Flatbed loads in Connecticut, CT
Truck loads found (real-time):
- Origin
- Destination
- Pickup
- Size Weight
- Miles
- Equipment Type
- Credit Score
- Details
Size weightTL46000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score103/29
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score103/34
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score103/34
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score103/34
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score103/34
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Major Connecticut (CT) cities:
All cities with truck loads:
- Ansonia
- Avon
- Abington
- Achenbach
- Addison
- Allentown
- Allingtown
- Allyn Point
- Almyville
- Alsop Corner
- Amesville
- Amston
- Andover
- Aqua Vista
- Ardmore in Burnt Hills
- Arlington Heights
- Arnolds
- Ashford
- Aspetuck
- Atchison Cove
- Attawan Beach
- Attawaugan
- Atwoodville
- Augerville
- Autumn HIll
- Avery Corner
- Avon Park North
- Avon Park South
- Amenia Union
- Beacon Falls
- Berlin
- Bethany
- Bethel
- Bloomfield
- Bolton
- Botsford
- Branford
- Bridgeport
- Bristol
- Brookfield
- Brooklyn
- Burlington
- Backus Corner
- Bahre Corner
- Bailey Beach
- Baileyville
- Bakersville
- Baldwins Crossing
- Ball Pond
- Ballouville
- Baltic
- Bantam
- Bargytown
- Barkhampsted Center
- Barkhamsted
- Barnesville
- Bartlett
- Bashan
- Bayview
- Beachdale
- Beardsley
- Beaver Head Corner
- Beaverbrook
- Beckettville
- Bedlam Corner
- Bell Air
- Belle Haven
- Bellin Terrace
- Belltown
- Belvedere Heights
- Bensted Corner
- Berkshire
- Beseck Lake
- Bethany Wood
- Bethlehem
- Bigelow Corners
- Birch Groves
- Birchwood
- Bishops Corner
- Black Hall
- Black Point
- Black Point Beach Club
- Black Rock
- Blue Hills
- Boston
- Bowers Hill
- Bozrah
- Bradleyville
- Branchville
- Branford Hills
- Breakneck
- Bretton Heights
- Bridgewater
- Brightview
- Broad Acres
- Broad Brook
- Brockway
- Brockway Landing
- Bronson Heights
- Brookfield Center
- Brookhaven Village
- Brooksvale
- Browns Corner
- Buckingham
- Buckland
- Bull Run Corner
- Bulls Bridge
- Bunker Hill
- Burnetts Corner
- Burnham
- Burnside
- Burnt Hill
- Burrville
- Byram
- Barry Square
- Bissell
- Bean Hill
- Bradley International Airport
- Brainerd Park
- Canaan
- Canterbury
- Canton
- Central Village
- Cheshire
- Clinton
- Colchester
- Collinsville
- Cos Cob
- Coventry
- Cromwell
- Calhoun Corners
- Campville
- Canaan Valley
- Candlewood Knolls
- Candlewood Lake Club
- Candlewood Orchards
- Candlewood Pines
- Candlewood Point
- Candlewood Shores
- Candlewood Springs
- Cannondale
- Canton Center
- Canton Valley
- Carroll Corners
- Casagmo
- Case Corner
- Cedar Beach
- Cedar Heights
- Cedar Lake
- Cedar Land
- Cedarhurst
- Center Groton
- Centerbrook
- Centerville
- Chaffeeville
- Chaplin
- Chatsworth Village
- Chester
- Chesterfield
- Chimney Point
- City Point
- Clarks Corner
- Clarks Falls
- Clarks Village
- Clayville
- Clinton Beach
- Clintonville
- Coachlight Village
- Cobalt
- Cobalt Landing
- Colebrook
- Coley Town
- Columbia
- Compo
- Conantville
- Corbin Heights Housing
- Corner of the Pines
- Cornwall
- Cornwall Bridge
- Cottage Farms
- Cottage Grove
- Cotton Hollow
- Coventry Lake
- Cranbury
- Crescent Beach
- Crestfield Heights
- Cromwell Hills
- Crowley Corner
- Crowleys Corner
- Crystal Lake
- D
- East Berlin
- East Granby
- East Hampton
- East Hartford
- East Haven
- East Lyme
- East Windsor
- Easton
- Ellington
- Enfield
- Eagleville
- East Bridgeport
- East Bristol
- East Brooklyn
- East Canaan
- East Cornwall
- East Derby
- East Farmington Heights
- East Farms
- East Glastonbury
- East Haddam
- East Hartford Gardens
- East Hartland
- East Kent
- East Killingly
- East Litchfield
- East Meriden
- East Morris
- East Mountain
- East New London
- East Norwalk
- East Plymouth
- East Putnam
- East River
- East Side
- East Thompson
- East Village
- East Wallingford
- East Willington
- East Windsor Hill
- East Woodstock
- Eastford
- Ebbs Corner
- Edgewood
- Ekonk
- Elliotts
- Ellithorpe
- Ellsworth
- Elm Hill
- Elmville
- Elmwood
- Elmwood Acres
- Erickson Corner
- Essex
- Exeter
- Fairfield
- Farmington
- Fabyan
- Fair Haven
- Fair Haven East
- Fair Lawn
- Fairmount
- Falls Village
- Farmingdale Village
- Farnhams
- Fenwick
- Fernwood
- Firetown
- Fitch Corner
- Fitchville
- Five Points
- Flanders
- Flax Hill Elderly Housing
- Floydville
- Fogelmarks Corners
- Foote Corners
- Forbes Village
- Forest Heights
- Forest Village
- Forestview Terrace
- Forestville
- Fort Trumbull
- Four Corners
- Fox Hill
- Fox Hollow
- Fox Meadows
- Foxon
- Franklin
- Floral Park
- Georgetown
- Glastonbury
- Granby
- Greens Farms
- Greenwich
- Groton
- Guilford
- Gales Ferry
- Gaylordsville
- Germantown
- Giants Neck
- Gilbert Corners
- Gildersleeve
- Gilead
- Gilman
- Glasgo
- Glastonbury Center
- Glen Ridge
- Glenbrook
- Glenville
- Glenwood Homes
- Godfrey Corner
- Golden Spur
- Goodrich Heights
- Goodrichville
- Goodspeeds Landing
- Goshen
- Grand View Heights
- Graniteville
- Grantville
- Grappaville
- Green Manor Village
- Greenfield Hill
- Greenville
- Greenwood Heights
- Greystone
- Griswold
- Griswoldville
- Grosvenor Dale
- Groton Long Point
- Grove Beach
- Grover Hill
- Gulls Hollow
- Gurleyville
- Hamden
- Hartford
- Harwinton
- Hebron
- Higganum
- Hawleyville
- Haddam
- Hadlyme
- Halladay Corner
- Hallville
- Hamburg
- Hammertown
- Hampsted
- Hampton
- Hamptonville
- Hancock
- Hanover
- Happyland
- Harbor View
- Harborview
- Harrisons
- Harrisville
- Hartland
- Hathewood
- Hattertown
- Hawks Nest
- Hawks Nest Beach
- Hawthorne Terrace
- Hayden
- Hayestown
- Haywardville
- Hazardville
- Heilwield Corner
- Heritage Village
- Hickory Haven
- High Ridge
- Highland
- Higley Village
- Hillbright
- Hillcrest
- Hilliardville
- Hoadley Neck
- Hockanum
- Honeypot Glen
- Hope Valley
- Hopeville
- Hopewell
- Horse Heaven
- Hoskins
- Hotchkissville
- Housatonic Heights
- Huckleberry Hills Trails
- Hungary
- Hunting Ridge
- Huntington
- Huntingtown
- Huntsville
- Hurds Corner
- Hydeville
- Highland Estates
- Haddam Neck
- Highland Park
- J
- K
- Lakeville
- Lebanon
- Litchfield
- Lake Pocotopaug
- Lake View
- Lake View Terrace
- Lakeridge Heights
- Lakeside
- Lakeside Woods
- Lakewood
- Lamson Corner
- Lanesville
- Lattins Landing
- Laurel Beach
- Laurel Glen
- Laysville
- Ledyard
- Ledyard Center
- Leesville
- Leetes Island
- Liberty Hill
- Lime Rock
- Lisbon
- Little City
- Little Danbury
- Little Haddam
- Lonetown
- Long Hill
- Long Ridge
- Lords Point
- Lordship
- Lovely Street
- Lower City
- Lower Merryall
- Lydallville
- Lyme
- Lyons Plain
- Madison
- Manchester
- Marlborough
- Meriden
- Middlebury
- Middlefield
- Middletown
- Milford
- Monroe
- Moosup
- Mystic
- Macedonia
- Manchester Green
- Manitock Spring
- Mansfield
- Mansfield Center
- Mansfield City
- Mansfield Depot
- Mansfield Four Corners
- Mansfield Hollow
- Marble Dale
- Margerie Manor
- Marion
- Maromas
- Mashapaug
- Massapeag
- Mayberry Village
- McClaveville
- Meadowbrook
- Meadowgate
- Mechanicsville
- Melrose
- Melville Village
- Merrow
- Merwinsville
- Miami Shores
- Mianus
- Middle Beach
- Middle Haddam
- Midway
- Milestone Corner
- Milford Lawns
- Mill Brook
- Mill Hill
- Mill Plain
- Mill Pond Village
- Millbrook
- Milldale
- Miller Memorial Community
- Millington
- Millstone
- Millville
- Milton
- Minortown
- Miramichi
- Miry Brook
- Mitcheltown
- Mixville
- Mohegan
- Momauguin
- Montowese
- Montville
- Montville Center
- Moodus
- Mooreville
- Moravia Woods
- Morgan Fair Corners
- Morningside
- Morris
- Morris Cove
- Mount Carmel
- Mount Carmel Center
- Mount Hope
- Mount Parnassus
- Mount Pleasant Housing
- Mountaincrest
- Mudgetown
- Murray
- Myrtle Beach
- Mystic Seaport
- Mansfield Dpt
- Mashantucket
- Morningside Park
- Naugatuck
- New Britain
- New Canaan
- New Fairfield
- New Haven
- New London
- New Milford
- Newington
- Newtown
- Niantic
- North Branford
- North Haven
- Northford
- Norwalk
- Norwich
- Naugatuck Gardens
- Nelsons Corner
- Nepaug
- New Halville
- New Hartford
- New Preston
- Newberry Corner
- Newent
- Newfield
- Newfield Heights
- Newton Heights
- Nichols
- Noank
- Norfolk
- Noroton
- Noroton Heights
- North Ashford
- North Bloomfield
- North Bridgeport
- North Canaan
- North Canton
- North Colebrook
- North Cornwall
- North Coventry
- North Cromwell
- North End
- North Franklin
- North Goshen
- North Granby
- North Greenwich
- North Grosvenor Dale
- North Guilford
- North Haven Bridge
- North Hollow
- North Kent
- North Lyme
- North Madison
- North Mianus
- North Somers
- North Stamford
- North Stonington
- North Thompsonville
- North Westchester
- North Wilton
- North Windham
- North Woodbury
- North Woodstock
- Northfield
- Northville
- Norwichtown
- Nut Plains
- New Preston Marble Dale
- North Grosvenordale
- Naval Submarine Base New London N00129
- Naugatuck Junction
- N Grosvenordl
- N Franklin
- N Stonington
- Oakdale
- Old Greenwich
- Old Lyme
- Old Saybrook
- Orange
- Oxford
- Oakdale Manor
- Oakland
- Oakland Gardens
- Oakland Hills
- Oakville
- Obtuse Hill
- Occum
- Old Avon Village
- Old Lyme Shores
- Old Mystic
- Oneco
- Orcutts
- Ore Hill
- Orford Village
- Oronoke
- Oronoque
- Oronoque Hills North
- Oronoque Hills South
- Osprey Beach
- Oswegatchie
- Overlook
- Owenoke
- Ox Hill
- Oxford Village
- Oxford Park
- Plainville
- Plantsville
- Portland
- Prospect
- Putnam
- Pachaug
- Packer
- Palestine
- Palmers Hill
- Palmertown
- Park Lane
- Parkville
- Pawcatuck
- Paynes Corners
- Pecks Mill
- Pegville
- Pemberwick
- Pequabuck
- Pequot Village
- Perkins Corner
- Phoenixville
- Pine Bridge
- Pine Grove
- Pine Hill
- Pine Meadow
- Pine Orchard
- Pineville
- Pinnacle Heights Housing
- Pinneys Corners
- Plainfield
- Platts Knoll
- Platts Mills
- Plattsville
- Pleasant Acres
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasure Beach
- Plum Bank Beach
- Plymouth
- Podunk
- Point O'Woods
- Pomeraug
- Pomfret
- Pomfret Center
- Pomfret Landing
- Pond Meadow
- Pondside
- Ponset
- Ponus
- Poquetanuck
- Poquonock
- Poquonock Bridge
- Pratts Corner
- Preston
- Preston City
- Prospect Heights
- Puddle Town
- Putnam Heights
- Putney
- Pine Rock Park
- Pequot Indian Reservation
- Q
- Redding Ridge
- Ridgefield
- Riverside
- Rockfall
- Rocky Hill
- Rainbow
- Rawson
- Raynham
- Redding
- Reynolds Bridge
- Richards Corner
- Ridgebury
- Ridgeway
- Ridgewood
- Rising Corner
- River Glen
- Riverbank
- Rivercliff
- Riverdale
- Riversville
- Riverton
- Robert Hutt Congregate Housing
- Robertsville
- Rock Landing
- Rock Raymond
- Rock Ridge
- Rockland
- Rockville
- Rocky Glen
- Rogers
- Roland Heights
- Romford
- Round Beach
- Rowayton
- Roxbury
- Roxbury Falls
- Russian Village
- Salem
- Sandy Hook
- Seymour
- Shelton
- Sherman
- Simsbury
- Somers
- South Britain
- South Windsor
- Southbury
- Southington
- Southport
- Stafford Springs
- Stamford
- Stevenson
- Stonington
- Storrs
- Storrs Mansfield
- Stratford
- Suffield
- Salisbury
- Sachem Head
- Salmon Brook
- Sandy Beach
- Sandy Point
- Sanfordtown
- Saugatuck
- Saugatuck Shores
- Saunders Point
- Savin Rock
- Saybrook Manor
- Saybrook Point
- Saybrooke Village
- Scantic
- Scitico
- Scotland
- Scovill Landing
- Sea Bluff
- Seaside
- Seaview Beach
- Sellecks Corners
- Shady Rest
- Shailerville
- Shaker Pines
- Sharon
- Sharon Valley
- Sherman Corner
- Sherwood Manor
- Shewville
- Shippan Point
- Shorehaven
- Short Beach
- Silver Beach
- Silver Falls
- Silvermine
- Silvermine Acres
- Skinnerville
- Smith Corner
- Smith Tower Housing
- Snug Harbor
- Sodom
- Somersville
- Sound View
- South Canaan
- South Chaplin
- South Coventry
- South Ellsworth
- South End
- South Farms
- South Glastonbury
- South Kent
- South Killingly
- South Lyme
- South Meriden
- South Norfolk
- South Norwalk
- South Wethersfield
- South Willington
- South Wilton
- South Windham
- South Woodstock
- Southford
- Southwood Acres
- Spoonville
- Sprague
- Spring Glen
- Spring Hill
- Spring Village
- Spring Wood
- Springdale
- Stafford
- Staffordville
- Stanwich
- Stepney
- Sterling
- Sterling City
- Stetson Corner
- Stillmans Corner
- Stony Creek
- Stowe Village Housing Project
- Straitsville
- Stratfield
- Strathmore Woods
- Suffield Depot
- Sunnyside
- Sanford
- Storrs Manfld
- Schoonhoven Park
- S Glastonbury
- Terryville
- Thomaston
- Thompson
- Tolland
- Torrington
- Trumbull
- Ta'agan Point
- Taconic
- Taftville
- Talcottville
- Talmadge Hill
- Tariffville
- Tariffville Center
- Taylor Corners
- Taylor Town
- Terramuggus
- Thames View
- Thamesville
- The Cedars
- The Gables
- The Oaks
- Thompsonville
- Thralltown
- Tiffany Hill Corner
- Timber Village
- Titicus
- Toilsome Hill
- Tokeneke
- Tolles
- Tootin' Hills
- Topstone
- Torringford
- Totoket
- Town Hill
- Town Landing
- Town Plot Hill
- Tracy
- Trails Corner
- Tudor Village
- Tunxis Hill
- Turkey Cobble
- Turkey Hill
- Turn of River
- Twin Lakes
- Tyler Lake Heights
- Tylerville
- U
- V
- Wallingford
- Washington Depot
- Waterbury
- Waterford
- Watertown
- West Granby
- West Hartford
- West Haven
- West Redding
- Weston
- Westport
- Wethersfield
- Willimantic
- Wilton
- Windham
- Windsor
- Windsor Locks
- Winsted
- Wolcott
- Woodbridge
- Woodbury
- Woodstock
- Walcottville
- Walnut Beach
- Wangum Village
- Wapping
- Wapping Mews Elderly Housing
- Warehouse Point
- Warren
- Warrenville
- Washington
- Wataba Lake
- Waterville
- Wauregan
- Weatogue
- Welles Village
- Wells Quarter Village
- Wellsville
- Wequetequock
- West Ashford
- West Avon
- West Cheshire
- West Cornwall
- West District
- West Goshen
- West Haddam
- West Hartland
- West Hill
- West Hills
- West Morris
- West Mystic
- West Norfolk
- West Norwalk
- West Seymour
- West Shore
- West Side Hill
- West Simsbury
- West Stafford
- West Suffield
- West Thompson
- West Torrington
- West Wauregan
- West Willington
- West Woods
- West Woodstock
- Westbrook
- Westchester
- Westfield
- Westfield Heights
- Westford
- Westford Village
- Westminster
- Westview Heights
- Westville
- Whigville
- White Hills
- White Sands Beach
- Whitings Corner
- Whitneyville
- Wildermere Beach
- Wildmans Landing
- Williams Crossing
- Willington
- Willington Hill
- Wilson
- Wilsonville
- Winchester
- Winchester Center
- Windermere
- Windmill Springs
- Windsorville
- Winnipauk
- Winnipauk Village
- Winthrop
- Wintonbury Hill
- Wongunk
- Woodland
- Woodmont
- Woodstock Valley
- Woodtick
- Woodville
- Wopowog
- Wormwood Hill
- Woronock
- Wrightville
- Wauregan Station
- Washington Dt
- W Haven
- I
- Y