All loads in Indiana, IN
Truck loads found (real-time):
- Origin
- Destination
- Pickup
- Size Weight
- Miles
- Equipment Type
- Credit Score
- Details
Size weightTL43000 lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score100/33
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Size weightTL- lbs
Equipment typePowerOnly
Credit Score95/40
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Size weightTL12000 lbs
Equipment typePowerOnly
Credit Score98/36
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Size weightTL- lbs
Equipment typePowerOnly
Credit Score95/40
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL- lbs
Equipment typePowerOnly
Credit Score95/40
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Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/28
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Size weightTL1000 lbs
Equipment typePowerOnly
Credit Score103/32
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Size weightTL50000 lbs
Equipment typeHopperBottom
Credit Score103/34
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Size weightTL320 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/32
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL- lbs
Equipment typePowerOnly
Credit Score95/40
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Major Indiana (IN) cities:
All cities with truck loads:
- Acton
- Advance
- Akron
- Alamo
- Albany
- Albion
- Alexandria
- Ambia
- Amboy
- Amo
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Angola
- Arcadia
- Arcola
- Argos
- Arlington
- Ashley
- Athens
- Atlanta
- Attica
- Atwood
- Auburn
- Aurora
- Austin
- Avilla
- Avoca
- Avon
- Aaron
- Aberdeen
- Abington
- Aboite
- Abydel
- Academie
- Acme
- Adams
- Adams Mill
- Adamsboro
- Ade
- Adel
- Adyeville
- Aetna
- Africa
- Ainsworth
- Aix
- Alaska
- Aldine
- Alert
- Alfont
- Alford
- Alfordsville
- Algiers
- Alida
- Allen
- Allen Crossing
- Allendale
- Allens Acres
- Allensville
- Alliance
- Allisonville
- Allman
- Alma Lake
- Alpine
- Alquina
- Alta
- Altamont Switch
- Alto
- Alton
- Altona
- Alvarado
- Ambler
- America
- Americus
- Ames
- Amity
- Andersonville
- Andry
- Anita
- Annapolis
- Anoka
- Ansley Acres
- Anthony
- Anthony Wayne Village
- Antioch
- Antioch Grange
- Antiville
- Apalona
- Arabia
- Arba
- Arcana
- Arctic Springs
- Arda
- Ardmore
- Ari
- Armiesburg
- Armstrong
- Arney
- Aroma
- Art
- Arthur
- Artic
- Artist Point
- Ash Grove
- Ash Iron Springs
- Ashboro
- Ashby Yards
- Asherville
- Ashland
- Ashwood
- Asphaltum
- Atherton
- Atkinson
- Atkinsonville
- Auburn Trace
- Augusta
- Aultshire
- Austin Oaks
- Avalon
- Avalon Hills
- Avery
- Avonburg
- Aylesworth
- Ayrshire
- Azalia
- Atterbury
- Auburn Junction
- Abbey Dell
- Bainbridge
- Bargersville
- Batesville
- Bath
- Battle Ground
- Bedford
- Beech Grove
- Bellmore
- Bennington
- Bentonville
- Berne
- Bethlehem
- Beverly Shores
- Bicknell
- Bippus
- Birdseye
- Blanford
- Bloomfield
- Bloomingdale
- Bloomington
- Bluffton
- Boggstown
- Boone Grove
- Boonville
- Borden
- Boston
- Boswell
- Bourbon
- Bowling Green
- Bradford
- Branchville
- Brazil
- Bremen
- Bridgeton
- Brimfield
- Bringhurst
- Bristol
- Bristow
- Brook
- Brooklyn
- Brookston
- Brookville
- Brownsburg
- Brownstown
- Brownsville
- Bruceville
- Bryant
- Buck Creek
- Buckskin
- Buffalo
- Bunker Hill
- Burket
- Burlington
- Burnettsville
- Burns Harbor
- Burrows
- Butler
- Butlerville
- Babcock
- Bacon
- Badger Grove
- Baileys Corner
- Bainter Town
- Baker
- Bakers Corner
- Bakertown
- Balbec
- Bald Knobs
- Baldridge
- Baldwin Heights
- Ballstown
- Bandmill
- Bandon
- Banner Mills
- Banning Corner
- Banquo
- Banta
- Barbee
- Barbersville
- Barce
- Barnard
- Barnhart Town
- Barrett
- Barrick Corner
- Barrington Ridge
- Bartle
- Bartlettsville
- Bartonia
- Bartons Location
- Bascom Corner
- Bass Lake
- Baugh City
- Bayfield
- Beal
- Beamer
- Beanblossom
- Bear Branch
- Bear Wallow
- Beard
- Beardstown
- Beatrice
- Beattys Corner
- Beatys Beach
- Beaver City
- Beaver Dam
- Becks Grove
- Becks Mill
- Beckville
- Bee Ridge
- Beech Brook
- Beechwood
- Beehunter
- Beesons
- Behlmer Corner
- Belknap
- Bell Center
- Belle Arbor
- Belle Union
- Belleview
- Belleville
- Bellfountain
- Belmont
- Belshaw
- Ben Davis
- Benefiel Corner
- Bengal
- Benham
- Bennetts Switch
- Bennettsville
- Benton
- Benton House
- Benwood
- Berkley Ridge
- Berlien
- Bethany
- Bethel
- Bethel Village
- Bethevan
- Beverly Hill
- Big Four Yard
- Big Hill
- Big Springs
- Billie Creek Village
- Billingsville
- Billtown
- Billville
- Birchim
- Birmingham
- Black Oak
- Black Point
- Black Rock
- Blackhawk
- Blackhawk Beach
- Blackiston Mill
- Blackiston Village
- Blaine
- Blairsville
- Blakesburg
- Blocher
- Bloods Wood Crossing
- Bloomer
- Blooming Grove
- Bloomingport
- Blountsville
- Blue
- Blue Lick
- Blue Ridge
- Blue River
- Bluecast
- Bluestone
- Bluff Acres
- Bluff Creek
- Bluff Point
- Bluffs
- Bobtown
- Bogle Corner
- Bolivar
- Bonds
- Bonnell
- Bonneyville Mills
- Bono
- Boston Corner
- Boundary City
- Bowers
- Bowerstown
- Bowman
- Bowman Acres
- Boxley
- Boyd
- Boyleston
- Bracken
- Bradfield Corner
- Bramble
- Braxtons Siding
- Braysville
- Braytown
- Breakwater
- Breckenridge
- Breezy Point
- Brems
- Brendan Wood
- Brendonwood
- Brent Woods
- Brentridge
- Brentwood
- Bretzville
- Brewersville
- Briarwood
- Brice
- Brick Chapel
- Bridgeport
- Bridgewater
- Bridlebourne
- Brierwood Hills
- Briggs
- Bright
- Brighton
- Brimstone Corners
- Brisco
- Britton Ridge
- Broad Ripple
- Broadmoor
- Broadview
- Brockton Manor
- Bromer
- Brookfield
- Brookhaven
- Brooklyn Heights
- Brookmoor
- Brooks
- Brooks Crossing
- Brooksburg
- Brookville Heights
- Broom Hill
- Brown Jug Corner
- Browns Corner
- Browns Crossing
- Browns Valley
- Brummitt Acres
- Brunerstown
- Brunswick
- Brushy Prairie
- Bryantsburg
- Bryantsville
- Buchanan
- Buchanan Corner
- Buckeye
- Bucks Creek
- Bucktown
- Bud
- Buddha
- Buena Vista
- Buenavista
- Buffaloville
- Buffington
- Bufkin
- Bullocktown
- Burdick
- Burge Terrace
- Burlington Beach
- Burnett
- Burney
- Burns City
- Burnsville
- Burr Oak
- Bushrod
- Busseron
- Butler Center
- Buttermilk Point
- Byrneville
- Byron
- Board Park
- Brown County State Park
- Broad Park
- Braxton
- Bass Station
- Cambridge City
- Camby
- Camden
- Campbellsburg
- Canaan
- Cannelburg
- Cannelton
- Carbon
- Carlisle
- Carmel
- Cartersburg
- Carthage
- Castleton
- Cayuga
- Cedar Grove
- Cedar Lake
- Celestine
- Centerpoint
- Centerville
- Central
- Chalmers
- Chandler
- Charlestown
- Charlottesville
- Chesterfield
- Chesterton
- Chili
- Chrisney
- Churubusco
- Cicero
- Clarks Hill
- Clarksburg
- Clarksville
- Clay City
- Claypool
- Clayton
- Clear Creek
- Clermont
- Clifford
- Clinton
- Cloverdale
- Coal City
- Coalmont
- Coatesville
- Colfax
- Columbia City
- Columbus
- Commiskey
- Connersville
- Converse
- Cortland
- Corunna
- Cory
- Corydon
- Covington
- Craigville
- Crandall
- Crane
- Crawfordsville
- Cromwell
- Cross Plains
- Crothersville
- Crown Point
- Culver
- Cumberland
- Cutler
- Cynthiana
- C and C Beach
- Caborn
- Cadiz
- Cagle Mill
- Cairo
- Calcutta
- Cale
- Calvertville
- Cambria
- Cammack
- Camp Brosend
- Camp Flat Rock
- Camp Roberts
- Camp Shor
- Campbell Corner
- Campbelltown
- Candleglo Village
- Cantaloupe
- Canton
- Cape Sandy
- Capehart
- Carbondale
- Cardonia
- Carefree
- Carlos
- Carp
- Carpentersville
- Carrollton
- Carwood
- Cary
- Cascade
- Cass
- Cassville
- Castle Garden
- Cataract
- Cates
- Catlin
- Cato
- Cedar
- Cedar Canyons
- Cedar Cove
- Cedar Farm Landing
- Cedar Hills
- Cedar Point
- Cedar Shores
- Cedarville
- Celina
- Cementville
- Centenary
- Centennial
- Center
- Center Point
- Center Square
- Center Valley
- Centerton
- Central Barren
- Ceylon
- Chambersburg
- Champlin Meadows
- Chapel Hill
- Chapel Manor
- Charlesmac Village
- Charleston Crossing
- Chase
- Chatterton
- Chelsea
- Cherry Grove
- Cherry Hill Farms
- Cherryvale
- Chester
- Chesterville
- Chestnut Hill
- Chestnut Ridge
- Chetwynd
- China
- Christiansburg
- Cincinnati
- Circleville
- Clanricarde
- Clare
- Clark Siding
- Clarks
- Clarks Landing
- Clarksdale
- Claysville
- Clear Lake
- Clear Spring
- Clearview
- Clermont Heights
- Cleveland
- Clifton
- Clinton Falls
- Clover Village
- Cloverland
- Clunette
- Clymers
- Coal Bluff
- Coal Creek
- Coats Spring
- Cobb
- Cobbs Corner
- Coburg
- Cochran
- Coe
- Coesse
- Coesse Corners
- Cofield Corner
- Coke Oven Hollow
- Colburn
- Cold Springs
- Cole
- Collamer
- College Corner
- College Crest
- College Meadows
- Collegeville
- Collett
- Collingwood
- Collins
- Coloma
- Colonial Village
- Columbia
- Como
- Concord
- Concordia Gardens
- Conner Creek
- Conner Knoll
- Connerwood
- Conologue
- Conrad
- Cook
- Coolwood Acres
- Cooper Corner
- Cope
- Coppess Corner
- Corkwell
- Corn Brook
- Cornelius
- Cornettsville
- Corning
- Correct
- Corwin
- Cosperville
- Cottage Grove
- Cottage Hill
- Country Club Gardens
- Country Club Heights
- Country Club Meadows
- County Squire Lakes
- Courter
- Courtney Corner
- Coveyville
- Covington Dells
- Cowan
- Coxton
- Coxville
- Cradick Corner
- Craig
- Crawford
- Crawleyville
- Creekwood
- Cresco
- Crest Manor Addition
- Crestlawn
- Crestmoor
- Creston
- Crestview
- Crestview Heights
- Crestwood
- Crete
- Crisman
- Critchfield
- Crocker
- Crompton Hill
- Crooked Lake
- Cross Roads
- Crossroad Temple
- Crosswinds At Windermere
- Crown Center
- Crows Nest
- Crumb Corner
- Crumstown
- Crystal
- Cuba
- Cumback
- Cumberland Ridge
- Cumberland Woods
- Cunot
- Curby
- Curryville
- Curtisville
- Cuzco
- Cyclone
- Cypress
- Camp Atterbury
- Crawfordsvlle
- Carriage Estates
- Corydon Junction
- Chain-O-Lakes
- Country Squire Lakes
- Crane Naval Depot
- Dale
- Daleville
- Dana
- Danville
- Darlington
- Dayton
- Decatur
- Decker
- Delong
- Delphi
- Demotte
- Denham
- Denver
- Depauw
- Deputy
- Derby
- Dillsboro
- Donaldson
- Dublin
- Dubois
- Dugger
- Dunkirk
- Dunreith
- Dupont
- Dyer
- Dabney
- Daggett
- Daisy Hill
- Dalton
- Danes
- Dark Hollow
- Darlington Woods
- Darmstadt
- Darrough Chapel
- Davidson
- Davis
- Davy
- Dawnbury
- Daylight
- Dayville
- De Camp Gardens
- De Gonia Springs
- De Motte
- Deacon
- Dead Mans Crossing
- Decker Chapel
- Deedsville
- Deep River
- Deer Creek
- Deer Mill
- Deerfield
- Deerwood
- DeFries Landing
- Delaware
- Delaware Trails
- Delp
- Deming
- Deming Woods
- Denmark
- Denny Corner
- Desoto
- Deuchars
- Devonshire
- Devore
- Dewberry
- Dewey
- Dexter
- Diamond
- Dickeyville
- Dillman
- Dinwiddie
- Disko
- Dixie
- Dixon
- Doans
- Dodd
- Dodds Bridge
- Dogwood
- Dolan
- Domestic
- Donaldsonville
- Dongola
- Doolittle Mills
- Door Village
- Dooville
- Douglas
- Dover
- Dover Hill
- Downey Corner
- Downeyville
- Doyle
- Doyle Ferguson
- Dreamwold Heights
- Drew
- Drewersburg
- Drexel Gardens
- Driftwood Hills
- Duane Yards
- Dubois Crossroads
- Dudleytown
- Duff
- Duncan
- Dundee
- Dune Acres
- Duneland Beach
- Duneland Village
- Dunfee
- Dunlap
- Dunlapsville
- Dunn
- Dunn Mill
- Dunnington
- Dunns Bridge
- Durbin
- Durham
- Dwenger Field
- Deer Park
- Deming Park
- Delaware County Airport
- Earl Park
- East Chicago
- East Enterprise
- Eaton
- Eckerty
- Economy
- Edinburgh
- Edwardsport
- Elberfeld
- Elizabeth
- Elizabethtown
- Elkhart
- Ellettsville
- Elnora
- Elwood
- Eminence
- English
- Etna Green
- Evanston
- Evansville
- Eagle Point
- Eagle Trace
- Eagle Village
- Eagletown
- Eames
- Earle
- East Columbus
- East Germantown
- East Glenn
- East Haven
- East Liberty
- East Monticello
- East Mount Carmel
- East Oolitic
- East Shelburn
- East Union
- Eastern Heights
- Eastgate
- Eastland Gardens
- Eastpoint Terminal
- Eastwitch
- Easytown
- Eby
- Echo Crest
- Eddy
- Eden
- Edgerton
- Edgewater
- Edgewood
- Edgewood Lake
- Edgewood Village
- Edna Mills
- Edwardsville
- Eel River
- Effner
- Egans Point
- Ege
- Egg Harbor
- Egypt
- Ehrmandale
- Ekin
- El Dorado
- Elizaville
- Elk
- Elkinsville
- Eller Commons
- Eller Run
- Eller Trails
- Elliott
- Ellis
- Ellison
- Elliston
- Ellisville
- Ellsworth
- Elm Tree Crossroads
- Elmdale
- Elmhurst
- Elmira
- Elmwood
- Elrod
- Elston
- Elwren
- Emison
- Emma
- Emporia
- Enchanted Hills
- Englewood
- English Lake
- Enochsburg
- Enos
- Enos Corner
- Enterprise
- Epsom
- Epworth Forest
- Erie
- Erwin
- Ethel
- Etna
- Eugene
- Eureka
- Evans Landing
- Everton
- Ewing
- Ewington
- Exchange
- Extension Heights
- Eagle Creek
- Erskine Station
- East Lake Estates
- Eaglewood Estates
- E Enterprise
- Fair Oaks
- Fairbanks
- Fairland
- Fairmount
- Falmouth
- Farmersburg
- Farmland
- Ferdinand
- Fillmore
- Finley
- Fishers
- Flat Rock
- Flora
- Florence
- Floyds Knobs
- Folsomville
- Fontanet
- Foraker
- Forest
- Fort Branch
- Fort Ritner
- Fort Wayne
- Fortville
- Fountain City
- Fountaintown
- Fowler
- Fowlerton
- Francesville
- Francisco
- Frankfort
- Franklin
- Frankton
- Fredericksburg
- Freedom
- Freelandville
- Freetown
- Fremont
- French Lick
- Friendship
- Fulda
- Fulton
- Fair Acres
- Fairdale
- Fairfax
- Fairfield
- Fairfield Center
- Fairview
- Fairwood Hills
- Fall Creek Highland
- Farabee
- Fargo
- Farlen
- Farleys Addition
- Farmers
- Farmers Retreat
- Farmersville
- Farmington
- Farrville
- Fawnbrook Woods
- Fayette
- Fayetteville
- Fayne Siding
- Federal Hill
- Fenn Haven
- Fenns
- Ferguson Hill
- Ferndale
- Fewell Rhoades
- Fiat
- Fickle
- Fields
- Fincastle
- Fish Lake
- Fishersburg
- Fisherville
- Fishtown
- Fiskville
- Five Points
- Five Points Corner
- Flackville
- Flat Iron
- Flax
- Fleener
- Fleming
- Fletcher
- Flint
- Florida
- Foley
- Foresman
- Forest City
- Forest Glen
- Forest Hill
- Forest Hills
- Forest Knoll
- Forest Park Heights
- Forest Ridge
- Foster
- Fosters Ridge
- Fountain
- Four Corners
- Four Presidents Corners
- Fox
- Fox Hill
- Fox Hollow
- Fox Ridge
- Foxberry Trace
- Frances
- Fredonia
- Free
- Freeman
- Freeport
- Frenchtown
- Friendly Corner
- Friendswood
- Fritchton
- Fritz Corner
- Fruitdale
- Furnace
- Furnessville
- Finly
- Fountain Park
- Fairview Station
- Forest Park
- Fredericksbrg
- Galveston
- Garrett
- Gary
- Gas City
- Gaston
- Geneva
- Gentryville
- Georgetown
- Glenwood
- Goldsmith
- Goodland
- Goshen
- Gosport
- Grabill
- Grammer
- Grandview
- Granger
- Grantsburg
- Greencastle
- Greendale
- Greenfield
- Greens Fork
- Greensboro
- Greensburg
- Greentown
- Greenville
- Greenwood
- Griffin
- Griffith
- Grissom Arb
- Grovertown
- Guilford
- Gwynneville
- Graysville
- Gadsden
- Gale
- Galena
- Gambill
- Garden Acres
- Garden City
- Garden Village
- Garfield
- Garyton
- Gasburg
- Gatchel
- Gates Corner
- Gatesville
- Gatewood
- Gaynorsville
- Geetingsville
- Gehring and Gumz Ditch
- Geist Woods
- Gem
- Georgia
- Gerald
- Germantown
- Germany
- Gessie
- Gibson
- Gifford
- Gilead
- Gilmour
- Gimco City
- Gingrich Addition
- Gings
- Giro
- Gladens Corner
- Glen Abbey At Windermere
- Glen Ayre
- Glen Cliff
- Glen Eden
- Glendale
- Glendale Heights
- Glendora
- Glenhall
- Glenn Ayr
- Glenns Valley
- Glezen
- Glidas
- Glyn Ellen
- Gnaw Bone
- Goblesville
- Golden Acres
- Golden Grove
- Golden Hill
- Goodwins Corner
- Gooseport
- Gospel Grove
- Gowdy
- Grafton
- Graham
- Graham Valley
- Graham Woods
- Grandview Lake
- Grange Corner
- Grant City
- Granville
- Grass Creek
- Gravel Beach
- Gravel Hill
- Gravelton
- Gray Eagle
- Grayford
- Green Acres
- Green Center
- Green Hill
- Green Meadows
- Green Oak
- Green Valley
- Greenbriar
- Greenbrier
- Greene
- Greenfield Mills
- Greenleaf Manor
- Gridley
- Grismore
- Groomsville
- Groveland
- Gudgel
- Guernsey
- Guion
- Gurley Corner
- Gurley Landing
- Guthrie
- Guy
- Grissom Air Reserve Base
- Gray Junction
- Grissom AFB FB4654
- Glen Park
- Galader Station
- Gilmer Park
- Gilman
- Hagerstown
- Hamilton
- Hamlet
- Hammond
- Hanna
- Hanover
- Hardinsburg
- Harlan
- Harmony
- Harrodsburg
- Hartford City
- Hartsville
- Hatfield
- Haubstadt
- Hayden
- Hazleton
- Hebron
- Helmer
- Helmsburg
- Heltonville
- Hemlock
- Henryville
- Highland
- Hillsboro
- Hillsdale
- Hoagland
- Hobart
- Hobbs
- Holland
- Holton
- Homer
- Hope
- Howe
- Hudson
- Huntertown
- Huntingburg
- Huntington
- Huron
- Hymera
- Hacienda Village
- Hackleman
- Hadley
- Haglund
- Haig Point
- Haleysbury
- Hall
- Halls Corners
- Hamburg
- Hamilton Hills
- Hancock Chapel
- Hancock Corner
- Handy
- Haney Corner
- Hanfield
- Hanging Grove
- Hangman Crossing
- Hanover Beach
- Happy Hollow
- Happy Hollow Heights
- Hardingrove
- Hardscrabble
- Harlansburg
- Harley
- Harley Siding
- Harmeson Heights
- Harper
- Harris
- Harris City
- Harrisburg
- Harrison
- Harrison Grange
- Harrison Green
- Harrison Lake
- Harrison Lakes
- Harrison Woods
- Harristown
- Harrisville
- Hartford
- Hartleyville
- Hartsdale
- Hartwell
- Hartzel
- Harveysburg
- Harwood
- Hashtown
- Haskell
- Hastings
- Hawthorn Hills
- Hawthorne Hills
- Hawthornes At The Crossing
- Hawton
- Haysville
- Haysville Corner
- Hazel College
- Hazelrigg
- Hazelwood
- Headlee
- Heath
- Heather Point
- Hedrick
- Heilman
- Helmcrest
- Hemenway
- Henderson
- Hendricks
- Hendricksville
- Henry
- Hepburn
- Herbamount
- Herbst
- Heritage Green
- Heritage Meadows
- Herr
- Hessen Cassel
- Hesston
- Hessville
- Heusler
- Hibbard
- Hibernia
- Hickory Corner
- Hickory Island
- Hickory Ridge
- Hickory Woods
- Hicks
- Hidden Valley
- Highbank Town
- Highbanks
- Highets Corner
- Highland Center
- Highland Springs
- Highland Village
- Highwoods
- Hildebrand Village
- Hillcrest
- Hillcrest Terrace
- Hillham
- Hillisburg
- Hillsborough
- Hillside
- Hilltown
- Hindostan
- Hindostan Falls
- Hindustan
- Hirt Corner
- Hiser
- Hitchcock
- Hobbieville
- Hoffman Crossing
- Hogtown
- Holaday Hills and Dales
- Holida
- Hollandsburg
- Holmesville
- Home Corner
- Homecroft
- Homestead
- Honduras
- Honey Creek
- Honeyville
- Hooker Corner
- Hoosier
- Hoosier Acres
- Hoosierville
- Hoover
- Hoover Crest
- Hoover Mill
- Hopeville
- Hopewell
- Horace
- Hortonville
- Houston
- Hovey
- Howard
- Howesville
- Hubbard
- Hubbell
- Hubbells Corner
- Huber
- Hudnut
- Hudson Lake
- Hudsonville
- Huffman
- Hunter Corner
- Hunter Switch
- Hunters Pointe
- Huntersville
- Huntsville
- Hurlburt
- Hursh
- Hutton
- Hyndsdale
- Hoover Park
- Huntington College
- Harbor
- Hi-View Addition
- Idaville
- Indiana Beach
- Indianapolis
- Ingalls
- Inglefield
- Ireland
- Idlewold
- Ijamsville
- Ilene
- Illinoi
- Imperial Hills
- Independence
- Independence Hill
- Indian Creek Settlement
- Indian Heights
- Indian Hill
- Indian Hills
- Indian Lake
- Indian Springs
- Indian Village
- Indiana Harbor
- Indianola
- Indigo Lake
- Ingallston
- Inverness
- Inwood
- Iona
- Irondale
- Ironton
- Irvington
- Island City
- Iva
- Ivanhoe
- Ivy Hills
- Indian Harbor
- Indianapolis International Airport
- Jamestown
- Jasonville
- Jasper
- Jeffersonville
- Jonesboro
- Jonesville
- Jackson
- Jackson Hill
- Jacksonburg
- Jacksons
- Jacksonville
- Jadden
- Jalapa
- Janney
- Jarretts
- Jay City
- Jeff
- Jefferson
- Jenkinsville
- Jericho
- Jerome
- Jessup
- Jewell Village
- Jimtown
- Jockey
- Johnsburg
- Johnson
- Johnsonville
- Johnstown
- Jolietville
- Jolleyville
- Jonestown
- Joppa
- Jordan
- Judah
- Judson
- Judyville
- Julietta
- Jasper County Airport
- Jeffersonvlle
- Kempton
- Kendallville
- Kennard
- Kentland
- Kewanna
- Keystone
- Kimmell
- Kingman
- Kingsbury
- Kingsford Heights
- Kirklin
- Knightstown
- Knightsville
- Knox
- Kokomo
- Koleen
- Kouts
- Kurtz
- Kanata Manayunk
- Kankakee
- Kansas
- Kappa Corner
- Kasson
- Keller
- Kellerville
- Kennedy
- Kenneth
- Kent
- Kentwood
- Kercheval
- Kersey
- Keystone Manor
- Keytsville
- Kiley
- Kilmore
- Kinder
- King
- Kings Mill
- Kings Store
- Kingsborough
- Kingsland
- Kingston
- Kinsey
- Kirby
- Kirkpatrick
- Kirksville
- Kirschs Corner
- Kitchel
- Kitt
- Kitterman Corners
- Klaasville
- Klemmes Corner
- Klondike
- Klondyke
- Knarr Corner
- Knight Ridge
- Knighthood Grove
- Knighthood Village
- Kniman
- Knob Hill
- Knollton Heights
- Koontz Lake
- Kossuth
- Kramer
- Kratzville
- Kreitzburg
- Kriete Corner
- Kyana
- Kyle
- La Crosse
- La Fontaine
- Laconia
- Ladoga
- Lafayette
- Lagrange
- Lagro
- Lake Cicott
- Lake Station
- Lake Village
- Laketon
- Lakeville
- Lamar
- Lanesville
- Laotto
- Lapel
- Laporte
- Larwill
- Laurel
- Lawrence
- Lawrenceburg
- Leavenworth
- Lebanon
- Leesburg
- Leiters Ford
- Leo
- Leopold
- Leroy
- Lewis
- Lewisville
- Lexington
- Liberty
- Liberty Center
- Liberty Mills
- Ligonier
- Lincoln City
- Linden
- Linn Grove
- Linton
- Little York
- Lizton
- Logansport
- Long Beach
- Loogootee
- Losantville
- Lowell
- Lucerne
- Lynn
- Lynnville
- Lyons
- La Paz
- La Porte
- Lacy
- Lake Bruce
- Lake Cicott Post Office
- Lake Dalecarlia
- Lake Eliza
- Lake Grange
- Lake Hart
- Lake Hills
- Lake James
- Lake Mill
- Lake on the Green
- Lake Shores
- Lake View
- Lake Wood
- Lakes of the Four Seasons
- Lakeside
- Lakeside Green
- Lakeview
- Lakeview Spring
- Lakewood
- Lakewood Hills
- Lalimere
- Lamb
- Lamong
- Lanam
- Lancaster
- Landersdale
- Landess
- Langoons
- Lantana Estate
- Lantern Crossing
- Lantern Farms
- Lantern Pines
- Lap Corner
- Lapland
- Larimer Hill
- Laud
- Lauer
- Laughery Switch
- Laugheryville
- Laura
- Lawrenceport
- Lawrenceville
- Lawton
- Layton
- Leases Corner
- Leatherwood
- Lee
- Leesville
- Legendary Hills
- Leipsic
- Leisure
- Lena
- Leonard Springs
- Leota
- Letts
- Letts Corner
- Lettsville
- Levert
- Lewis Creek
- Lewisburg
- Lewiston
- Liber
- Liberal
- Liberty Corners
- Liberty Hills
- Libertyville
- Liggett
- Lilly Dale
- Limedale
- Lincoln
- Lincoln Hills
- Lincoln Pioneer Village
- Lincoln Village
- Lincolnshire
- Lincolnville
- Lindenwood
- Linkville
- Linnsburg
- Linwood
- Lippe
- Lisbon
- Little Acre
- Little Charlie
- Little Point
- Little Rock
- Little Saint Louis
- Littles
- Liverpool
- Livonia
- Lochiel
- Locke
- Lockport
- Locust Grove
- Locust Point
- Lodi
- Log Cabin Crossroads
- Logan
- Lomax
- London
- London Heights
- Lone Tree
- Long Lake Island
- Long Run
- Longview Beach
- Longwood Crossing
- Lookout
- Lorane
- Loree
- Lost River
- Lottaville
- Lottick Corner
- Lotus
- Lovett
- Lowman Corner
- Lowmandale
- Luray
- Luther
- Luxhaven
- Lydick
- Lyford
- Lyles
- Lynhurst
- Lynwood Hills
- Lyonsville
- Lapaz
- La Fayette
- Lakeside Park
- La Paz Junction
- Lawrenceburg Junction
- Lancaster Park
- Leo Cedarville
- Mackey
- Macy
- Madison
- Manilla
- Marengo
- Mariah Hill
- Marion
- Markle
- Markleville
- Marshall
- Marshfield
- Martinsville
- Marysville
- Matthews
- Mauckport
- Maxwell
- Mays
- McCordsville
- Mecca
- Medaryville
- Medora
- Mellott
- Memphis
- Mentone
- Merom
- Merrillville
- Metamora
- Mexico
- Miami
- Michiana Shores
- Michigan City
- Michigantown
- Middlebury
- Middletown
- Midland
- Milan
- Milford
- Mill Creek
- Millersburg
- Milltown
- Milroy
- Milton
- Mishawaka
- Mitchell
- Modoc
- Mongo
- Monon
- Monroe
- Monroe City
- Monroeville
- Monrovia
- Monterey
- Montezuma
- Montgomery
- Monticello
- Montmorenci
- Montpelier
- Mooreland
- Moores Hill
- Mooresville
- Morgantown
- Morocco
- Morris
- Morristown
- Mount Vernon
- Mount Ayr
- Mount Summit
- Mulberry
- Muncie
- Munster
- Mace
- Macedonia
- Mackie
- Madalline
- Magee
- Magley
- Magnet
- Magnetic Springs
- Magnolia
- Mahalasville
- Mahan Crossing
- Mahon
- Majenica
- Makin
- Malden
- Maltersville
- Manchester
- Manhattan
- Manor Woods
- Mansfield
- Manson
- Manville
- Maple Del
- Maple Lane
- Maple Ridge
- Maple Valley
- Maples
- Mapleton
- Mapleton Corner
- Maplewood
- Marble Hill
- Marco
- Mardenis
- Marian Manor
- Marietta
- Marineland Gardens
- Marion Heights
- Marion Mills
- Markland
- Markles
- Marlin Hills
- Marrs Center
- Marshtown
- Martin
- Martin Heights
- Martinsburg
- Massacre
- Masthead
- Matamoras
- Mattix Corner
- Maumee
- Mauzy
- Max
- Maxinkuckee
- Maxville
- Mayfield
- Mayflower Meadows
- Maynard
- Maysville
- Maysville Crossing
- Maywood
- McCarty
- McCool
- McCoy
- McCoysburg
- McCutchanville
- McDaniel
- McGary
- McGrawsville
- McKinley
- McNatts
- McVille
- Meadowbrook
- Mechanicsburg
- Mechanicsville
- Medford
- Meiks
- Melody Hill
- Meltzer
- Mentor
- Meridian Hills
- Merriam
- Merrick
- Messick
- Metea
- Metz
- Miami Bend
- Miami Trails Addition
- Michaelsville
- Mickleyville
- Middle Branch
- Middleboro
- Middlefork
- Midway
- Midway Corners
- Mier
- Mifflin
- Milan Center
- Miles Point
- Milledgeville
- Miller
- Millersport
- Millersville
- Millgrove
- Millhousen
- Milligan
- Millport
- Millville
- Milners Corner
- Milo
- Mineral City
- Mineral Springs
- Minshall
- Mixersville
- Moberly
- Modesto
- Moffitt
- Mohawk
- Monitor
- Monmouth
- Monoquet
- Monroe Manor
- Montclair
- Monte Cassino Shrine
- Monterey Village
- Moody
- Moonlight
- Moonville
- Moore
- Moorefield
- Moorestown
- Moran
- Morgan Meadows
- Morningside
- Morton
- Morven
- Morvins Landing
- Moscow
- Mound Haven
- Mount Auburn
- Mount Carmel
- Mount Comfort
- Mount Etna
- Mount Healthy
- Mount Jackson
- Mount Lawn
- Mount Liberty
- Mount Meridian
- Mount Olive
- Mount Olympus
- Mount Pisgah
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Sinai
- Mount Sterling
- Mount Tabor
- Mount Zion
- Mount Zion Corner
- Mounts
- Mud Center
- Mudlavia Springs
- Mull
- Murdock
- Muren
- Murray
- Morgan Park
- Marion College
- Monroe County Airport
- Middletown Park
- Monroevl
- Musquabuck Park
- McCol Place
- Merom Station
- Milford Junction
- Meadow Shores Park
- Mount Saint Francis
- Nabb
- Napoleon
- Nappanee
- Nashville
- Needham
- New Albany
- New Carlisle
- New Castle
- New Goshen
- New Harmony
- New Haven
- New Lebanon
- New Lisbon
- New Market
- New Middletown
- New Palestine
- New Paris
- New Point
- New Richmond
- New Ross
- New Salisbury
- New Trenton
- New Washington
- New Waverly
- New Whiteland
- Newberry
- Newburgh
- Newport
- Newtown
- Nineveh
- Noblesville
- Nora
- Norman
- North Judson
- North Liberty
- North Manchester
- North Salem
- North Terre Haute
- North Vernon
- North Webster
- Nash
- Natchez
- Navilleton
- Nead
- Neavill Grove
- Nebraska
- Needmore
- Neff Corner
- Negangards Corner
- Nevada
- Nevada Mills
- New Alsace
- New Amsterdam
- New Augusta
- New Baltimore
- New Boston
- New Britton
- New Britton Woods
- New Brunswick
- New Burlington
- New Carrollton
- New Chicago
- New Columbus
- New Corydon
- New Discovery
- New Elizabethtown
- New Elliott
- New Era
- New Fairfield
- New Farmington
- New Frankfort
- New Hope
- New Lancaster
- New Liberty
- New London
- New Marion
- New Maysville
- New Mount Pleasant
- New Pekin
- New Pennington
- New Philadelphia
- New Pittsburg
- New Salem
- New Santa Fe
- New Unionville
- New Winchester
- Newark
- Newark Village
- Newbern
- Newland
- Newry
- Newton
- Newton Stewart
- Newtonville
- Newville
- Newville Center
- Nibbyville
- Nine Mile
- Nisbet
- Noble
- Norma Jean Addition
- Normal
- Normanda
- Norristown
- North Anderson
- North Augusta Addition
- North Belleville
- North Columbus
- North Crane
- North Crows Nest
- North Gate
- North Grove
- North Hayden
- North Highland
- North Indianapolis
- North Madison
- North Marion
- North Oaks
- North Ogilville
- North Ridge Village
- North Union
- Northcliff
- Northcrest
- Northern Beach
- Northern Meadows
- Northfield
- Northfield Village
- Norths Landing
- Northwest Manor
- Northwood
- Northwood Hills
- Norton
- Nortonburg
- Norway
- Nottingham
- Nulltown
- Numa
- Nutwood
- Nyesville
- New Washingtn
- Notre Dame
- North Park
- Northwood Park
- N Terre Haute
- N Manchester
- Oakford
- Oakland City
- Oaklandon
- Oaktown
- Oakville
- Odon
- Oldenburg
- Onward
- Oolitic
- Ora
- Orland
- Orleans
- Osceola
- Osgood
- Ossian
- Otisco
- Otterbein
- Otwell
- Owensburg
- Owensville
- Oxford
- Orestes
- Oak Forest
- Oak Grove
- Oak Hill
- Oak Lodge
- Oak Tree Crossroads
- Oakdale
- Oakley
- Oakwood
- Oatsville
- Ober
- Occident
- Ockley
- Octagon
- Odell
- Ogden
- Ogden Dunes
- Ogilville
- Old Adamsboro
- Old Bargersville
- Old Bath
- Old Halfway
- Old Hill
- Old Milan
- Old Pekin
- Old Saint Louis
- Old Tip Town
- Old Town
- Oldtown
- Olean
- Olin
- Olio
- Olive
- Oliver
- Omega
- Ontario
- Orange
- Orangeville
- Orchard Grove
- Orchard Heights Addition
- Orchard Highlands
- Organ Springs
- Oriole
- Ormas
- Orrville
- Osborn
- Osborn Landing
- Oswego
- Otis
- Otsego Center
- Otter Village
- Otto
- Owasco
- Owen
- Oak Park
- Otter Creek Junction
- Palmyra
- Paoli
- Paragon
- Paris Crossing
- Parker City
- Patoka
- Patricksburg
- Patriot
- Paxton
- Pekin
- Pence
- Pendleton
- Pennville
- Perrysville
- Pershing
- Peru
- Petersburg
- Petroleum
- Pierceton
- Pierceville
- Pimento
- Pine Village
- Pittsboro
- Plainfield
- Plainville
- Pleasant Lake
- Pleasant Mills
- Plymouth
- Poland
- Poneto
- Portage
- Porter
- Portland
- Poseyville
- Prairie Creek
- Prairieton
- Preble
- Princeton
- Putnamville
- Packerton
- Page
- Palestine
- Palmer
- Panama
- Paradise
- Paris
- Park View Heights
- Parkers Settlement
- Parkersburg
- Parkeville
- Parkside
- Parkview
- Parkway Hills
- Parr
- Patronville
- Patton
- Patton Hill
- Paynesville
- Peabody
- Pearsontown
- Pebble Hills
- Pebble Run
- Pecksburg
- Peerless
- Pelzer
- Pembroke
- Penntown
- Pennyville
- Peoga
- Peoria
- Peppertown
- Perkins
- Perkinsville
- Perry Crossing
- Perry Manor
- Perrysburg
- Perryville
- Perth
- Peters Switch
- Peterson
- Petersville
- Pettit
- Pettysville
- Phenix
- Philadelphia
- Philomath
- Phlox
- Piattsville
- Pickard
- Pigeon
- Pike
- Pikes Peak
- Pikeville
- Pilot Knob
- Pin Hook
- Pinch
- Pine
- Pine Ridge
- Pine Valley
- Pines
- Pinhook
- Pinola
- Pioneer
- Pittsburg
- Plano
- Plantana
- Plato
- Plattsburg
- Pleasant
- Pleasant Acres
- Pleasant Gardens
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Plain
- Pleasant Ridge
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant View
- Pleasant View Village
- Pleasantville
- Pleasure Valley
- Plevna
- Plum Tree
- Plummer
- Poe
- Point Commerce
- Point Idalawn
- Point Isabel
- Poling
- Pond Creek Mills
- Pontiac
- Pony
- Popcorn
- Poplar Grove
- Port Fulton
- Port Mitchell
- Porter Crossroads
- Portersville
- Portland Mills
- Potato Mound
- Potawatomi Inn
- Potawatomi Point
- Pottersville
- Poundstone Corner
- Powers
- Powley Corners
- Prairie
- Prairie City
- Prather
- Prattsburg
- Prescott
- Preston
- Prince William
- Princes Lakes
- Progress
- Prospect
- Prosperity
- Providence
- Prowsville
- Pueblo
- Pulaski
- Pumpkin Center
- Purcell
- Purdy Hill
- Pyeattville
- Pyrmont
- Porter County Regional Airport
- Pigeon Roost Station
- Parker
- Pickwick Park
- Potawatami Pk
- Q
- Ragsdale
- Ramsey
- Redkey
- Reelsville
- Remington
- Rensselaer
- Reynolds
- Richland
- Richmond
- Ridgeville
- Riley
- Rising Sun
- Roachdale
- Roann
- Roanoke
- Rochester
- Rockfield
- Rockport
- Rockville
- Rolling Prairie
- Rome
- Rome City
- Romney
- Rosedale
- Roselawn
- Rossville
- Royal Center
- Rushville
- Russellville
- Russiaville
- Raab Crossroads
- Rabbitville
- Raber
- Raccoon
- Radioville
- Radley
- Radnor
- Raglesville
- Rahm
- Rainbow Highlands
- Rainsville
- Raintown
- Raleigh
- Ramblewood
- Randall
- Randolph
- Range Line
- Ranger
- Rapture
- Raub
- Ravenswood
- Ravinamy
- Ravinia Oaks
- Ray
- Raymond
- Rays Crossing
- Raysville
- Reagan
- Red Bank
- Red Bush
- Red Hill
- Redcuff Corner
- Redding
- Reddington
- Reds Corner
- Rego
- Rehoboth
- Reiffsburg
- Renner
- Reno
- Reo
- Retreat
- Rexville
- Rhodes
- Riceville
- Richland Center
- Richland City
- Richvalley
- Riddle
- Ridertown
- Ridgemede
- Ridgeport
- Ridgeview
- Ridgeway
- Ridgewood
- Ridgleville
- Rigdon
- Riley Village
- Rileysburg
- Rincon
- Ringwald
- Ripley
- Risse
- Ritchie
- Rivare
- River
- River Edge
- River Forest
- River Glen
- River Haven
- River Highlands
- River Oaks
- River Ridge
- Riverside
- Riverton
- Rivervale
- Riverview
- Riverview Acres
- Riverwood
- Roadman Corner
- Rob Roy
- Roberts
- Robertsdale
- Roble Woods
- Rock Creek Center
- Rock Hill
- Rockdale
- Rockford
- Rocklane
- Rocky Ford
- Rocky Ripple
- Rogers
- Rogersville
- Roland
- Roll
- Rolling Acres
- Rolling Hills
- Rolling Ridge
- Romine Corner
- Romona
- Rosebud
- Roseburg
- Rosedale Hills
- Roseland
- Rosewood
- Ross
- Rossburg
- Rosston
- Rosstown
- Round Grove
- Round Up
- Roxbury Pines
- Royal Oaks
- Royalton
- Royerton
- Royville
- Rugby
- Rumble
- Runnymede
- Runyantown
- Rural
- Rush Creek Valley
- Rusk
- Russell Lake
- Russels Point
- Rustic Hills
- Rutland
- Reedville Station
- Rock Island
- Reed Station
- Rolling Pr
- Salamonia
- Salem
- San Pierre
- Sandborn
- Santa Claus
- Saratoga
- Schererville
- Schneider
- Schnellville
- Scipio
- Scotland
- Scottsburg
- Sedalia
- Seelyville
- Sellersburg
- Selma
- Servia
- Seymour
- Sharpsville
- Shelburn
- Shelby
- Shelbyville
- Shepardsville
- Sheridan
- Shipshewana
- Shirley
- Shoals
- Sidney
- Silver Lake
- Sims
- Smithville
- Solsberry
- Somerset
- Somerville
- South Bend
- South Milford
- South Whitley
- Southport
- Speed
- Speedway
- Spencer
- Spencerville
- Spiceland
- Springport
- Springville
- Spurgeon
- Saint Anthony
- Saint Bernice
- Saint Croix
- Saint Joe
- Saint John
- Saint Marys
- Saint Meinrad
- Saint Paul
- Stanford
- Star City
- State Line
- Staunton
- Stendal
- Stilesville
- Stinesville
- Stockwell
- Straughn
- Stroh
- Sullivan
- Sulphur
- Sulphur Springs
- Sumava Resorts
- Summitville
- Sunman
- Swayzee
- Sweetser
- Switz City
- Syracuse
- Saddle Creek
- Saint Henry
- Saint James
- Saint Johns
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Josephs Shrine
- Saint Leon
- Saint Louis Crossing
- Saint Magdalen
- Saint Marks
- Saint Maurice
- Saint Omer
- Saint Peter
- Saint Philip
- Saint Thomas
- Saint Wendel
- Salem Center
- Salem Heights
- Salina
- Saline City
- Saltillo
- Saluda
- Samaria
- San Jacinto
- Sand Creek Woods
- Sand Ridge
- Sandcut
- Sanders
- Sandford
- Sandstone Lakes
- Sandstone Ridge
- Sandstone Woods
- Sandusky
- Sandy Beach
- Sandy Hook
- Sandytown
- Santa Fe
- Sardinia
- Sassafras
- Saturn
- Savah
- Sawgrass
- Scalesville
- Scarlet
- Scarlet Oaks
- Scenic Hill
- Schley
- Schooler Point Landing
- Scircleville
- Scotchtown
- Scott
- Scott City
- Scott Corner
- Scottsville
- Seafield
- Searcy Crossroads
- Sedan
- Sedley
- Selvin
- Sevastopol
- Seven Springs
- Sexton
- Seyberts
- Shadeland
- Shady Banks
- Shady Hills
- Shady Lane
- Shady Lawn
- Shady Nook
- Shady Side
- Shambaugh Siding
- Shamrock Lakes
- Shanghai
- Shannondale
- Sharon
- Sharptown
- Shawswick
- Shedville
- Sheff
- Shelburne
- Shepherd
- Sherwood Forest
- Shideler
- Shields
- Shiloh
- Shirkieville
- Shoals Overlook
- Shooters Hill
- Shore Acres
- Shorts Corner
- Siberia
- Silex
- Silver Hills
- Silver Point
- Silverdale
- Silverville
- Silverwood
- Simonton Lake
- Simpson
- Simpson Corner
- Sisson
- Sitka
- Six Points
- Skelton
- Slabtown
- Slatecut
- Sleepy Hollow
- Sleeth
- Sloan
- Smartsburg
- Smedley
- Smith
- Smith Valley
- Smithfield
- Smithland
- Smiths Crossing
- Smithson
- Smockville
- Smoke Corner
- Smyrna
- Smythe
- Snacks
- Snow Hill
- Solitude
- South Boston
- South Center
- South Edgewood
- South Elwood
- South Gate
- South Haven
- South LaPorte
- South Marion
- South Martin
- South Peru
- South Raub
- South Richmond
- South Salem
- South Wanatah
- South Washington
- Southeast Grove
- Southeast Manor
- Southwest
- Southwood
- Spades
- Sparksville
- Sparta
- Spartanburg
- Spearsville
- Speicherville
- Spelterville
- Spencer County Farm
- Sponsler
- Spraytown
- Spring Grove
- Spring Grove Heights
- Spring Hill
- Spring Hills
- Spring Hollow
- Spring Lake
- Spring Mill Village
- Spring Mill Woods
- Springboro
- Springersville
- Springfield
- Springtown
- Spurgeons Corner
- Spyglass Hill
- Stacer
- Stafford Center
- Stalcup Corner
- Stampers Creek
- Standard
- Stanley
- Staples Ford
- Star Mill
- Starlight
- State Line City
- Stavetown
- Steam Corner
- Stearleyville
- Stemm
- Stephens Crossing
- Sterling Green
- Sterling Heights
- Steubenville
- Stevenson
- Stevenson Mill
- Stewart
- Stewartsville
- Stillwell
- Stines Mill Corner
- Stockdale
- Stockport
- Stockton
- Stone
- Stone Bluff
- Stone Head
- Stone Quarry Mills
- Stoneburner Landing
- Stonegate
- Stones Crossing
- Stonington
- Stony Creek
- Stony Lonesome
- Stony Ridge
- Story
- Stoutsburg
- Strawtown
- Stringtown
- Stumpke Corner
- Stumptown
- Sugar Creek
- Sugar Grove
- Sugar Hills
- Sulphur Spring
- Suman
- Summit
- Summit Chapel
- Summit Grove
- Sun Down
- Sunblest
- Sunblest Farms
- Sundown Manor
- Sunny Slopes
- Sunnybrook Acres
- Sunnymeadow
- Sunnymede
- Sunnymede Woods
- Sunnyview
- Sunrise Beach
- Sunset Parkway
- Sunset Village
- Sunshine Gardens
- Sunview
- Superior
- Surprise
- Surrey
- Survant
- Swalls
- Swan
- Swanington
- Swanville
- Sweetbriar
- Sweetwater Lake
- Switzer Crossroads
- Sycamore
- Sycamore Corner
- Sycamore Ford
- Sylvan Grove
- Sylvan Manor
- Sylvania
- Syndicate
- Syria
- Sterling
- Sullivan County Airport
- Saint Mary of the Woods
- Tangier
- Taswell
- Taylorsville
- Tefft
- Tell City
- Templeton
- Tennyson
- Terre Haute
- Thayer
- Thorntown
- Tippecanoe
- Tipton
- Topeka
- Trafalgar
- Trail Creek
- Troy
- Tunnelton
- Twelve Mile
- Tyner
- Tab
- Tabertown
- Taggart
- Taggart Crossing
- Talbot
- Tall Timbers
- Talma
- Tamarack Grange
- Tampico
- Tanglewood
- Tanner
- Tannersville
- Tarkeo Corner
- Taylor
- Taylor Corner
- Taylorville
- Tecumseh
- Tee Lake
- Teegarden
- Temple
- Terhune
- Terrace Bay
- Terre Coupee
- Terre Town
- Terry
- Tetersburg
- Texas
- Thales
- The Anchorage
- The Hawthorns
- The Portage
- The Red Mills
- The Springs of Cambridge
- The Woodlands
- Thomas
- Thomaston
- Thornhope
- Thornton
- Thorny Ridge
- Thurman
- Tighe
- Tilden
- Tillman
- Timber Springs
- Timbercrest
- Timberhurst
- Times Corner
- Tiosa
- Titus
- Toad Hop
- Tobacco Landing
- Tobinsport
- Tocsin
- Toll Gate Heights
- Tolleston
- Toronto
- Toto
- Town Hill
- Town of Pines
- Townley
- Tracy
- Traders Point
- Trails End
- Tratebas Mill
- Travisville
- Treaty
- Tree Spring
- Tremont
- Trenton
- Trevlac
- Trilobi Hills
- Trinity
- Trotter Crossing
- Tulip
- Tunker
- Turkey Creek
- Turkey Creek Meadows
- Turkey Track
- Turleys
- Turner
- Turner Grove
- Turpin Hill
- Twelve Points
- Twin Beach
- Twin Bridges
- Twin Brooks
- Twin Crest
- Twin Lakes
- Tyner Crossing
- Tri Lakes
- Terre Haute International Airport
- Tarry Park
- U
- Vallonia
- Valparaiso
- Van Buren
- Veedersburg
- Velpen
- Vernon
- Versailles
- Vevay
- Vincennes
- Valeene
- Valentine
- Valley Brook
- Valley City
- Valley Mills
- Valley Outlet Center
- Van Loon
- Van Nuys
- Vanada
- Vandalia
- Vaughan
- Vera Cruz
- Vermont
- Verne
- Verona
- Vertland
- Vesta
- Vicksburg
- Victor
- Victoria
- Vienna
- Vigo
- Vilas
- Vine
- Virgie
- Vistula
- Vivalia
- Volga
- Vollmer
- Valpo
- Vanmeter Park
- Wabash
- Wadesville
- Wakarusa
- Waldron
- Walkerton
- Wallace
- Walton
- Wanamaker
- Wanatah
- Warren
- Warsaw
- Washington
- Waterloo
- Waveland
- Wawaka
- Waynetown
- Webster
- West Baden Springs
- West College Corner
- West Harrison
- West Lafayette
- West Lebanon
- West Middleton
- West Newton
- West Terre Haute
- Westfield
- Westphalia
- Westpoint
- Westport
- Westville
- Wheatfield
- Wheatland
- Wheeler
- Whiteland
- Whitestown
- Whiting
- Wilkinson
- Williams
- Williamsburg
- Williamsport
- Willow Branch
- Winamac
- Winchester
- Windfall
- Wingate
- Winona Lake
- Winslow
- Wolcott
- Wolcottville
- Wolflake
- Woodburn
- Worthington
- Wyatt
- Wabash Shores
- Waco
- Wadena
- Wake Robin Fields
- Wakefield
- Wakeland
- Wakeville Village
- Wald View
- Walesboro
- Walkerville
- Wallen
- Walnut
- Walnut Corners
- Walnut Gardens
- Walnut Grove
- Walnut Hills
- Walnut Ridge
- Warren Hills
- Warrenton
- Warrington
- Washington Center
- Waterford
- Waterford Mills
- Waters Edge
- Watson
- Waugh
- Waverly
- Waverly Woods
- Wawasee
- Wawasee Village
- Wawpecong
- Waycross
- Waymansville
- Wayne
- Wayne Center
- Waynedale
- Waynesburg
- Waynesville
- Wayport
- Weaver
- Weaver Creek
- Weaver Woods
- Webers Landing
- Weddleville
- Wegan
- Weisburg
- Welborn Switch
- Wellington
- Wellington Heights
- Wells
- Wellsboro
- Wellsburg
- Wesley
- Wesley Manor
- West Atherton
- West Brook Downs
- West Clinton
- West Dana
- West Elwood
- West Fork
- West Franklin
- West Grove
- West Liberty
- West Melcher
- West Muncie
- West New Goshen
- West Noblesville
- West Overlook
- West Petersburg
- West Union
- West Whiteland
- Westchester
- Western Acres
- Western Village
- Westhill
- Westland
- Westlawn
- Westmoor
- Westover
- Westside
- Westview
- Westwood
- Westwood Square
- Wheatonville
- Wheeling
- Whitaker
- Whitcomb
- Whitcomb Heights
- White Cloud
- White Horse Rapids
- White River
- White Rose
- White Sulphur Springs
- Whitehall
- Whiteoak
- Whitesville
- Whitewater
- Whitfield
- Wickliffe
- Wickville
- Wilbur
- Wilders
- Wildwood
- Wilfred
- Williams Creek
- Williamstown
- Willis
- Willisville
- Willow Creek
- Willow Lakes
- Willow Valley
- Wilmington
- Wilmot
- Wilshire
- Wilson
- Wilson Corner
- Windemere
- Windermere Pointe
- Windermere Villas
- Windfall City
- Winding Creek
- Windjammer
- Windom
- Windsor
- Winfield
- Winona
- Winthrop
- Wirt
- Wiser
- Witmer Manor
- Wolff
- Wolfington
- Woodbury
- Woodcrest
- Woodgate
- Woodland
- Woodland Hills
- Woodland Stream
- Woodlawn Grove
- Woodlawn Heights
- Woodmar
- Woodruff
- Woods Edge
- Woodstock
- Woodville
- Woodville Hills
- Wooley Corner
- Wooster
- Wrights Corner
- Wyandot
- Wyandotte
- Wynbrooke
- Wynnedale
- West Indianapolis
- Willowbrook Estates
- Woodruff Place
- Westchester Estates
- W College Cnr
- Warren Park
- Wirt Station
- West Linton
- Y
- Z