- Mix
- Modeste
- Mohawk City
- Moller
- Moncla
- Monhegan
- Monks Hammock
- Monsecour
- Montcla
- Monticello
- Montpelier
- Montrose
- Monty
- Montz
- Moore
- Morameal
- Morbihan
- Moreco
- Moreland
- Morgan Bluff
- Morgan City Beach
- Morgan Place West
- Morgans
- Morganza Landing
- Morley
- Morning Glen
- Moro
- Morris
- Morris Addition
- Morrison
- Morrisonville
- Morvant
- Morville
- Moselys Bluff
- Moss
- Moss Bluff
- Moss Lake
- Mossville
- Mot
- Mount Carmel
- Mount Hebron
- Mount Houmas
- Mount Lebanon
- Mount Moriah
- Mount Olive
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Union
- Mount Zion
- Mouton
- Mouton Cove
- Mowata
- Mudville
- Mulatto Bend Landing
- Mulberry
- Mulnix
- Mulvey
- Munsons
- Musson
- Myrtis
- Myrtle Grove
- Myrtle Grove Plantation
- Mystic
- Mid City
- Meadowview Park
- Madeline Court
- Meadow Park
- Mickens Place
- McClure Place
- Magellan Place
- Midway Place
- McGehee Place
- Meadow Creek Estates
- Melrose Place
- Millwood Estates
- Morgan Place
- Madison Park
- Napoleonville
- Natalbany
- Natchez
- Natchitoches
- New Iberia
- New Orleans
- New Roads
- New Sarpy
- Newellton
- Newllano
- Noble
- Norco
- Norwood
- Negreet
- Naborton
- Naff
- Nairn
- Naka
- Naomi
- Naquin
- Naylor
- Neal Landing
- Neale
- Neame
- Nebo
- Neita
- Nero
- Nesser
- Nestor
- New Addition
- New California
- New Country Club
- New Dayton
- New Era
- New Flanders
- New Friendship
- New Hope
- New Landgrove Landing
- New Light
- New Llano
- New Moore
- New Quarters
- New Ramah
- New Rockdale
- New Verda
- Newhlock
- Newhope
- Newlight
- Newlin
- Newport
- Newton
- Nezpique
- Niblett
- Niblett Bluff
- Nicholas
- Nickel
- Nine Forks
- Ninock
- Noble Manor
- Nobrac
- Noel
- Noles Landing
- Norah
- Norbert
- Norma
- Normandy Acres
- Normandy Village
- Norris Springs
- North Acres
- North Bend
- North End
- North Fort Polk
- North Highlands
- North Hodge
- North Island
- North Maryland
- North Monroe
- North Pass
- North Point
- North Red Oaks
- North Rodessa
- North Sherwood Forest
- North Shore
- North Shore Beach
- North Shreveport
- North Side
- North Slidell
- North Vacherie
- Northdale
- Northgate
- Northpark Village
- Northside Terrace
- Northwood Village
- Northwoods
- Norton
- Norton Corner
- Notelyville
- Noth Forest
- Notnac
- Nuba
- Nugent
- Numa
- Nunez
- North Park Estates
- Nina Station
- Nicholson Estates
- North Club Estates
- Oak Grove
- Oak Ridge
- Oakdale
- Oberlin
- Oil City
- Olla
- Opelousas
- Oscar
- Otis
- Oak Alley
- Oak Cluster
- Oak Dale Landing
- Oak Forest
- Oak Harbor
- Oak Hill
- Oak Hills
- Oak Landing
- Oak Thicket Acres
- Oak Valley
- Oakbrook
- Oakcrest
- Oakhill
- Oakland
- Oaklawn
- Oakley
- Oakley Landing
- Oakmont
- Oaknolia
- Oaks
- Oakshire Manor
- Oakville
- Oakwood
- Oakwood Forest
- Oakwood Landing
- Oasis
- Odenburg
- Odra
- OK Landing
- Okaloosa
- Oklahoma
- Old Athens
- Old Castor
- Old Jefferson
- Old Pleasant Hill
- Old Saline
- Old Shell Beach
- Old Shongaloo
- Old Ten
- Oldfield
- Olga
- Olive Branch
- Oliver
- Olivier
- Ollie
- Olympic Landing
- Omega
- Oneida
- Orange Grove Plantation
- Orchard
- Oretta
- Osburn
- Osceola
- Ossun
- Ostrica
- Ouachita City
- Oubre
- Oxbow
- Oxford
- Ozone Acres
- Ozone Pines
- Ozone Woods
- Oak Manor Estates
- O'Neal Place
- Oak Park
- One North Place
- Oxford Place
- Oak Ridge Park
- Paincourtville
- Palmetto
- Paradis
- Parks
- Patterson
- Paulina
- Pearl River
- Pelican
- Perry
- Pierre Part
- Pine Grove
- Pine Prairie
- Pineville
- Pioneer
- Pitkin
- Plain Dealing
- Plaquemine
- Plattenville
- Plaucheville
- Pleasant Hill
- Pollock
- Ponchatoula
- Port Allen
- Port Barre
- Port Sulphur
- Port Vincent
- Powhatan
- Prairieville
- Pride
- Princeton
- Provencal
- Pace
- Packton
- Palm Hills
- Palm Lake
- Palmer Landing
- Palo Alto
- Panchoville
- Panola
- Paradise
- Parhams
- Park Forest
- Park Forest East
- Park Manor
- Park Plaza
- Park Vista
- Parkland Terrace
- Parkland Village
- Parkridge
- Parkview East
- Parkview Oaks
- Parkview Oaks South
- Parkwood
- Parkwood Terrace
- Parlange
- Partridge Lane Heights
- Pasadena
- Patin
- Patoutville
- Pawnee
- Peach Bloom
- Pearl
- Pearl Acres
- Peason
- Pecan Bayou
- Pecan Cove
- Pecan Creek
- Pecan Grove
- Pecan Island
- Pecan Landing
- Pecan Ridge
- Pecaniere
- Peck
- Pelba
- Percle
- Perkins
- Perkins South
- Perkins Village
- Perryville
- Pesson
- Petetin
- Peveto Beach
- Phebus
- Philadelphia Point
- Phillips
- Phoenix
- Pickering
- Pickett
- Piermont
- Pigeon
- Pike Fort
- Pikes Peak
- Pilcher Point
- Pilette
- Pilottown
- Pine
- Pine Acres
- Pine Cliff
- Pine Coupee
- Pine Forest
- Pine Forest South
- Pine Hill Subdivision
- Pine Island
- Pine Ridge
- Pine Shadows
- Pine Terrace
- Pine Village
- Pinecrest
- Pinewood
- Pinewood Acres
- Pino Bayou Village
- Pisgah
- Pitreville
- Place De Concorde
- Plaincourtville
- Plains
- Plainview
- Plaisance
- Plantation Acres
- Plantation Way
- Platation Acres
- Platation Trace
- Plaza 12 Garden Homes
- Pleasant Grove
- Pleasant Hills
- Pleasant Valley
- Plettenberg
- Ploup
- Plum Orchard Landing
- Point
- Point Barre
- Point Blue
- Point Breeze
- Point Celeste
- Point Pleasant
- Pointe Claire
- Pointe Coupee
- Poland
- Poley
- Pollockville
- Pont Des Mouton
- Pontchartrain Beach
- Pontchartrain Gardens
- Pontchartrain Shores
- Poole
- Poplar Grove
- Poplar Grove Plantation
- Port Allen Landing
- Port Boliver
- Port Eads
- Port Fourchon
- Port Hickey
- Port Hickey Landing
- Port Hudson
- Port Nickel
- Port of Iberia
- Portage
- Porters Curve
- Porters River Landing
- Porterville
- Potash
- Poufette
- Powell
- Powell Ridge
- Poydras
- Prairie Laurent
- Prairie Ronde
- Prairieland
- Pratt
- Presquille
- Preston
- Prevost
- Price Crossing
- Prichard
- Prien
- Progress
- Promised Land
- Prospect
- Prudhomme
- Puckett
- Puckettville
- Pujo
- Pulpwood Spur
- Pumpkin Center
- Punkin Center
- Providence
- Pineville Junction
- Porter Place
- Prescott Place
- Point Place
- Pineland Place
- Pine Hill Estates
- Plantation Trace
- Point-aux-Chenes
- Pointe a la Hache
- West Pointe A La Hache
- Wakefield
- Walker
- Washington
- Waterproof
- Watson
- Welsh
- West Monroe
- Westlake
- Westwego
- Weyanoke
- White Castle
- Wildsville
- Wilson
- Winnfield
- Winnsboro
- Wisner
- Woodworth
- Waddel
- Waddell
- Wadesboro
- Wafer Forest
- Waggaman
- Walden
- Waldheim
- Walding
- Walet
- Walkertown
- Wall Lake
- Wall Settlement
- Wallace
- Wallace Landing
- Wallace Ridge
- Waller
- Waller Landing
- Walls
- Walnut Hill
- Walroy
- Walsh
- Walters
- Ward
- Warden
- Wardview
- Wardville
- Warnerton
- Warsaw Ferry
- Warsaw Landing
- Waterford
- Waterloo
- Waters Edge
- Waverly
- Waxia
- Webb
- Webb Quarters
- Weber City
- Webre
- Webre Steib Plantation
- Wedgewood
- Weeks
- Weil
- Weiss
- Welcome
- Welcome Heights
- Weldon
- Wellington
- Wemple
- West Baton Rouge
- West End
- West Erath
- West Ferriday
- West Gate Terrace
- West Heights
- West Lake
- West Point
- West River Oaks
- West Sherwood Forest
- West Side
- West Sterlington
- Westchester
- Westdale
- Westdale Heights
- Westdale Terrace
- Western Hills
- Western Hills Village
- Western Pines
- Westfield
- Westgate
- Westminster
- Weston
- Westover
- Westport
- Westwood
- Westwood Village
- Wetzlar
- Wham
- Wheeling
- Whispering Oaks
- White Hall
- White Hills
- White Kitchen
- White Oak Run
- White Plains
- White Plantation
- White Sulphur Springs
- White Way Subdivision
- Whitehall
- Whitehouse
- Whitehurst
- Whiteville
- Whitford
- Whitmar Acres
- Whittington
- Wickland Terrace
- Wickliffe
- Wilda
- Wildcat
- Wildoak
- Wilds
- Wildwood
- Wildwood South
- Wilhite
- Willetts
- Williams
- Williamsport
- Williana
- Willis
- Willow Brook
- Willow Chute
- Willow Creek
- Willow Glen
- Willow Grove
- Willow Ridge
- Willow Wood
- Willowdale
- Willowood Acres
- Wills Point
- Willswood
- Wilman
- Wilmer
- Wilson Point
- Wilsonia
- Wilsons Landing
- Winchester
- Windfall
- Windsor
- Womack
- Wood
- Wood Lake
- Wood Springs
- Woodaire
- Woodardville
- Woodbridge
- Woodchuck
- Woodcrest
- Wooddale East
- Woodhaven
- Woodland
- Woodland Ridge
- Woodland View
- Woodlands
- Woodlawn
- Woodlawn Acres
- Woodmere
- Woods Edge
- Woodshire Village
- Woodside
- Woodstone
- Woodville
- Worsham Crossing
- Wright
- Wyandotte
- Wyatt
- Wyatt Subdivision
- West Lake Charles
- Westwood Park
- Waterwood Estates
- Wimbledon Estates
- Werner Park
- Woodlawn Estates
- West Hall Park
- Whisperwood Estates
- Whispering Pines Estates
- Windsor Place
- Western Hills Estates
- Westchester Estates
- Woodland Park
- Q
- Raceland
- Ragley
- Rayne
- Rayville
- Reddell
- Reeves
- Reserve
- Rhinehart
- Ringgold
- River Ridge
- Roanoke
- Robeline
- Robert
- Rodessa
- Rosedale
- Roseland
- Rosepine
- Rougon
- Ruston
- Ramah
- Rambin
- Rambling Oaks
- Ramos
- Ramsay
- Randolph
- Randolph Heights
- Rapidan
- Rapides
- Ratliff
- Rattan
- Ravencamp
- Ravenswood
- Raymond
- Readheimer
- Rebecca Plantation
- Red Chute
- Red Fish
- Red Gum
- Red Oak
- Red River Landing
- Redich
- Redland
- Redoak
- Redwing
- Reggio
- Reids
- Reiley
- Reimer Crossing
- Reisor
- Remolina Landing
- Remy
- Retreat
- Reussite
- Reveille
- Reynolds
- Rhodes
- Rhymes
- Riceville
- Richard
- Richardson
- Richardson Landing
- Richland
- Richmond
- Richwood
- Ricohoc
- Riddle
- Rideau Settlement
- Ridge
- Ridgecrest
- Ridgewood
- Rienzi Plantation
- Rigolets
- Rilla
- Ringwood
- Rio
- Rita
- River Bend
- River Gardens
- River Oaks
- Riverbend
- Rivercrest
- Riverland
- Riverland Heights
- Riverton
- Riverview
- Riverview Addition
- Roberts Cove
- Robin
- Robin Hood Subdivision
- Robinson
- Robinwood
- Robson
- Rochelle
- Rock
- Rock Corner
- Rock Hill
- Rockfield
- Rockthrow
- Rocky Branch
- Rocky Mount
- Rodemacher
- Rodriquez
- Rogers
- Rogillioville
- Rolling Acres
- Rome
- Romero
- Romeville
- Roosevelt
- Roppolo Villa
- Rork
- Rosa
- Rosaryville
- Rose Bluff
- Rose Hill
- Rosebank
- Rosefield
- Rosewood
- Rossignol
- Rost
- Round Oak
- Rousseau
- Routon
- Rowes Landing
- Roxana
- Roy
- Royal
- Royal Oak
- Royal Pines
- Ruby
- Ruddock
- Rum Center
- Ruple
- Rushmore
- Russellville
- Ruth
- Rycade
- Rynella
- Robinson Place
- Raceland Junction
- Robert Park
- Royal Estates
- Regal Park Estates
- Rosewood Estates
- Saint Amant
- Saint Bernard
- Saint Francisville
- Saint Gabriel
- Saint James
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Landry
- Saint Martinville
- Saint Rose
- Saline
- Sarepta
- Schriever
- Scott
- Shongaloo
- Shreveport
- Sibley
- Sicily Island
- Sieper
- Sikes
- Simmesport
- Simpson
- Simsboro
- Singer
- Slagle
- Slaughter
- Slidell
- Sondheimer
- Sorrento
- Spearsville
- Spencer
- Springfield
- Springhill
- Starks
- Start
- Sterlington
- Stonewall
- Sugartown
- Sulphur
- Summerfield
- Sun
- Sunset
- Sunshine
- Swartz
- Sable Chase
- Sacksonia
- Sadie
- Sadou
- Sailes
- Saint Benedict
- Saint Bernard Grove
- Saint Charles
- Saint Clair
- Saint Claire
- Saint Claude Heights
- Saint Delphine
- Saint Dizier
- Saint Elmo
- Saint Genevieve
- Saint James Plantation
- Saint Joe
- Saint John
- Saint Louis
- Saint Louis Plantation
- Saint Malo
- Saint Maurice
- Saint Rest
- Saint Rosalie
- Saint Rose Plantation
- Saint Tammany
- Saint Tammany Corner
- Saint Tammany Garden Meadows
- Saint Thomas
- Salix
- Salmen
- Salsburg
- Sambo
- Sampusand
- Samstown
- Samtown
- Samuels
- Sand Spur
- Sandager
- Sandel
- Sandra
- Sandy Hill
- Santiague
- Sarah
- Sarah Plantation
- Saranac
- Sardis
- Satsuma
- Savage Fork
- Savoie
- Savoy
- Saxonholm
- Scarsdale
- Scotland
- Scotlandville
- Scott Landing
- Scottsville
- Seabrook
- Seale
- Searcy
- Sebastopol
- Security
- Segura
- Seibert
- Sellers
- Selma
- Sentell
- Serena
- Seymourville
- Shadowbrook
- Shady
- Shady Grove
- Shady Oaks
- Shadyside
- Shamard Heights
- Shamrock
- Shamrock Gardens
- Shamrock Plaza
- Sharkey
- Sharlo
- Sharon
- Sharon Hills
- Sharp
- Sharp Town
- Shaw
- Shear
- Shelburn
- Shell Beach
- Sheltons
- Shenandoah
- Shenandoah North
- Shenandoah Ridge
- Shenandoah Square
- Shenandoah Trails
- Sherburne
- Sheridan
- Sherwood
- Sherwood Forest
- Sherwood Garden Homes
- Sherwood Manor
- Sherwood Meadow
- Sherwood Oaks
- Sherwood Oaks South
- Shexnayder
- Shiloh
- Shipp
- Shoreline
- Shrewsbury
- Shuteston
- Sicard
- Siegen
- Siegle
- Sieps
- Siloam Springs
- Silver Pine Village
- Silverside
- Silverside Heights Garden
- Silverwood
- Simmons Settlement
- Simms
- Siracusaville
- Ski Stone
- Skidder
- Slacks
- Slidell Heights
- Slidell Manor
- Slidell Ozone Heights
- Sligo
- Slocum
- Slone
- Smiley Heights
- Smithfield
- Smithland
- Smithville
- Smoke Bend
- Smurney
- Smyrna
- Soco
- Socola
- Soileau
- Solitude
- Solley Hill
- Somerset
- Soniat
- Sorrel
- Soulouque
- South Baton Rouge
- South Bend
- South Bilt
- South Broadmoor
- South Dayton
- South End
- South Highland
- South Highlands
- South Kenner
- South Mansfield
- South Merrydale
- South Merrywoods
- South Pass
- South Point
- South River Oaks
- South Sherwood Forest
- South Towne Heights
- South Vacherie
- Southdown
- Southdown Plantation
- Southdowns
- Southern Gardens
- Southern Heights
- Southern Hills
- Southern Terrace
- Southmoore
- Southpark
- Southport
- Southport Country
- Southwinds
- Southwood
- Southwood Ridge
- Spanish City
- Spanish Fort
- Spanish Trail Highlands
- Sparks
- Sparta
- Spaulding
- Spillman
- Spokane
- Sport
- Spring Bayou Landing
- Spring Creek
- Spring Hill
- Spring Lake
- Spring Ridge
- Springville
- Spyker
- Squealer Point Landing
- Stacy
- Stacy Landing
- Stampley
- Standard
- Standard Heights
- Stanley
- Stanton
- Staples
- Star
- Starhill
- Staring Acres
- Starns
- State Line
- Stay
- Steeple Chase
- Stegall
- Stein
- Stekey
- Stella
- Stephens
- Stephenville
- Sterling
- Steven
- Stevendale Heights
- Stevensdale
- Stevenson
- Stewart Plantation
- Stille
- Stones Landing
- Stonewell Plantation
- Stoney Point
- Story
- Storyville
- Strader
- Suburban North
- Sugar Creek
- Sugrue
- Sumerall
- Summer Grove
- Summerville
- Summit
- Suna
- Sunny Hill
- Sunnybrook
- Sunnybrook Farms
- Sunrise
- Sunrise Landing
- Sunshine Heights
- Superior
- Supreme
- Swampers
- Swan Lake
- Swart
- Swayze Lake
- Sweet Home
- Sweet Lake
- Sweetbriar
- Swift
- Swindleville
- Swords
- Sycamore
- Saint Landry Parish Airport
- Shady Park
- Spring Lake Estates
- Southgate Estates
- Shenandoah Estates
- Sarasota Place
- Saint Pius Place
- Saint Gerald Park
- Shenandoah Park
- Sherwood Forest Estates
- St Martinvlle
- Talisheek
- Tallulah
- Tangipahoa
- Taylor
- Terrytown
- Theriot
- Thibodaux
- Tickfaw
- Tioga
- Torbert
- Transylvania
- Trout
- Tullos
- Tunica
- Turkey Creek
- Tabatiere Perdue
- Taconey
- Taft
- Talbot Landing
- Tall Timbers
- Talla Bena
- Tallow Wood
- Tally Ho
- Tama
- Tamaron
- Tanglewood
- Tanglewood Village
- Tannehill
- Tansey
- Tara
- Tate Cove
- Taterville
- Taylortown
- Teddy
- Temple
- Tendal
- Tenmile
- Tensas
- Tensas Bluff
- Tensas Bluff Landing
- Tepetate
- Terra Haute
- Terrills
- Terry
- Texas
- The Cedars
- The Hideaway
- The Highlands
- The Hill
- The Meadows
- The Myrtles
- The Parks
- The Rock
- The Settlement
- The Shire
- The Woodlands
- The Woods
- Theall
- Thirteen Points Landing
- Thomas
- Thomastown
- Thornwell
- Three Oaks
- Three States
- Tiger Bluff Landing
- Tigerland Acres
- Tigerville
- Timber Grove
- Timber Ridge
- Timber Trails
- Timberlane
- Timon
- Toca
- Todd
- Tony
- Toomey
- Topsy
- Toro
- Torras
- Torras Landing
- Tortue
- Town and Country
- Town East
- Treasure Island
- Treat
- Trees
- Tremont
- Trenton
- Trichell
- Trinity
- Tristian Village
- Triumph
- Tropical Bend
- Troy
- Truxno
- Tugwell
- Tulip
- Tulla
- Tullis
- Tunica Landing
- Tupawek
- Turnbull
- Turnerville
- Turps
- Turtle Beach
- Twelve Cedars
- Twilight Meadows
- Twin Bridges
- Twin Oaks
- Tyrone
- Tolbert Place
- Tara Place
- Tilman Park
- Timber Lake Estates
- Urania
- U and I Landing
- Ulyssee
- Unatex
- Uneedus
- Union
- Union Hill
- Union Landing
- Union Point
- Union Springs
- Unionville
- United
- University Acres
- University Gardens
- University Hills
- University Shadows
- University South
- University Terrace
- University View
- Upco
- Upland
- Upper Texas
- Ursa
- Uscarco
- Utility
- Uncle Sam
- University Place
- University Park
- Vacherie
- Venice
- Ventress
- Vidalia
- Ville Platte
- Vinton
- Violet
- Vivian
- Valentine
- Valley Hills
- Vallier
- Valverda
- Vanceville
- Varnado
- Vatican
- Vaughn
- Veazie
- Velma
- Veltin
- Venetian Isles
- Verda
- Verdun
- Verdunville
- Vernon
- Verret
- Versailles
- Vick
- Victoria
- Victoria Farm
- Victoria Garden
- Vida
- Vidrine
- Vienna
- Vienna Bend
- Vieux Carre
- Villa Ashley
- Villa Del Rey
- Villa Roma
- Villa West
- Village Cote
- Village de L'Est
- Village North
- Village Saint George
- Vincent Landing
- Viva
- Vixen
- Voorhies
- Vowells Mill
- Videt Place
- Y
- Z