All loads in Alabama, AL
Truck loads found (real-time):
- Origin
- Destination
- Pickup
- Size Weight
- Miles
- Equipment Type
- Credit Score
- Details
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score98/36
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Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/32
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/32
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/28
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL45000 lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score103/34
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score84/51
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/28
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL46000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score100/27
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL48000 lbs
Equipment typeFlatbed
Credit Score98/37
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Size weightTL44000 lbs
Equipment typeVan
Credit Score103/29
- Sign Up for Details Sign in
Major Alabama (AL) cities:
All cities with truck loads:
- Abbeville
- Abernant
- Adamsville
- Addison
- Adger
- Akron
- Alabaster
- Alberta
- Albertville
- Alexander City
- Alexandria
- Aliceville
- Allgood
- Alma
- Alpine
- Altoona
- Andalusia
- Anderson
- Annemanie
- Anniston
- Arab
- Ardmore
- Ariton
- Arley
- Arlington
- Ashford
- Ashland
- Ashville
- Athens
- Atmore
- Attalla
- Auburn
- Autaugaville
- Axis
- Abanda
- Abbot Springs
- Abel
- Abercrombie
- Aberfoil
- Abernathy
- Abington Green
- Academy Drive
- Acipcoville
- Ackerville
- Acmar
- Acropolis Heights
- Active
- Acton
- Ada
- Adams
- Adams Crossroads
- Adamsburg
- Aden
- Adkin Hill
- Adler
- Adville
- Agricola
- Ai
- Aimwell
- Airport Highlands
- Akinsville
- Akka
- Alabama City
- Alabama Fork
- Alabama Port
- Alabama Shores
- Alaga
- Albany
- Alberta City
- Alberta Heights
- Alberton
- Alden
- Alder Springs
- Alderbrook
- Aldrich
- Aldridge
- Aldridge Grove
- Alexander Heights
- Alexander Subdivision
- Alexis
- Alfalfa
- Alice
- Allen Heights
- Allens Crossroads
- Allens Factory
- Allenton
- Allenville
- Alliance
- Allison
- Allison Mills
- Allred
- Allsboro
- Allsop
- Almeria
- Almond
- Almont
- Alpha Heights
- Alpine Bay
- Alpine Hills
- Alpine Shores
- Alta
- Alta Vista
- Altadena Woods
- Altamont
- Alton
- America
- Anderson Creek Subdivision
- Andrew Jackson
- Andrews Chapel
- Angel
- Anita
- Anne Manie
- Ansley
- Antioch
- Appalachian
- Apple Grove
- Appleton
- Appling Bend
- Aqua Vista
- Aquilla
- Ararat
- Arbor Crossing
- Arcadia
- Archer
- Arcola
- Arcus
- Ardell
- Ardilla
- Argo
- Arguta
- Arkadelphia
- Arkdell
- Arkwright
- Arlington Drive
- Armstead
- Armstrong
- Arnedra Subdivision
- Arona
- Arrow Wood
- Arrowhead
- Asahel
- Asberry
- Asbury
- Ashbank
- Ashby
- Ashcraft Corner
- Ashley Oaks
- Ashridge
- Askea Grove
- Aspel
- Atkeison
- Atwood
- Aubrey
- Aubrey Isle
- Augustin
- Aurora
- Austin Hill
- Austin Subdivision
- Austinville
- Autumn Chase
- Ava
- Avant
- Averittes Spring
- Avery
- Avon
- Avondale
- Avondale Village
- Awin
- Axle
- Ayres
- Auburn University
- Altamont Park
- Alex City
- Avalon Park
- Avon Park
- Ardmore Estates
- Baileyton
- Banks
- Bankston
- Bay Minette
- Bayou La Batre
- Bear Creek
- Beatrice
- Beaverton
- Belk
- Bellamy
- Belle Mina
- Bellwood
- Berry
- Bessemer
- Bigbee
- Billingsley
- Birmingham
- Black
- Blountsville
- Boaz
- Boligee
- Bon Air
- Bon Secour
- Boykin
- Branchville
- Brantley
- Bremen
- Brent
- Brewton
- Bridgeport
- Brierfield
- Brighton
- Brilliant
- Brooklyn
- Brookside
- Brookwood
- Brownsboro
- Brundidge
- Bryant
- Bucks
- Buhl
- Burkville
- Burnt Corn
- Butler
- Bynum
- Babbie
- Bachelors Chapel
- Backems Crossroads
- Bacon Level
- Bagley
- Bagley Meadows
- Bailey Crossroads
- Bailey Springs
- Baileytown
- Baker Hill
- Bakerhill
- Bald Hill
- Baldwin
- Balkum
- Ball Flat
- Ballplay
- Baltic
- Baltimore Hill
- Bama Dale
- Bamford
- Bangor
- Bankhead
- Banks Villa East
- Baptist Hill
- Bar Wayne Circle
- Barachias
- Barber
- Barclay
- Barefield Crossroads
- Barfield
- Barlow
- Barlow Bend
- Barnes
- Barnesville
- Barnett Chapel
- Barnett Crossroads
- Barney
- Barnisdale Forest
- Barnwell
- Barrett
- Barrett Crossroads
- Barry Village
- Barrytown
- Barton
- Bartonville
- Basham
- Bashi
- Basin
- Bass
- Bassetts Creek
- Batchelor Subdivision
- Batesville
- Bath Springs
- Battelle
- Battens Crossroads
- Battery Hill
- Battleground
- Battles Wharf
- Batts Heights
- Bauxite
- Baxters
- Bay Springs
- Bay View
- Bayleys Corner
- Bayside
- Bazemore
- Beacon
- Beacon Hills
- Beacon Point
- Beamon
- Beans Crossroads
- Beans Mill
- Beards Mill
- Beasley
- Beaty Crossroads
- Beauregard
- Beaver Town
- Beck
- Beckman
- Beda
- Bedford
- Beech Hills
- Beechwood
- Beechwood Acres
- Beehive
- Bel Air
- Belchers
- Belforest
- Belgreen
- Belknap
- Bell
- Bell Factory
- Bell Meadows
- Bell Mills
- Bell Springs
- Belle Chene
- Belle Ellen
- Belle Haven
- Belle Terre
- Belle Vista
- Bellefontaine
- Bellefonte
- Bellehurst
- Bellemeade
- Belleville
- Bellevue
- Bells Crossroads
- Belltown
- Bellview
- Bellview Heights
- Bellwood Plantation
- Belmont
- Beloit
- Beltona
- Belvedere
- Belview Heights
- Belwood
- Bemiston
- Bendale
- Benevola
- Benoit
- Bent Creek
- Bent Tree
- Bentley Hills
- Bentleyville
- Benton
- Berkley
- Berkley Hills
- Berlin
- Bermuda
- Berney Points
- Berneys
- Berry Springs
- Bertha
- Berwick
- Bessemer Gardens
- Bessemer Homestead
- Bessie
- Bethel
- Bethel Grove
- Bethlehem
- Bethsaida
- Beulah
- Beulah Land
- Bevelle
- Beverley Heights
- Bexar
- Bibb Mill
- Bibbville
- Biddle Crossroads
- Big Cove
- Big Creek
- Big Nose Creek Subdivision
- Big Oak
- Big Ridge
- Big Spring Creek Subdivision
- Big Springs
- Billy Goat Hill
- Bingham
- Binghamtown
- Binion Heights
- Birdeye
- Birdie
- Birdsong
- Birdway Drive
- Biscayne Highlands
- Biscayne Hills
- Bishop
- Black Bottom
- Black Center
- Black Creek
- Black Diamond
- Black Pond
- Blackankle
- Blackburn
- Blackman
- Blacksher
- Blackwood
- Bladon Springs
- Blairs
- Blake
- Blakeley
- Blalock
- Blanche
- Blanton
- Bleecker
- Blockton Junc
- Blooming Grove
- Blossburg
- Blount Springs
- Blow Gourd
- Blue Creek
- Blue Eye
- Blue Mountain
- Blue Pond
- Blue Ridge
- Blue Spring Garden
- Blue Springs
- Blueberry Hill
- Blues Old Stand
- Bluff
- Bluff City
- Bluff Ridge Subdivision
- Bluff Springs
- Bluffport
- Bluffton
- Boar Tush
- Boaz Corner
- Bobo
- Bogue Chitto
- Bogueloosa
- Boiling Spring
- Boiling Springs
- Boland Acres
- Boldo
- Boley Springs
- Bolinger
- Bolivar
- Bolling
- Bolte
- Bomar
- Bonita
- Bonneville
- Bonnie Doone
- Bonny Brook
- Booker Heights
- Booker T City
- Bookers Mill
- Booneville
- Boot Hill
- Booth
- Boothetown
- Boothton
- Borden Springs
- Borden Wheeler Springs
- Boromville
- Bostic
- Boston
- Bosworth
- Bowden Grove
- Bowden Terrace
- Bowles
- Bowman Crossroads
- Box Springs
- Boxtel
- Boyd
- Boyds
- Boyles Highlands
- Boylston
- Bradford
- Bradford Subdivision
- Bradley
- Bradleyton
- Bradleytown
- Braggs
- Braggsville
- Braggville
- Brandontown
- Brannon Stand
- Brannon Stand Heights
- Brans Chapel
- Brantley Crossing
- Brantleyville
- Brassell
- Brassell Bottom
- Bravo
- Bread Tray Hill
- Breakstone Village
- Brecon
- Breezeway Bay
- Brents Cross Roads
- Brentwood
- Brentwood Hills
- Brewersville
- Briar Hill
- Briarcliff
- Briarfield
- Briarhill Acres
- Briarwood
- Brice
- Brickyard
- Brides Hill
- Bridgehead
- Bridgeton
- Bridgeview
- Bridgeville
- Bridlewood
- Bright Star
- Brightwater
- Brinn
- Briscoe
- Bristow
- Broach Mill
- Broad View
- Broadmoor
- Broadview
- Bromley
- Brompton
- Brook Highland
- Brookhaven
- Brookhurst
- Brookmeade
- Brookmont
- Brooks
- Brooks Acres
- Brooks Crossroads
- Brooksdale
- Brooksville
- Brookview
- Brookview Manor
- Brookwood Forest
- Broomtown
- Broughton
- Brown Subdivision
- Browns
- Browns Corner
- Browns Crossroad
- Browns Wells
- Brownstown
- Brownsville
- Browntown
- Brownville
- Bruceville
- Brush Creek
- Brushy Creek
- Brushy Pond
- Brutonville
- Bryan
- Buck Island Shores
- Buck Island Subdivision
- Buckhead
- Buckhorn
- Buckingham
- Bucks Canyon
- Bucksnort
- Bucksville
- Buckville
- Buena Vista
- Buena Vista Highlands
- Buffalo
- Bulgers
- Bull City
- Bullock
- Burbank
- Burchfield
- Burgess
- Burgreen Gin
- Burkhalter Subdivision
- Burks Garden
- Burlington
- Burma Hills
- Burningtree Mountain
- Burns
- Burns Crossroad
- Burnstown
- Burnsville
- Burnt Pine
- Burntout
- Burnwell
- Burrows
- Burrows Crossroads
- Bush
- Butler Mill
- Butler Springs
- Butlers Mill
- Butts Mill
- Buttston
- Buyck
- Buzzard Roost
- Byram Heights
- Byrd
- Byrd Springs
- Byrd Subdivision
- Burns Park
- Brewer Estates
- Bridlewood Forest Estates
- Blueberry Estates
- Betta-Life
- Bell Station
- Brooklane Place
- Brickdale Estates
- Bessemer Junction
- Brickyard Junction
- Brighton Estates
- Brookwood Estates
- Booth Estates
- Brown Estates
- Brooks Estates
- Burningtree Estates
- Blue Ridge Estates
- Bayview
- Bel Air Estates
- Briar Lake Estates
- Beverly Station
- Bellwood Estates
- Bluff Park
- Berkshire Estates
- Bibb County Airport
- Cahaba Heights
- Calera
- Calvert
- Camden
- Camp Hill
- Campbell
- Capshaw
- Carbon Hill
- Carlton
- Carrollton
- Castleberry
- Catherine
- Cecil
- Cedar Bluff
- Centre
- Centreville
- Chancellor
- Chapman
- Chatom
- Chelsea
- Cherokee
- Chickasaw
- Childersburg
- Choccolocco
- Chunchula
- Citronelle
- Clanton
- Clay
- Clayton
- Cleveland
- Clinton
- Clio
- Clopton
- Cloverdale
- Coaling
- Coatopa
- Coden
- Coffee Springs
- Coffeeville
- Coker
- Collinsville
- Columbia
- Columbiana
- Cooks Springs
- Coosa Pines
- Coosada
- Cordova
- Cottondale
- Cottonton
- Cottonwood
- Courtland
- Cowarts
- Coy
- Cragford
- Crane Hill
- Creola
- Cropwell
- Crossville
- Cuba
- Cullman
- Cusseta
- Caddo
- Cahaba
- Cahaba Cliffs
- Cahaba Commons
- Cahaba Cove
- Cahaba Crest
- Cahaba Hills
- Cahaba Landing
- Cahaba Oaks
- Cahaba Village
- Cairo
- Calcis
- Caldwell
- Caldwell Subdivision
- Calebee
- Caledonia
- Calhoun
- Calliston
- Calumet
- Calvary
- Cambridge
- Camelot
- Camelot Plateau
- Camelot Woods
- Cameron
- Cameronsville
- Camile Terrace
- Camp Branch
- Camp Ground
- Camp Horne
- Campbell Mill
- Campbell Springs
- Campbells Crossroads
- Campbellville
- Campground
- Canaan
- Candlelight Terrace
- Candlewood
- Candlewood Lakes
- Cane Creek
- Canebrake
- Canoe
- Cantelous
- Canterbury
- Canterbury Heights
- Canty
- Canyon Lakes
- Cape Choccolocco
- Capitol Heights
- Capps
- Capri Islands
- Carara
- Card Switch
- Cardiff
- Carey
- Carl Smith Subdivision
- Carleton Point
- Carleys
- Carlisle
- Carloss
- Carlowville
- Carmen
- Carney
- Carns
- Carol Villa
- Carolina
- Carolwood
- Carpenter
- Carr Mill
- Carriage Hill
- Carriage Hills
- Carriage Lane
- Carrol Acres
- Carroll Crossroads
- Carrville
- Carson
- Carter Grove
- Carter Subdivision
- Carters Hill
- Cartersville
- Cartwright
- Carver Subdivision
- Cary Woods
- Casemore
- Casey
- Caswell
- Catalpa
- Catoma
- Cavalry Hill
- Cave Spring
- Cave Springs
- Cavers Grove
- Cedar Brook
- Cedar Cove
- Cedar Crest
- Cedar Grove
- Cedar Hill
- Cedar Knoll
- Cedar Lake
- Cedar Plains
- Cedar Point
- Cedar Springs
- Cedar Valley
- Cedarbrook Forest
- Cedargate
- Cedarville
- Cedron
- Cedrum
- Celeste
- Centenary
- Center
- Center Chapel
- Center Community
- Center Dale
- Center Grove
- Center Hill
- Center Point
- Center Point Gardens
- Center Ridge
- Center Star
- Center West
- Centercrest
- Centerville
- Central
- Central City
- Central Heights
- Central Highlands
- Central Mills
- Central Park Highlands
- Chalkville
- Chalybeate Springs
- Chambers
- Chambers Springs
- Chamblee
- Chamblees Mill
- Champion
- Chana Creek
- Chance
- Chancellor Crossroads
- Chances Crossroad
- Chandalar South
- Chandler Mountain
- Chandler Springs
- Chapel Hill
- Chapelwood
- Chapman Heights
- Chappell Hill
- Charles
- Charmingdale
- Chase
- Chastang
- Chavies
- Cheaha Acres
- Chehaw
- Chepultepec
- Cherokee Acres
- Cherokee Beach
- Cherokee Bend
- Cherokee Bluffs
- Cherokee Forest
- Cherokee Hills
- Cherokee Shores
- Cherokee Village
- Cherry Creek
- Cherry Dale
- Cherry Grove
- Cherrytree
- Cherrywood
- Chesson
- Chestang
- Chesterfield
- Chestnut
- Chestnut Glen
- Chestnut Grove
- Chestnut Hill
- Chestnut Ridge
- Chetopa
- Chewacla
- Chewalla
- Chickasaw Heights
- Chico
- Chigger Hill
- Chilton
- Chimney Hills
- Chimney Springs
- China
- China Grove
- Chinn
- Chinnabee
- Chisca
- Chisenhall Subdivision
- Chisholm
- Chisholm Hills
- Choctaw Bluff
- Choctaw City
- Choctaw Corner
- Choctaw Hills
- Christiana
- Chrysler
- Chulafinnee
- Chulavista
- Chunnenuggee
- Churchill Downs
- Churntown
- Circle Heights
- Circlewood
- Citico
- Clackville
- Claiborne
- Clairmont Springs
- Clark
- Clark Crossroads
- Clarkdale
- Clarke
- Clarke Gardens
- Clarksville
- Claud
- Clay City
- Clayborn
- Clayhatchee
- Clayhill
- Claymont
- Claysville
- Clear Springs
- Clearview
- Clearview Hills
- Cleburne
- Clemons Crossroad
- Cleveland Crossroads
- Cleveland Meadows
- Cleveland Mills
- Cliff Haven
- Clift Acres
- Clifty
- Clintonville
- Cloester Valley
- Clough
- Clover Hill
- Cloverdale Heights
- Cloverland
- Cloverleaf
- Clowers Crossroads
- Clubview Heights
- Cluttsville
- Clyde Jones Subdivision
- Coal Bluff
- Coal City
- Coal Fire
- Coal Valley
- Coalburg
- Coaldale
- Coalmont
- Coates
- Cobb City
- Cobb Town
- Cobbs Quarters
- Cochrane
- Cohassett
- Coker Heights
- Colbert
- Colbert Heights
- Cold Spring
- Cold Springs
- Coldwater
- Cole Spring
- Coleanor
- Coleman
- Coleta
- Colina
- Collbran
- College Grove
- College Heights
- College Hills
- College Woods
- Collingwood
- Collins
- Collins Chapel
- Collirene
- Colonial Acres
- Colonial Gardens
- Colonial Heights
- Colonial Hills
- Colony
- Colony Hills
- Columbus
- Columbus City
- Colvin
- Colvins Gap
- Colwell
- Comer
- Comerdale
- Commerce
- Compton
- Concord
- Confluence
- Congo
- Consul
- Contwell
- Cooks
- Cooks Crossroads
- Cool Springs
- Cooley Crossroads
- Coon Creek
- Cooper
- Coopers Mill
- Coosa River
- Coosa River Subdivision
- Copeland
- Copeland Bridge
- Copeland Gap
- Copper Springs
- Coppinville
- Corbin
- Corbinville
- Corcoran
- Corinth
- Corner
- Cornerstone
- Cornhouse
- Cornwall
- Cornwall Furnace
- Corona
- Cortelyou
- Cospers Bend
- Cottage Grove
- Cottage Hill
- Cotton
- Cotton Hill
- Cotton Ridge
- Cotton Valley
- Cottontown
- Cottonville
- Couch
- Council Bluff
- Country Acres
- Country Club Acres
- Country Club Gables
- Country Club Gardens
- Country Club Highlands
- Country Club Hills
- Country Club Meadows
- Country Club Village
- Country Haven
- Country Hills
- Country Village
- Countrywood Highlands
- County Line
- Courtland Downs
- Coventry
- Covey Chase
- Covin
- Cowpens
- Cox
- Cox Beach
- Cox Gap
- Coxey
- Coxey Creek Subdivision
- Coxheath
- Crawford
- Crawford Fork
- Creek Stand
- Creekwood
- Creel
- Crescent Heights
- Cresent Heights
- Crest
- Crestdale
- Crestline Gardens
- Crestline Heights
- Crestmont
- Crestview
- Crestview Gardens
- Crestview Hills
- Crestwood
- Creswell
- Crews
- Crewsville
- Crichton
- Crockertown
- Cromwell
- Crooked Creek
- Crooked Oak
- Crosby
- Cross Creek
- Cross Key
- Cross Keys
- Crossgate
- Crossroad
- Crossroads
- Crosston
- Crowtown
- Crudup
- Crumley Chapel
- Crumptonia
- Crystal Springs
- Culebra
- Cullomburg
- Culpeper
- Cumbee Mill
- Cunningham
- Curbville
- Curry
- Currys
- Curt
- Curtis
- Curtis Crossroads
- Curtiston
- Cushion
- Cypress
- Cypress Crest
- Cypress Forest
- Cypress Heights
- Cyril
- Caffee Junction
- Cottage Hill Estates
- Centerwood Estates
- Chesterfield Estates
- Clisby Park
- Country Club Estates
- Canton Bend
- Coosa Court
- Cahaba Valley Estates
- Chateau Estates
- Clubview Estates
- Conner Estates
- Chickasaw Estates
- Carver Park
- Cherokee Estates
- Cottage Park Estates
- Coffee Spgs
- Crestline Park
- College Park
- Crestview Estates
- Cambridge Estates
- Country Club Park
- Cedar Hills Estates
- Country Squire Estates
- Dadeville
- Daleville
- Danville
- Daphne
- Dauphin Island
- Daviston
- Dawson
- DeArmanville
- Deatsville
- Decatur
- Deer Park
- Delmar
- Delta
- Demopolis
- Detroit
- Dickinson
- Dixiana
- Dixons Mills
- Docena
- Dolomite
- Dora
- Dothan
- Double Springs
- Douglas
- Dozier
- Duncanville
- Dutton
- D'Olive
- Daisey City
- Daisy
- Dallas
- Dalraida
- Damascus
- Dancy
- Danielsville
- Danleys Crossroads
- Dannley Pines
- Danway
- Danzey
- Danzler
- Dargin
- Darlington
- Darrah
- Dart
- Darwin Downs
- Davenport
- Davis Acres
- Davis Crossroads
- Davis Hills
- Davis Subdivision
- Davistown
- Davisville
- Dawes
- Dawes Point
- Dawsons
- Dayton
- De Soto Manor
- Deans
- Dearing Downs
- Deas
- Deason Hill
- Deavers Town
- Debardeleben
- Deep Wood
- Deer Head Cove
- Deerfield
- Deerhurst
- Deerwood
- Dees
- DeFoor
- Delchamps
- Dells Vista Shores
- Dellwood
- Delma
- Demarest
- Dempsey
- Denson
- Denton Acres
- Denver
- Deposit
- Derby
- Deven Dale
- Dewey
- Dexter
- Diamond
- Dickert
- Dill
- Dillard
- Dillburg
- Dilworth
- Dingler
- Dixie
- Dixie Springs
- Dixon Corner
- Dixon Manor
- Dixon Shop
- Dixonville
- Dobbs
- Dobbs Subdivision
- Docray
- Dodge City
- Dog Town
- Dogtown
- Dogwood
- Dogwood Acres
- Dogwood Point
- Doliska
- Dollar
- Dolonar
- Dominick
- Donald
- Donaldson Mill
- Doolans
- Doster
- Dosterville
- Double Bridges
- Double Tree
- Doublehead
- Douglasville
- Dove
- Dovertown
- Dowdle
- Downing
- Downs
- Doyle
- Drewry
- Drifton
- Driftwood
- Dripping Springs
- Druid Hills
- Drummond
- Dry Forks
- Dry Valley
- Dublin
- Duck Springs
- Dudley
- Dudleys
- Dudleyville
- Duff Settlement
- Dug Hill
- Duggar Farms
- Duke
- Duketon
- Dunavant
- Dunaway Farms
- Dunbar
- Dunbarton Oaks
- Dunbrook
- Duncan
- Duncan Crossroads
- Dundee
- Dunn
- Dunns
- Dunrowin
- Dupree
- Durrett Grove
- Duvall
- Dwight
- Dyas
- Dyers Crossroads
- Dykes Crossroad
- Dannelly Field
- Doral Estates
- Dozier Estates
- Detroit Park
- Dora Junction
- Double Spgs
- Davis Hills Estates
- Dolonar Junction
- Dutton Place
- De Armanville
- Dogwood Estates
- Dauphin Isl
- East Brewton
- Eastaboga
- Echola
- Eclectic
- Edwardsville
- Eight Mile
- Elba
- Elberta
- Eldridge
- Elkmont
- Elmore
- Elrod
- Emelle
- Empire
- Enterprise
- Epes
- Equality
- Estillfork
- Ethelsville
- Eufaula
- Eutaw
- Eva
- Evergreen
- Excel
- Eady City
- Eagle
- Eagle Creek
- Eagle Ridge
- Earlville
- Earlytown
- Easley
- East Arlington
- East Bend
- East Birmingham
- East Boyles
- East Brighton
- East Brook
- East Brookwood
- East Centreville
- East Chapman
- East Circle
- East End
- East Florence
- East Gadsden
- East Hampton
- East Haven
- East Irondale
- East Killen
- East Lake
- East Limestone
- East Mill
- East Point
- East Saginaw
- East Sheffield
- East Thomas
- East Thomas Gardens
- East Town
- Eastbrook Manor
- Eastern Hills
- Eastern Meadows
- Eastern Valley
- Eastmont
- Easton
- Eastover
- Eastpointe
- Eastridge
- Eastwood
- Eastwood Farms
- Eastwood Mobile Home Plaza
- Eastwood Villa
- Echo
- Echo Hill
- Echo Hills
- Echols Crossroads
- Echols Hill
- Eddings Town
- Eddy
- Eden
- Eden Ridge
- Edgefield
- Edgemont
- Edgemont Heights
- Edgewater
- Edgewood
- Edgewood Forest
- Edgil
- Edmond
- Edmonton Heights
- Edna
- Edsons
- Edwin
- Egypt
- Eiler
- El Dorado East
- El Monte
- Elamville
- Eleanor
- Elgin
- Eliska
- Eliza
- Elk Shores
- Elkahatchee Heights
- Elko
- Elkwood
- Ellards
- Ellaville
- Ellawhite
- Elliotsville
- Elliott Crossroads
- Ellis
- Ellis Crossroads
- Ellison Crossroads
- Ellisville
- Elm Acres
- Elm Bluff
- Elm Ridge
- Elmhill Plantation
- Elon
- Elrath
- Elsanor
- Elsmeade
- Elvira
- Elyton
- Emauhee
- Embry Bend
- Embry Crossroads
- Emerald Shores
- Emory
- Enchanted Hills
- Endsley Acres
- England Isle
- Englewood
- English Terrace
- English Village
- Enoe
- Enon
- Ensley
- Ensley Highlands
- Eoda
- Eoline
- Epworth
- Erin
- Erratta
- Escatawpa
- Estelle
- Estes Crossroads
- Estothel
- Eulaton
- Eunola
- Eureka
- Eureka Shores
- Evansboro
- Evansville
- Everglade
- Ewell
- Ewing
- Ewing Farms
- Exie
- Exmoor
- Exum
- Ezell
- Ezra
- East Tallassee
- Executive Park
- East Gate Estates
- Edgemont Park
- Elkahatchee Park
- Eau Claire Estates
- Ensley Junction
- Edgemoor Estates
- Euclid Estates
- Fackler
- Fairfield
- Fairhope
- Falkville
- Faunsdale
- Fayette
- Fitzpatrick
- Five Points
- Flat Rock
- Flomaton
- Florala
- Florence
- Foley
- Forest Home
- Fort Davis
- Fort Deposit
- Fort Mc Clellan
- Fort Mitchell
- Fort Payne
- Fort Rucker
- Fosters
- Franklin
- Frankville
- Frisco City
- Fruitdale
- Fruithurst
- Fulton
- Fultondale
- Furman
- Fyffe
- Forkland
- Fabius
- Fadette
- Failetown
- Fair Oaks
- Fair View
- Fairdale
- Fairfax
- Fairfield Highlands
- Fairfield Village
- Fairford
- Fairlane
- Fairlawn
- Fairmount
- Fairnelson
- Fairview
- Fairview Heights
- Fairview West
- Fairway Drive
- Falakto
- Falco
- Falconhead
- Falkner
- Falliston
- Falls City
- Fannings Crossing
- Farill
- Farley
- Farmersville
- Farmview
- Farmville
- Farnell
- Fatama
- Faustinas
- Fayetteville
- Fays
- Feddisburg
- Fenton
- Ferguson
- Ferguson Crossroad
- Fernbank
- Fernland
- Fernridge
- Fernwood
- Ferry Shores
- Fieldstown
- Finchburg
- Finley
- Finley Crossing
- Fish Pond
- Fisher Crossroads
- Fishermans Resort
- Fishpond
- Fishtrap
- Fisk
- Fitee
- Fitts Heights
- Five Forks
- Five Points East
- Five Points South
- Flanders
- Flat Creek
- Flat Top
- Flatwood
- Flatwoods
- Fleetwood
- Fleming Hills
- Fleming Meadows
- Flemington Heights
- Fleta
- Flint City
- Flint Hill
- Floral Crest
- Florette
- Flournoys
- Flower Hill
- Floyd
- Folsom
- Fontaine Village
- Ford City
- Fordyce
- Forest
- Forest Acres
- Forest Circle
- Forest Green
- Forest Highlands
- Forest Hill
- Forest Hills
- Forest Lake
- Forest Manor
- Forestasia
- Forestdale
- Forestdale by the Brook
- Forester
- Forester Chapel
- Forkville
- Forney
- Fort Dale
- Fort Gaines
- Fort McDermott
- Fort Morgan
- Fort Stoddard
- Foshee
- Fosheeton
- Foster Crossroad
- Foster Crossroads
- Fosters Mill
- Fostoria
- Fountain
- Fountain Heights
- Four Mile
- Four Point
- Four Winds
- Fourmile
- Fowl River
- Fowler
- Fowler Spring
- Fowlers Crossroads
- Fox Haven
- Fox Run
- Fox Trace
- Foxchase
- Foxhill
- Foxwood
- Foxwood Trace
- Frances Heights
- Francis
- Francisco
- Frankfort
- Franklin Gardens
- Fredonia
- Freeman Acres
- Freemanville
- Freeport
- Freetown
- Fremont
- French Hill
- French Mill
- Frenchtown
- Fridays Crossing
- Friendship
- Frisco
- Frisco Quarters
- Frog Eye
- Frog Mountain
- Fuller
- Fuller Crossroad
- Fullers Crossroads
- Fullerton
- Fulton Bridge
- Fulton Springs
- Fungo Hollow
- Fitzgerald Estates
- Forest Park
- Fernwood Estates
- Falls Junction
- Fultondale Estates
- Fair Park
- Fort Novosel
- Gadsden
- Gainestown
- Gainesville
- Gallant
- Gallion
- Gantt
- Garden City
- Gardendale
- Gaylesville
- Geneva
- Georgiana
- Geraldine
- Gilbertown
- Glen Allen
- Glencoe
- Glenwood
- Goodsprings
- Goodwater
- Goodway
- Gordo
- Gordon
- Goshen
- Grady
- Graham
- Grand Bay
- Grant
- Graysville
- Green Pond
- Greensboro
- Greenville
- Grove Hill
- Grove Oak
- Guin
- Gulf Shores
- Gunter Afs
- Guntersville
- Gurley
- Gunter Air Force Base
- Gable Cove
- Gage
- Gaino
- Gallups Crossroads
- Gamble
- Ganer
- Gann Crossroad
- Gantts Quarry
- Gap of the Mountain
- Garden
- Garden Square
- Gardiners Gin
- Garland
- Garmon Crossroads
- Garnersville
- Garnsey
- Garrett Heights
- Garretts Crossroads
- Garth
- Gary Springs
- Garywood
- Gasque
- Gaston
- Gastonburg
- Gate City
- Gateswood
- Gauldinville
- Gay Meadows
- Gayosa
- Geiger
- Genery
- Gentilly Forest
- Gentily Forest
- Georgena Terrace
- Georgetown
- Georgia
- Georgiaville
- Gerald
- German Crossing
- Germania
- Gibbs Village
- Gibson
- Gibson Crossroads
- Gibson Hill
- Gibsonville
- Gilbert
- Gilbert Crossroads
- Giles
- Gilmore
- Gilmore Quarters
- Gipsy
- Girard
- Glades
- Gladstone
- Glasgow
- Glasgow Corner
- Glass
- Glen Acres
- Glen Carbon
- Glen City
- Glen Forest
- Glen Haven
- Glen Hills
- Glen Iris
- Glen Mary
- Glen Oaks
- Glendale
- Glendale Acres
- Glendale Gardens
- Glenn Valley
- Glenview
- Glenville
- Glenzaida
- Glover
- Gnatville
- Gobblers Crossing
- Goddard
- Gold Branch
- Gold Hill
- Gold Mine
- Gold Ridge
- Golddust
- Golden Acres
- Golden Springs
- Goldville
- Gonce
- Good Hope
- Good Springs
- Goodman
- Goodson
- Goodwin Subdivision
- Goodwins Mill
- Goodwyn
- Goodyear
- Gordon Heights
- Gordonsville
- Gordonville
- Gorgas
- Gosa
- Gosport
- Gourdsville
- Graball
- Grace
- Graceland Acres
- Grand Acres
- Grandberry Crossroads
- Grandview
- Grandview Pines
- Grangeburg
- Granite Hills
- Grant Town
- Grantley
- Grants Mill
- Grasmere
- Grasselli
- Grassland
- Grassy
- Gravel Hill
- Gravelly Springs
- Gray Hill
- Graymont
- Grays Gardens
- Grayson
- Grayson Valley
- Graysons Addition
- Graystone
- Graysville Heights
- Grayton
- Great Oaks
- Green Acres
- Green Bay
- Green Cove Meadows
- Green Grove
- Green Hill
- Green Hills
- Green Oaks
- Green Ridge
- Green Street
- Green Valley
- Greenbriar
- Greenbrier
- Greenfield
- Greenhill
- Greenleas Heights
- Greens Crossroads
- Greenview
- Greenwood
- Greenwycke Village
- Greer
- Griffen Mill
- Griffin
- Griffin Addition
- Griffin Heights
- Griffitts Lake Shore Subdivision
- Grimes
- Grove View Acres
- Grover
- Grovewood
- Guerryton
- Guest
- Guilds Woods
- Guinea
- Guinn Cross Roads
- Gulf Dale
- Gulf Highlands
- Gulfcrest
- Gum Spring
- Gum Springs
- Gumbud
- Gunter Grove
- Guntersville Shores
- Gunthertown
- Gurnee
- Guthery Crossroads
- Guys Spring
- Gwen Mill
- Gantts Junction
- Grove Park
- Greater Washington Park
- Glen Park
- Granato Estates
- Gu-Win
- Gateway Estates
- Governors Estates
- Gladlane Estates
- Godwin Estates
- Groveoak
- Green Acres Estates
- Hackleburg
- Haleyville
- Hamilton
- Hanceville
- Hardaway
- Harpersville
- Hartford
- Hartselle
- Harvest
- Hatchechubbee
- Havana
- Hayden
- Hayneville
- Hazel Green
- Headland
- Heflin
- Helena
- Henagar
- Higdon
- Highland Home
- Hillsboro
- Hodges
- Hokes Bluff
- Hollins
- Holly Pond
- Hollytree
- Hollywood
- Holt
- Holy Trinity
- Homewood
- Honoraville
- Hoover
- Hope Hull
- Horton
- Houston
- Hueytown
- Huntsville
- Hurtsboro
- Huxford
- Hackneyville
- Hacoda
- Haden
- Hagler
- Halawaka
- Halcyon
- Haleburg
- Half Acre
- Half Chance
- Hall Creek
- Hall Grove
- Hall Valley
- Hallingworth
- Halls Chapel
- Halls Crossroads
- Hallsville
- Halltown
- Hallway
- Halsell
- Halso Mill
- Hamburg
- Hamilton Crossroads
- Hammac
- Hammondville
- Hamner
- Hampden
- Hampton
- Hampton Cove
- Hancock Crossroads
- Hannah
- Hannon
- Hanover
- Hanson
- Happy Acres
- Happy Hill
- Happy Hollow
- Hardwick
- Hardwickburg
- Hardy
- Harkins Crossroads
- Harkness Crossroads
- Harlem Heights
- Harmon
- Harmon Crossroads
- Harmony
- Harper Hill
- Harper Subdivision
- Harpers Store
- Harperwood
- Harrell
- Harris
- Harrisburg
- Harrisville
- Harrogate Springs
- Harwell Hills
- Harwood Heights
- Hatchet
- Hatchet Creek
- Hatters
- Hatton
- Havenview
- Hawk
- Hawk Pride
- Hawkinsville
- Hawthorn
- Hayes
- Hayes Branch Subdivision
- Hayes Crossing
- Hayes Highland
- Haynes
- Haynes Crossing
- Haynes Crossroad
- Hays Mill
- Haywood
- Hazelhurst
- Hazen
- Healing Springs
- Heath
- Heatherton Heights
- Heatherwood
- Heathrow
- Hebron
- Hector
- Heiberger
- Helicon
- Henderson
- Hendrick Mill
- Hendrix
- Hendrixville
- Henryville
- Henson Springs
- Hephzibah
- Hepsidam
- Hepzibah
- Herbert
- Heritage Heights
- Heritage Hills
- Heritage Oaks
- Heritage Ridge
- Heron Bay
- Hester Heights
- Hestle
- Hickory
- Hickory Forest
- Hickory Grove
- Hickory Hills
- Hickory Ridge
- Hicks
- Hicks Hill
- Hidden Forest
- Hidden Ridge
- Hidden Valley
- Hide Away Acres
- Hideaway Hills
- High Bluff
- High Cliff
- High Forest
- High Level
- High Pine
- High Point
- High Ridge
- High Rock
- High Shoals
- Highfalls
- Highland
- Highland Crest
- Highland Forest
- Highland Gardens
- Highland Lake
- Highland Village
- Highlands
- Highmound
- Highnote
- Hightogy
- Hightower
- Hightown
- Highview
- Hill Top
- Hillandale
- Hillcrest
- Hilliard
- Hillman
- Hillman Gardens
- Hillmont
- Hillsdale
- Hillsdale Heights
- Hillswood
- Hilltop
- Hillview
- Hillview Acres
- Hillwood
- Hillwood West
- Hines
- Hinton
- Hirsch
- Hissop
- Hixon
- Hoagtown
- Hobbie Farm
- Hobbs Island
- Hobdy
- Hobgood
- Hoboken
- Hobson
- Hobson City
- Hodge
- Hodgesville
- Hodgewood
- Hog Jaw
- Hogglesville
- Holiday Gardens
- Holiday Shores
- Holiday Village
- Holland Gin
- Holley Crossroads
- Holley Store
- Hollingsworth
- Hollis Crossroads
- Holloway
- Holly Grove
- Holly Hills
- Holly Springs
- Holman
- Holman Crossroads
- Holtville
- Homestead
- Honeysuckle Hills
- Hood
- Hoods Crossroads
- Hooks
- Hooks Crossroads
- Hooks Lake Subdivision
- Hooper City
- Hopeful
- Hopewell
- Hopkins
- Hopper
- Horn Hill
- Hornady
- Hornsbytown
- Hortons Mill
- Hotamville
- Houston Corner
- Houstontown
- Houstonville
- Howard
- Howe
- Howells
- Howells Cove
- Howells Crossroads
- Howells Ferry Heights
- Howelton
- Howton
- Howton Subdivision
- Hubbard
- Hubbertville
- Huckaville
- Hudson Gardens
- Hudson Grove
- Hudson Settlement
- Hueytown Crest
- Huffman
- Huffman Gardens
- Hughes Mill
- Hugley
- Hugo
- Huguley
- Hulaco
- Hull
- Humoro
- Humpton
- Hundred Oaks
- Hunter
- Hunters Hill
- Hunters Point
- Hunting Downs
- Hunting Ridge
- Huntland
- Huntleigh Woods
- Huntsville Hills
- Hurley
- Hurricane
- Hurricane Hills
- Hustleville
- Hyatt
- Hybart
- Hycutt
- Hyram
- Hytop
- Henry Road Estates
- Harris Station
- Huntington Park
- Highland Park
- Hays Court
- Hamner Estates
- Heritage Park
- Huntington Place
- Highland Residence Park
- Hillman Park
- Huntsville Park
- Head Estates
- Hillcrest Estates
- Holiday Park Estates
- Ider
- Indian Springs
- Irondale
- Irvington
- Idlewood
- Ilamo
- Imperial Forest
- Incline
- Independence
- India Lakes
- Indian Hill
- Indian Hills
- Indian Lake
- Indian Lakes
- Indian Shoals
- Indian Springs Ranch
- Indian Springs Village
- Indian Trace
- Indian Valley
- Indigo
- Industrial City
- Industry
- Ingate
- Ingle Terrace
- Inglenook
- Ingleside Village
- Ingram
- Ingram Wells
- Inmanfield
- Innsbrooke
- Ino
- Intercourse
- Interurban Heights
- Inverness
- Inverness Cliffs
- Inverness Point
- Iron City
- Ironaton
- Ironville
- Isabella
- Isbell
- Ishkooda
- Isney
- Italian Town
- Ivalee
- Ivanhoe
- Ivy Chase
- Ivy Creek
- Ivy Glenn
- Indian Spgs
- Inland Junction
- Jachin
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacksons Gap
- Jacksonville
- Jasper
- Jefferson
- Jemison
- Jones
- Joppa
- Jack Springs
- Jackson Heights
- Jackson Oak
- Jackson Quarters
- Jackson Spur
- Jackson Subdivision
- Jacksonburg
- Jacksons Lake
- Jacksons' Gap
- Jamback
- James
- Jamestown
- Jamestown Colony
- Jamesville
- Janes Mill
- Jasmine Hill
- Java
- Jay Villa
- Jeddo
- Jeff
- Jefferson Hills
- Jena
- Jenifer
- Jenkins
- Jenkins Crossroads
- Jericho
- Jernigan
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem Heights
- Jesseton
- Jester
- Jet
- Jo Dell
- Joffre
- John Lee Acres
- Johns
- Johnson
- Johnson Crossroads
- Johnson Subdivision
- Johnsons Crossing
- Johnsons Mill
- Johnsonville
- Johnstown
- Johnstown East
- Joinertown
- Jon
- Jones Chapel
- Jones Crossroads
- Jones Mill
- Jones Valley
- Jonesboro
- Jonesview
- Jonesville
- Jonny Smith Subdivision
- Joquin
- Jordan
- Jordan Chapel
- Jordans Mill
- Jordanville
- Joseph Springs
- Josephine
- Josie
- Joy
- Juanita Drive
- Judson
- Jumbo
- Junior Acres
- Judson Park
- Kansas
- Kellyton
- Kennedy
- Kent
- Killen
- Kimberly
- Kinsey
- Kinston
- Knoxville
- Kahatchee
- Kalem
- Kalona
- Kaolin
- Kaylor
- Keego
- Keener
- Keenewood
- Keith
- Kellerman
- Kelly
- Kelly Springs
- Kellys Crossroads
- Kendall Crossroads
- Kentuck
- Kenwood
- Kershaw
- Ketona
- Kewahatchie
- Key
- Key Hill
- Key Spring
- Keyno
- Keys Mill
- Keysburg
- Keystone
- Keyton
- Keytons
- Kicker Subdivision
- Kid
- Kilby
- Kilgore
- Killian Mill
- Killough Springs
- Kilpatrick
- Kimbrell
- Kimbrough
- Kimbrough Crossroads
- Kincheon
- King Hill
- Kingdom Crossroads
- Kings
- Kings Acres
- Kings Chapel
- Kings Mill
- Kings Spring
- Kingston
- Kingsway Terrace
- Kingswood
- Kingtown
- Kingville
- Kingwood
- Kinterbish
- Kiowa
- Kirbytown
- Kirewakra
- Kirk
- Kirkland
- Kirklands Crossroads
- Kirks Grove
- Kitchens Mill
- Klein
- Klondike
- Knightens Crossroads
- Knollwood
- Knoxwood
- Koenton
- Kowaliga
- Kuderna Acres
- Kushla
- Kyles
- Kyles Subdivision
- Kymulga
- Kyuka
- Kildere Estates
- Kennedy Park
- Laceys Spring
- Lafayette
- Lanett
- Langston
- Lapine
- Lavaca
- Lawley
- Leeds
- Leesburg
- Leighton
- Lenox
- Leroy
- Lester
- Letohatchee
- Lexington
- Lillian
- Lincoln
- Linden
- Lineville
- Lisman
- Little River
- Livingston
- Loachapoka
- Lockhart
- Locust Fork
- Logan
- Louisville
- Lower Peach Tree
- Lowndesboro
- Loxley
- Luverne
- Lynn
- La Fayette
- La Grange
- La Vera
- Labuco
- Laceys Chapel
- Lacon
- Ladiga
- Ladonia
- Lagos del Sol
- Lake Cove
- Lake Coves
- Lake Forest
- Lake Front Village
- Lake Highlands
- Lake Hills North
- Lake Howard
- Lake Ida Heights
- Lake Joy
- Lake Purdy
- Lake Robinwood Subdivision
- Lake Shore
- Lake Shore Drive Subdivision
- Lake Shore Subdivision
- Lake View
- Lakeland Forest
- Lakeridge
- Lakeside Acres
- Lakeside Highlands
- Lakeview
- Lakeview Beach
- Lakeview Heights
- Lakeview Highlands
- Lakeview Manor
- Lakeview Shores
- Lakewood
- Lakewood Estate
- Lakewood Heights
- Lakewood Hills
- Lakewood Manor
- Lamar
- Lambert
- Lambert Grove
- Lamison
- Land
- Landersville
- Landmarks
- Lands Crossroads
- Lane
- Lane Springs
- Laneville
- Laney
- Langdale
- Laniers
- Lansdowne
- Lardent
- Larkin
- Larkinsville
- Larkwood
- Lasca
- Latham
- Lathamville
- Lathrop
- Lato
- Laton Hill
- Lattiwood
- Lauderdale Beach
- Laurel Hills
- Laurendine
- Lavelle Woods
- Lavender Acres
- Lawngate
- Lawrence
- Lawrenceville
- Lawson
- Lawsontown
- Lay Springs
- Lazy Living Acres
- Lazy V Lake Acres
- Le Grand
- Le Moyne
- Leatherwood
- Lebanon
- Lebaron Woods
- Lecta
- Ledbetter
- Ledbetters
- Lee
- Lee Crossroads
- Lee Farms
- Leesdale
- Leggtown
- Lehigh
- Lenlock
- Lennon Hill
- Lentzville
- Leon
- Leonard
- Letcher
- Letchers
- Letson Settlement
- Level Plains
- Levert
- Lewis
- Lewis Evans Subdivision
- Lewisburg
- Lewiston
- Leydens Mill
- Liberty
- Liberty City
- Liberty Crossroads
- Liberty Grove
- Liberty Highlands
- Liberty Hill
- Libertyville
- Lickskillet
- Lightwood
- Ligon Springs
- Lilita
- Lily Flagg
- Lim Rock
- Lime
- Lime Kiln
- Lime Rock
- Lime Sink
- Lincoya
- Lindsay Lane
- Lindsey
- Lindseys Crossing
- Lingerlost
- Linn Crossing
- Linton
- Linwood
- Lipscomb
- Lisenba Subdivision
- Listerhill
- Little Hope
- Little Italy
- Little Nashville
- Little New York
- Little Oak
- Little Pines
- Little Rock
- Little Sandy
- Little Shawmut
- Little Shenandoah
- Little Shoal
- Little Texas
- Little Walker
- Little Warrior
- Littleton
- Littletons
- Littleville
- Live Oak
- Live Oaks
- Liverpool
- Livingston Subdivision
- Lizzieville
- Lloyds
- Loango
- Loch Haven
- Lochridge
- Lock Five
- Lock Six
- Lock Three
- Locke Crossroads
- Lockland
- Loflin
- Lofty
- Logan Martin Pines
- Loganwood
- Logton
- Lois Spring
- Lola City
- Lomax
- London
- Lone Oak Subdivision
- Long Island
- Longleaf
- Longtown
- Longview
- Longwood
- Lookout Valley Acres
- Loosier
- Loper
- Loree
- Loretto
- Lorton
- Lott
- Lottie
- Lou
- Louina
- Love Hill
- Lovelace Crossroads
- Loveless
- Lovettville
- Lovick
- Lowery
- Lowerytown
- Lowetown
- Lowrimores Crossroads
- Lowry Mill
- Loyola Villa
- Lubbub
- Lucille
- Lucy
- Lucys Hill
- Lugo
- Luke
- Lum
- Lumbull
- Lupton
- Lusk
- Luttrell
- Lydia
- Lyeffion
- Lyle
- Lynn Acres
- Lynn Haven
- Lynndale
- Lynntown
- Lynwood Gardens
- Lynwood Terrace
- Lytle
- Lakeview Park
- Longleaf Estates
- Little Ridge Estates
- Longview Estates
- Little Oak Ridge Estates
- Loveless Park
- Lakeview Estates
- Lincoln Park
- Lake Hill Estates
- La Place
- Madison
- Magnolia
- Magnolia Springs
- Malcolm
- Malvern
- Maplesville
- Marbury
- Margaret
- Marion
- Marion Junction
- Mathews
- Maxwell Air Force Base
- Maylene
- McCalla
- McIntosh
- McKenzie
- McShan
- McWilliams
- Megargel
- Melvin
- Mentone
- Meridianville
- Mexia
- Midfield
- Midland City
- Midway
- Millbrook
- Millerville
- Millport
- Millry
- Minter
- Mobile
- Monroeville
- Montevallo
- Montgomery
- Montrose
- Moody
- Mooresville
- Morris
- Morvin
- Moulton
- Moundville
- Mountain Brook
- Mount Hope
- Mount Meigs
- Mount Olive
- Mount Vernon
- Mulga
- Munford
- Muscadine
- Muscle Shoals
- Myrtlewood
- Mabson
- Macedonia
- Mackey
- Mackies
- MacMillan
- Macon
- Madison Crossroads
- Madison Highlands
- Madison Point
- Madrid
- Magazine
- Magnolia Beach
- Magnolia Courts
- Magnolia Heights
- Magnolia Shores
- Mahan Crossroads
- Mahlep
- Majestic
- Malbis
- Mallard Point
- Malone
- Malta
- Mamie
- Manack
- Manchester
- Manila
- Manistee
- Mann
- Manningham
- Manor Haven
- Mansfield
- Mansion View
- Mantua
- Maple Forks
- Maple Grove
- Maple Hill
- Maplewood
- Marble Valley
- Marcoot
- Mardisville
- Marengo
- Margerum
- Marietta
- Marigold
- Mariners Cove
- Markeeta
- Marks Village
- Markton
- Marl
- Marley Mill
- Marlow
- Mars Hill
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martin Heights
- Martins
- Martins Mill
- Martintown
- Martinville
- Martling
- Marvel
- Marvyn
- Mary
- Marylee
- Maryville
- Masena
- Mashville
- Mason City
- Massey
- Masseyline
- Massillon
- Masterson Mill
- Mattawana
- Matthews
- Maud
- Mauvilla
- Maxine
- Maxwell
- Maxwell Heights
- Maxwellborn
- Mayes Crossroad
- Mayfair
- Mayflower
- Maynard
- Maynard Cove
- Mays
- Mays Bend
- Mays Crossroads
- Maysville
- Maytown
- McAding
- McAdory
- McBrydes
- McCainville
- McCaleb Mill
- McCannsville
- McClure
- McClure Town
- McCollum
- McCombs
- McCord Crossroads
- McCosh Mill
- McCulley
- McCulley Creek
- McCulloh
- McCullough
- McDade
- McDonald Chapel
- McDowell
- McElderry
- McElrath Subdivision
- McEntyre
- McFrey Crossroads
- McGee Town
- McGehees
- McGhee
- McGinty
- McGowan
- McGrawtown
- McKenzie Courts
- McKestes
- McKibben
- McKinley
- McLarty
- McLemore Point Subdivision
- McLendon
- McMullen
- McRae
- McRitchie Mill
- McVay
- McVille
- McWer
- McWorther Subdivision
- Meadow Green
- Meadow Grove
- Meadow Hills
- Meadow Lake
- Meadow Lawn
- Meadow Ridge
- Meadow Trace
- Meadow Wood
- Meadowbrook
- Meadowood
- Meadows Crossroads
- Meadows Mill
- Meadville
- Meadwood Heights
- Mechanicsville
- Media
- Meeksville
- Mehaffey
- Melborne
- Mellow Valley
- Melmar
- Melody Heights
- Melrose
- Melton
- Meltonsville
- Memorial Heights
- Memphis
- Mercury
- Merrell Beach
- Merrellton
- Merrill Mill
- Merritts Crossroads
- Merriwether
- Merry
- Merrywood
- Mertz
- Mexboro
- Mexia Crossing
- Mhoontown
- Micaville
- Middle Brooks Crossroads
- Middleton
- Miflin
- Mignon
- Milford
- Milk Springs
- Mill Run
- Mill Village
- Miller
- Miller Subdivision
- Millers Ferry
- Millertown
- Milltown
- Millville
- Millwood
- Milner
- Milstead
- Milton
- Mimosa Highlands
- Mimosa Manor
- Mineola
- Mineral Springs
- Minniesville
- Minooka
- Minor
- Minor Terrace
- Mint Spring
- Minvale
- Miriam Heights
- Mission Hills
- Misty Harbor
- Misty Pines
- Mitchell
- Mitchell Crossroads
- Mitchelltown
- Mitchellville
- Mitylene
- Mixonville
- Mixson
- Mobile Heights
- Moffat
- Moffet
- Moffits Mill
- Mollie
- Molloy
- Mon Louis
- Monmouth
- Monroeton
- Monrovia
- Montague
- Montalla Acres
- Montclair
- Monte Bello
- Monte D'Oro
- Monte Vista
- Monterey
- Monterey Drive
- Monterey Heights
- Montgomery East
- Montgomery Hill
- Montgomery Lakes
- Monticello
- Monticello Two
- Montreat
- Moodys Chapel
- Moodys Crossroads
- Moontown
- Moore Corner
- Moore Town
- Moorefield
- Moores Bridge
- Moores Crossroads
- Moores Mill
- Moores Valley
- Moragne
- Moreland
- Morgan
- Morgan Chapel
- Morgan City
- Morgan Springs
- Morgan Subdivision
- Morgans Crossroads
- Moriah
- Morning Sun Villas
- Morningdale
- Morningside
- Morningside Heights
- Morningview
- Morris Crossroads
- Morris Heights
- Morris Mill
- Morrison Crossroad
- Morrisville
- Morrow Acres
- Morrows Grove
- Moscow
- Moshat
- Moss Rock
- Mossboro
- Mosses
- Mosswood
- Mossy Grove
- Mossy Grove Village
- Mostellers
- Motley
- Motts
- Moulton Heights
- Mount Andrew
- Mount Carmel
- Mount Gilead
- Mount Gillis
- Mount Hebron
- Mount Hester
- Mount Hillard
- Mount Jefferson
- Mount Lebanon
- Mount Moriah
- Mount Nebo
- Mount Olive Circle
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Polk
- Mount Rozell
- Mount Sharon
- Mount Sinai
- Mount Sterling
- Mount Tabor
- Mount Union
- Mount View
- Mount Willing
- Mount Zion
- Mountain Acres
- Mountain Brook Village
- Mountain Creek
- Mountain Forest
- Mountain Grove
- Mountain Heights
- Mountain Home
- Mountain Oaks
- Mountain Star
- Mountain View
- Mountainboro
- Mountainbrook
- Mountaindale
- Movico
- Muck City
- Mud Creek
- Mulberry
- Mulga Mine
- Mullins
- Munson Heights
- Murphree
- Murphy Cross Roads
- Murrycross
- Muscoda
- Mynot
- Maxwell AFB
- Mahrt
- Mc Kenzie
- Maxwell AFB Gunter Annex
- Mc Calla
- Mc Intosh
- Mc Shan
- Mc Williams
- Mc Cullough
- Murphree Place
- Mobile College
- Monroe County Airport
- Montwood Estates
- Mountain Brk
- Mountain Park
- Manora Estates
- Monticello Estates
- Meadows Estates
- Mountain View Estates
- Marion County - Rankin Fite Airport
- Meadow Lane Estates
- Monte-Sano
- Mill Creek Estates
- Monterey Park
- Mauvilla Forest Estates
- Meadowview Estates
- Nanafalia
- Natural Bridge
- Nauvoo
- New Brockton
- New Hope
- New Market
- New Site
- Newbern
- Newell
- Newton
- Newville
- Normal
- Northport
- Notasulga
- Needham
- Nacoochee Point Subdivision
- Nadawah
- Naftel
- Naheola
- Nances Creek
- Napier Field
- Napoleon
- Natchez
- Natis
- Navajo Hills
- Navajo Pines
- Navco
- Nave
- Ne Smith
- Nebo
- Nectar
- Needmore
- Neel
- Neely
- Neenah
- Negro Graveyard
- Neighbors Mill
- Nellie
- Nelson
- Nelson Heights
- Neman
- Nenemoosha
- Neshota
- Nesmith
- Nettleboro
- New Bethel
- New Bingham
- New Canaan
- New Castle
- New Convert
- New Everdale
- New Georgia
- New Harmony
- New Haven
- New Hill
- New Home
- New Jagger
- New Lexington
- New Liberty
- New London
- New Moon
- New Mount Hebron
- New Prospect
- New Providence
- New Sharon
- New Town
- New Village
- New Wakefield
- New West Greene
- Newberry Cove
- Newberry Crossroads
- Newburg
- Newby
- Newsome Springs
- Newtonville
- Nichburg
- Nichol Hills
- Nicholsville
- Nitrate City
- Nix
- Nix Mill
- Nixburg
- Nixon Chapel
- Noah
- Noble Hill
- Nokomis
- Nolan Hills
- Noland
- Noojinsville
- Norman
- Normandale
- Norris Circle
- North Arab
- North Auburn
- North Bibb
- North Birmingham
- North Courtland
- North Cowarts
- North Dadeville
- North Daye Hill
- North Elmore
- North Florence
- North Gate
- North Haven
- North Heights
- North Highlands
- North Hills
- North Johns
- North Mobile
- North Montgomery
- North Pass
- North Perry
- North River Shores
- North Riviera
- North Valley Acres
- North Vinemont
- North Walter
- Northcliff
- Northcrest
- Northdale
- Northside
- Northside Acres
- Northwood
- Northwood Forest
- Northwood Hills
- Northwood Lake
- Norton
- Norwood
- Nottingham
- Nuckols
- Nymph
- Nyota
- Norala Junction
- Northwood Estates
- Oak Hill
- Oakman
- Odenville
- Ohatchee
- Oneonta
- Opelika
- Opp
- Orange Beach
- Orrville
- Owens Cross Roads
- Oxford
- Ozark
- O'Neal
- Oak
- Oak Bowery
- Oak Bowery Heights
- Oak Crossing
- Oak Dale
- Oak Forest
- Oak Grove
- Oak Hills
- Oak Hollow
- Oak Lawn
- Oak Leaf
- Oak Level
- Oak Ridge
- Oak Village
- Oakahalla
- Oakchia
- Oakdale
- Oakdale Acres
- Oakey Grove
- Oakhurst
- Oakland
- Oakley
- Oakmulgee
- Oaks Heights
- Oakville
- Oakwood
- Oakworth
- Oaky Streak
- Oateston
- Ocampo
- Oceola
- Octagon
- Oden Ridge
- Odena
- Odom Crossroads
- Ofelia
- Okatuppa
- Old Atkinson Crossing
- Old Bethel
- Old Bingham
- Old Blevins Mill
- Old Bluffport
- Old Burleson
- Old Coloma
- Old Davisville
- Old Eastaboga
- Old Fabius
- Old Harmony
- Old Jonesboro
- Old Kingston
- Old Leeds Forest
- Old Maylene
- Old Mill Trace
- Old Monrovia
- Old Nauvoo
- Old Providence
- Old Salem
- Old Samuel
- Old Snead
- Old Sparta
- Old Spring Hill
- Old Texas
- Old Town
- Olde Acres
- Oldfield
- Oleander
- Oliver
- Oliver Heights
- Olivers Lake
- Olland
- Ollie
- Olney
- Olustee
- Omaha
- Omega
- Omni
- Onycha
- Open Acres
- Ophir
- Opine
- Orange
- Orchard
- Orion
- Osaka
- Osanippa
- Osborn
- Osco
- Oswichee
- Otho
- Ottery
- Our Town
- Overbrook
- Overlook
- Overton
- Overton Heights
- Overton Manor
- Owassa
- Owens
- Owenton
- Ox Level
- Oxanna
- Oxford Gate
- Oxmoor
- Oyster Bay
- Ozan
- Owens X Rds
- Oak Park
- Oak Grove Estates
- Overlook Estates
- Oakland Estates
- Oakwood Estates
- Oak Ridge Park
- Oakleigh Estates
- Paint Rock
- Palmerdale
- Panola
- Pansey
- Parrish
- Pelham
- Pell City
- Pennington
- Perdido
- Perdue Hill
- Peterman
- Peterson
- Petrey
- Phenix City
- Phil Campbell
- Piedmont
- Pike Road
- Pinckard
- Pine Apple
- Pine Hill
- Pine Level
- Pinson
- Pisgah
- Pittsview
- Plantersville
- Pleasant Grove
- Point Clear
- Prattville
- Prichard
- Princeton
- Packards Bend
- Painter
- Palestine
- Palmers Crossroads
- Palmetto
- Palmetto Beach
- Palmyra
- Palos
- Pana
- Panhandle
- Panorama
- Papertown
- Paradise Points
- Paradise Shores
- Paragon
- Paramount
- Paran
- Parish
- Parish Hills
- Park City
- Park Courts
- Park Forest
- Park Hill
- Park Manor
- Parkdale
- Parker
- Parker Heights
- Parker Springs
- Parker Village
- Parkers Crossroads
- Parkertown
- Parkmanville
- Parkside
- Parkview
- Parkwood
- Parkwood Hills
- Parnell
- Parsons
- Partridge Crossroads
- Pasqua
- Pate
- Pathkiller Cove
- Patsburg
- Pattersontown
- Patton
- Patton Chapel
- Paul
- Pauls Hill
- Pawnee Heights
- Payneville
- Pea Ridge
- Pea Ridge Crossroads
- Peace
- Peaceburg
- Peach Grove
- Peach Tree Hills
- Peachburg
- Peacock
- Pearce
- Pearces Mills
- Pearsall Gardens
- Pearson
- Pearson Chapel
- Pearson Subdivision
- Peavy
- Pebble
- Pebble Hill
- Peeks Corner
- Peets Corner
- Pelham Heights
- Pence
- Pendergrass
- Pendley
- Penfield Heights
- Penn
- Pennsylvania
- Penton
- Pentonville
- Pepperell
- Pera
- Perdido Beach
- Pernell
- Perote
- Perry Hills
- Perry Store
- Perrys Mill
- Perryville
- Persimmon Grove
- Persons
- Petaluma
- Petersville
- Petes Crossroads
- Petronia
- Pettusville
- Peytona Points
- Phelan
- Philadelphia
- Phillips Crossroads
- Phillipsville
- Phipps
- Phoenixville
- Pickensville
- Pickett
- Pickwood
- Piedmont Springs
- Pierson Subdivision
- Pigeon Creek
- Pigeye
- Pikeville
- Pilgrims Rest
- Pin Hook
- Pinchona
- Pinder Hill
- Pine Acres
- Pine Circle
- Pine Crest
- Pine Dale
- Pine Flat
- Pine Forest
- Pine Grove
- Pine Grove Village
- Pine Haven
- Pine Haven Shores
- Pine Hills
- Pine Island Subdivision
- Pine Knoll Vista
- Pine Lake Village
- Pine Mountain
- Pine Needles
- Pine Orchard
- Pine Ridge
- Pine Run
- Pine Shores
- Pine Springs
- Pine Tuckey
- Pine Wood
- Pinebelt
- Pinecrest
- Pinedale
- Pinedale Acres
- Pinedale Shores
- Pinehurst
- Pineola
- Pinetucky
- Pineview
- Pineville
- Pinewood Terrace
- Piney
- Piney Bend
- Piney Chapel
- Piney Grove
- Piney Point
- Piney Woods
- Pinhook
- Pinkney City
- Pinkneyville
- Pinnell
- Pintlala
- Pioneer
- Piper
- Pittsburg
- Plain View
- Plainview
- Plano
- Plant City
- Plantation Point
- Plateau
- Playground Shores
- Pleasant Acres
- Pleasant Field
- Pleasant Gap
- Pleasant Groves
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Plains
- Pleasant Ridge
- Pleasant Site
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant View
- Pletcher
- Plevna
- Plum Springs
- Poarch
- Pocahontas
- Poes Acres
- Pogo
- Point of Pines Subdivision
- Polk
- Pollard
- Polo Trace
- Ponderosa
- Ponders
- Pondville
- Pooles Crossroad
- Pools Crossroads
- Pope
- Poplar Creek
- Poplar Point
- Poplar Ridge
- Poplar Springs
- Poplar Springs Branch
- Port Birmingham
- Port Royal
- Port South
- Porter
- Portersville
- Portland
- Posey Mill
- Poseys Crossroads
- Possum Trot
- Post Oak
- Postoak
- Potash
- Potter
- Powderly
- Powderly Hills
- Powell
- Powelldale
- Powells Crossroads
- Powellville
- Powers
- Powhatan
- Powledge
- Praco
- Prairie
- Prairie Bluff
- Prairieville
- Pratt City
- Prattmont
- Pratts
- Prescott
- Preston
- Preston Sights Subdivision
- Preston Subdivision
- Prestwick
- Prices
- Priceville
- Prickettville
- Primitive Ridge
- Prince Crossroads
- Princeton Heights
- Princeton Woods
- Proctor
- Pronto
- Prospect
- Providence
- Pruitton
- Pull Tight
- Pulliamville
- Pulltight
- Pumpkin Center
- Pushmataha
- Putnam
- Pyriton
- Pyron
- Pine Bluff Estates
- Pine Park
- Parkwood Estates
- Pretty Branch Estates
- Pine Brook Estates
- Prairie View Estates
- Pine Forest Estates
- Pleasant Grove Estates
- Pecan Grove Estates
- Parkway Estates
- Parkview Estates
- Pine Ridge Estates
- Q
- Ragland
- Rainbow City
- Rainsville
- Ralph
- Ramer
- Ranburne
- Randolph
- Range
- Red Bay
- Red Level
- Reform
- Rehobeth
- Remlap
- Repton
- River Falls
- Riverside
- Roanoke
- Robertsdale
- Rock Mills
- Rockford
- Rogersville
- Russellville
- Rutledge
- Ryland
- Rabb
- Rabbit Town
- Rabbittown
- Rabbityard
- Rabun
- Radford
- Ragan Chapel
- Raimund
- Rainbow
- Rainbow Mountain Heights
- Raintree Country
- Raley Forest Hill
- Ramage Subdivision
- Ramah
- Ramblewood Shores
- Ramsey
- Rash
- Rawls
- Ray
- Rayburn
- Rays Crossroads
- Reads Mill
- Ready Crossing
- Reaves
- Red Bank
- Red Creek Heights
- Red Eagle
- Red Hill
- Red Hill Heights
- Red Oak
- Red Rock
- Red Springs
- Red Star
- Red Wine
- Redbud
- Reddock Springs
- Redland Bluffs
- Redtown
- Reece City
- Reeds Ferry
- Reedtown
- Reeltown
- Reeves
- Refuge
- Regency
- Regency Forest
- Regency Heights
- Regent Forest
- Rehoboth
- Reid
- Reid Settlement
- Reids
- Rembert
- Rendalia
- Renfroe
- Renfroe Valley
- Renson
- Republic
- Rescueville
- Reubenville
- Reynolds
- Reynolds Mill
- Rhinehart
- Rhoades
- Rhodes
- Rhodesville
- Rhump
- Rice
- Richards Crossroads
- Richardson
- Richburg
- Richeytown
- Richland
- Richmond
- Richmond Hills
- Richtown
- Richville
- Rickey
- Riddle
- Rideout Village
- Riderville
- Riderwood
- Ridge
- Ridge Grove
- Ridgecrest
- Ridgefield
- Ridgeland
- Ridgeville
- Ridgewood
- Ridgewood Village
- Ridgway Mill
- Rigdom
- Riley
- Ringgold
- Ripley
- Risers
- River Bend
- River Oaks
- River Ridge
- River View
- Riverchase
- Riverdale
- Rivermont
- Riverside Circle
- Riverton
- Riverview
- Riverwood
- Roba
- Robbins Crossroads
- Roberson Beach
- Roberta
- Roberts
- Roberts Crossroads
- Roberts Subdivision
- Robinson Crossroads
- Robinson Springs
- Robinsons
- Robinsonville
- Robinwood
- Robjohn
- Rock City
- Rock Creek
- Rock Fence
- Rock Hill
- Rock Ridge
- Rock Run
- Rock Spring
- Rock Springs
- Rockcut
- Rockdale
- Rockledge
- Rockville
- Rockwest
- Rockwood
- Rocky Branch
- Rocky Bridge
- Rocky Brook
- Rocky Head
- Rocky Hill
- Rocky Hollow
- Rocky Mount
- Rocky Point
- Rocky Ridge
- Rocky Ridge Manor
- Rocky Springs
- Rodentown
- Roebuck
- Roebuck Forest
- Roebuck Gardens
- Roebuck Plaza
- Roebuck Springs
- Roebuck Terrace
- Roeton
- Rogers
- Roland
- Rolling Acres
- Rolling Hills
- Rolling Lakes
- Rolling Meadows
- Rolling Ridge
- Rolling Woods
- Rollingwood
- Rollins
- Romar Beach
- Rome
- Romine
- Romulus
- Romulus Acres
- Roosevelt
- Roper
- Rosa
- Rosalie
- Rose Hill
- Roseberry
- Roseboro
- Rosebud
- Rosedale
- Rosedale Courts
- Rosehaven
- Rosehill
- Roselawn
- Roselle
- Rosemary
- Rosemont
- Rosemont Heights
- Rosewood
- Rosinton
- Ross Heights
- Rossland City
- Roswell
- Round Mountain
- Roundhill
- Rowells Crossroads
- Roxana
- Roy Webb
- Royal
- Royal Oaks
- Royal Pines
- Ruffner
- Running Brook
- Rural
- Russell
- Russell Heights
- Russell Hill
- Russell Village
- Russet Woods
- Rutan
- Ruth
- Rutherford
- Rutledge Heights
- Rutledge Springs
- Rutthven
- Ryan
- Ryan Crossroads
- Ryland Acres
- Redstone Arsenal W31P38
- Redstone Arsenal
- Ranchette Estates
- Rabbit Creek Estates
- Regent Forest Estates
- Richmond Place
- Rock Creek Park
- Riverside Estates
- Roebuck Park
- Regency Park
- River Park
- Rainbow Gap Estates
- Riverland Estates
- Safford
- Saginaw
- Salem
- Samantha
- Samson
- Saraland
- Sardis
- Satsuma
- Sawyerville
- Sayre
- Scottsboro
- Seale
- Section
- Selma
- Seminole
- Semmes
- Sheffield
- Shelby
- Shoal Creek
- Shorter
- Shorterville
- Silas
- Silverhill
- Sipsey
- Skipperville
- Slocomb
- Smiths Station
- Snead
- Snow Hill
- Somerville
- Spanish Fort
- Spring Garden
- Springville
- Sprott
- Spruce Pine
- Saint Elmo
- Saint Stephens
- Stanton
- Stapleton
- Steele
- Sterrett
- Stevenson
- Stockton
- Sulligent
- Sumiton
- Summerdale
- Sunflower
- Sweet Water
- Sycamore
- Sylacauga
- Sylvan Springs
- Sylvania
- Saco
- Saddle Hill
- Saddlebrook
- Saddlewood
- Sagewood
- Sahama Village
- Saint Clair
- Saint Clair Forest
- Saint Clair Shores
- Saint Clair Springs
- Saint Clair Store
- Saint Florian
- Saint Ives
- Saints Crossroads
- Saks
- Salco
- Salem Corner
- Salitpa
- Salt Well
- Salter
- Sam Gant Subdivision
- Samaria
- Samoset
- San Souci Beach
- Sand Cut
- Sand Hill
- Sand Mountain
- Sand Rock
- Sanders Hill
- Sandfield
- Sandfort
- Sandtown
- Sandusky
- Sandy Point
- Sandy Point Subdivision
- Sandy Ridge
- Sandy Springs
- Sanford
- Sanford Springs
- Sanie
- Santuck
- Sapps
- Saragossa
- Saratoga
- Sardine
- Sardis City
- Sardis Springs
- Sartains Ridgecrest Subdivision
- Saucer
- Saville
- Sawmill Town
- Sayreton
- Scant City
- Scarce Grease
- Scarlet Town
- Scenic Heights
- Scenic Hills
- Scenic View
- Schley
- Schuster
- Scotland
- Scott City
- Scott Crest Subdivision
- Scottland
- Scottrock
- Scottsboro Crossroads
- Scottsdale
- Scottsdale Heights
- Scottsville
- Scoutshire Woods
- Scranton
- Scratch Ankle
- Scratch Hill
- Screamer
- Scrougeout
- Scyrene
- Seaboard
- Seacliff
- Sealy Springs
- Searcy
- Searcy Farms
- Searight
- Searles
- Seasha
- Seddon
- Sedgefield
- Sehoya
- Selbrook
- Self Creek
- Selfville
- Sellers
- Sellers Crossroads
- Sellersville
- Selmont
- Seloca
- Seman
- Seminole Heights
- Serange
- Sessions
- Seven Hills
- Seven Pines
- Sewell
- Sewell Subdivision
- Seymour
- Shacklesville
- Shades Acres
- Shades Cliff
- Shades Run
- Shadowood
- Shady Acres
- Shady Brook
- Shady Grove
- Shady Heights
- Shady Lane
- Shadyside
- Shadywood
- Shanghai
- Shangrila
- Shannon
- Shannon Glen
- Sharps Mill
- Sharps Shores
- Shaw
- Shawmut
- Shawnee
- Shawtown
- Sheffield Heights
- Shelby Shores
- Shelby Springs
- Shell
- Shell Heights
- Shellhorn
- Shelton Lake Shores
- Shelton Woods
- Shepherd Hill
- Sheppard
- Sheridan Heights
- Sherill Gardens
- Sherman Heights
- Sherman Oaks
- Sherwood
- Sherwood Forest
- Sherwood Hills
- Sherwood Shores
- Shiloh
- Shirley
- Shirleys Crossroads
- Shoal Run
- Shoals Acres
- Shocco Springs
- Shopton
- Short Camp
- Short Creek
- Shortleaf
- Shottsville
- Shotwell
- Shrader
- Shreve
- Sibert
- Siberton
- Siddonsville
- Sidney
- Sigma
- Signal Point Subdivision
- Sigsbee
- Sikes
- Sikesville
- Siloam
- Siluria
- Silver Cross
- Silver Meadows
- Silver Run
- Simcoe
- Simmons Crossroads
- Simmsville
- Simpson
- Simpson Subdivision
- Sims Chapel
- Simsville
- Singing Brook
- Six Mile
- Six Points
- Six Way
- Sixmile
- Skaggs Corner
- Skeggs Crossroads
- Skinem
- Skinner Subdivision
- Skinnerton
- Skirum
- Sky Ball
- Sky Ranch
- Skyland Manor
- Skyline
- Skyline Acres
- Skyline Shores
- Skyview
- Slackland
- Slater
- Slaughters
- Sledge
- Slicklizzard
- Sliocco Springs
- Sloan
- Sloss
- Smelley
- Smith
- Smith Acres
- Smith Highlands
- Smith Hill
- Smith Institute
- Smith Shores
- Smithdale
- Smithfield
- Smithport
- Smiths Chapel
- Smiths Crossroads
- Smiths Mill
- Smithson
- Smithsonia
- Smithtown
- Smoke Rise
- Smuteye
- Smyer
- Smyrna
- Snells Crossroads
- Snoddy
- Snow Terrace
- Snowdoun
- Snowtown
- Socapatoy
- Social Town
- Society Hill
- Soleo
- Solomon Heights
- Sombrero Acres
- Somerset
- Sommers South
- Sommerville
- Sonoma
- South Calera
- South Florence
- South Gadsden
- South Gate
- South Haleyville
- South Highlands
- South Hill
- South Holt
- South Holt Highlands
- South Lowell
- South Orchard
- South Sauty Subdivision
- South Sheffield
- South Vestavia Hills
- South Vinemont
- Southern Acres
- Southern Meadows
- Southern Pines
- Southgate
- Southlake
- Southlawn
- Southlawn East
- Southmont
- Southpointe
- Southridge
- Southside
- Southside Acres
- Southtown
- Southview Manor
- Southwood
- Souwilpa
- Spanish Trace
- Spaulding
- Speake
- Spears
- Speed
- Speigner
- Spencer
- Spencer Store
- Spinks
- Spocari
- Sprague
- Spring Brook
- Spring Creek
- Spring Hill
- Spring Hill Heights
- Spring Valley
- Spring Valley Acres
- Spring Villa
- Springdale
- Springfield
- Springhill
- Springhill Lake
- Stafford
- Stag Run
- Stage Coach Woods
- Stamp
- Standard
- Standing Rock
- Standridge
- Stanley
- Stanley Crossroads
- Stansel
- Star
- Star Hill
- Star Point Subdivision
- Starlington
- State Line
- Statesville
- Stave Creek
- Stavo
- Stedman
- Steele Crossing
- Steelwood
- Steenson Hollow
- Steep Creek
- Steiner
- Stemley
- Stemley Cove
- Stems
- Stephenson Crossing
- Steppville
- Stevens
- Stewart
- Stewart Settlement
- Stewarts
- Stewarts Crossroads
- Stewartville
- Still Waters
- Stills Crossroads
- Stinson
- Stockdale
- Stokes
- Stone Ridge
- Stonegate
- Stonehedge
- Stonehedge Cliffs
- Stoneridge
- Stones
- Stonewall
- Stoney Point
- Stough
- Stowers Hill
- Straight Mountain
- Strata
- Straughn
- Straven
- Strawberry
- Strickland Crossroads
- Stringer
- Stroud
- Studdards Crossroads
- Sturdivant
- Sturkie
- Sublett Mill
- Suburban Heights
- Sueann
- Sugar Creek
- Sugar Tree
- Sugarville
- Suggsville
- Sullivan Crossroads
- Sullivan Heights
- Sulpher Springs
- Sulphur Spring
- Sulphur Springs
- Summer Bluff
- Summerfield
- Summerville
- Summit
- Summit Farm
- Sumter
- Sumterville
- Sun Valley
- Suncrest
- Sunlight
- Sunny Cove
- Sunny Home
- Sunny Level
- Sunny South
- Sunnymeadows
- Sunnyside
- Sunrise
- Sunrise East
- Sunrise Shores
- Sunset Acres
- Sunset Cove
- Sunset Mill Village
- Sunset Mountain
- Sunset Ranch
- Sunshine
- Sunshine Acres
- Sunshine Village
- Superior
- Surginer
- Surrey Hill
- Susan Moore
- Suspension
- Suttle
- Swagg
- Swaim
- Swancott
- Swearengin
- Sweet Gum
- Sweet Home
- Sweetwater
- Swift
- Swink
- Sylvan
- Sylvan Grove
- Sherwood Park
- Saint Clair County Airport
- Saltaire
- Skyland Park
- Shelton Beach Estates
- Skyland Park Estates
- Scenic West Estates
- Sherwood Estates
- Summit Place
- Southern Junction
- Spring Lake Estates
- Shady Brook Estates
- Sky Park
- S Vinemont
- Seth Johnson Estates
- Southern Estates
- Talladega
- Tallassee
- Tanner
- Taylor
- Theodore
- Thomaston
- Thomasville
- Thorsby
- Tibbie
- Titus
- Toney
- Town Creek
- Townley
- Toxey
- Trafford
- Trenton
- Trinity
- Troy
- Trussville
- Tuscaloosa
- Tuscumbia
- Tuskegee
- Tuskegee Institute
- Tyler
- Tabernacle
- Tabor
- Tacoa
- Tacon
- Taft
- Taits Gap
- Talladega Springs
- Tallahatta Springs
- Tallapoosa City
- Tallaseehatchee
- Talucah
- Tangle Creek
- Tanglewood
- Tannehill
- Tanner Crossroads
- Tanner Heights
- Tanner Williams
- Tanyard
- Tara
- Tarentum
- Tarpley
- Tarrant
- Tarrant Heights
- Tarsus
- Tarwater
- Tasso
- Tattlersville
- Tayloe
- Taylor Circle
- Taylors Crossroads
- Taylors Mill
- Taylors Spring
- Taylorville
- Taylorville Heights
- Teals Crossroads
- Teasleys Mill
- Tecumseh
- Tecumseh Furnace
- Telmar Subdivision
- Ten Broeck
- Ten Islands
- Tennala
- Tennant
- Tennille
- Tensaw
- Terese
- Terrace Acres
- Terrace Heights
- Terrace View
- Terri Wood
- Terry Crossroads
- Terry Heights
- Terrytown
- Tessner
- Tew
- Texas
- Texasville
- Thach
- Tharin
- Tharptown
- The Bottle
- The Brick Store
- The Cedars
- The Colony
- The Downs
- The Drifttracks
- The Glens
- The Highlands
- The Meadows
- The Moon
- The Staffords
- The Village
- The Vineyards
- The Woodlands
- Theba
- Theo
- Thomas
- Thomas Acres
- Thomas Crossroad
- Thomas Hill
- Thomas Mill
- Thompson
- Thorndale
- Thornhill
- Thornton
- Thornton Springs
- Thorntontown
- Thrasher Crossroads
- Three Forks
- Three Notch
- Threet
- Thurston
- Tidwell
- Tilden
- Tiller Crossroads
- Tillery Crossroad
- Tillmans Corner
- Timber Ridge
- Timbercrest
- Timberlane
- Timbers
- Tinela
- Tishabee
- Tito
- Toadvine
- Todd Acres
- Toddtown
- Tohopeka
- Toinette
- Tompkinsville
- Toonersville
- Topton
- Toulminville
- Town and Country
- Townsend Crossroads
- Trade
- Trammel Crossroads
- Trapptown
- Travelers Rest
- Travis Bridge
- Tredegar
- Trenholm Heights
- Triana
- Trickem
- Trimble
- Trio
- Trojan Terrace
- Truett
- Trussville Manor
- Tuckahoe Heights
- Tucker
- Tucker Crossroads
- Tuckersburg
- Tucktown
- Tullis
- Tulse
- Tumbleton
- Tunnel Springs
- Tupelo
- Turkey Branch
- Turkeytown
- Turnbough Town
- Turnbull
- Turner
- Turner Chapel
- Turner Crossroads
- Turnerville
- Turney Crossroads
- Tuskugu
- Tutt Spring
- Tutwiler
- Tutwiler Farm
- Tuxedo Heights
- Twilley Town
- Twin
- Twin Bridge
- Twin Brooks
- Twin Creeks
- Twin Manor
- Twin Oaks
- Tyler Crossroads
- Tyson
- Tysonville
- Tarrant City
- Twin Gates Estates
- Trawick Road Estates
- Ten Cedars Estates
- Thomas Place
- Tannahill Estates
- Town and Country Estates
- Tuskegee Inst
- Union Grove
- Union Springs
- Uniontown
- Uriah
- Uchee
- Uhland
- Underwood
- Underwood Crossroads
- Underwood Heights
- Uniform
- Union
- Union Chapel
- Union Church
- Union Crossroads
- Union Hill
- Unity
- University Lane
- University Manor
- Upper Coalburg
- Upper Green Hill
- Upper Kingston
- Upshaw
- Upton
- USPFO Alabama Montgomery W31LPY
- University Park
- University Estates
- University Place
- Valhermoso Springs
- Valley
- Valley Grande
- Valley Head
- Vance
- Vandiver
- Verbena
- Vernon
- Vestavia Hills
- Vina
- Vincent
- Vinegar Bend
- Vinemont
- Vredenburgh
- Vaiden
- Valdawood
- Valdosta
- Valentine
- Valhalla
- Valley Creek
- Valley Forge
- Valley Grove
- Valley Hills
- Valley of Shiloh
- Valley View
- Valley Whispers
- Valleyhaven
- Valliwood
- Vanderbilt
- Vangale
- Vangordon
- Vanlandingham Mill
- Vann
- Vanns
- Varnons
- Vashti
- Vaughan Meadows
- Vaughanville
- Vaughn
- Vaughn Corners
- Verdue Knolls
- Verlie
- Vernledge
- Vernontown
- Vestavia East
- Vestavia Forest
- Vestavia Gardens
- Vestavia Lake
- Vestbrook Trace
- Vestridge
- Vestwood Hills
- Veto
- Vick
- Victoria
- Vida
- Vidette
- Vienna
- Vigo
- Village Creek
- Village Hills
- Village Pines
- Village Springs
- Village West
- Villula
- Vilula
- Vine Hill
- Vineland
- Vines Mill
- Vinnette
- Virginia
- Virginia Shores
- Vista Granda
- Volanta
- Von Dale
- Vulcan
- Vulcan City
- Vestavia
- Vestavia Hls
- Valley Junction
- Vineland Park
- Valley Crest Estates
- Valley View Estates
- Valley Station
- Valley Park
- Valley Estates
- Virginia Estates
- Valley Creek Junction
- Wadley
- Wagarville
- Walnut Grove
- Ward
- Warrior
- Waterloo
- Wattsville
- Waverly
- Weaver
- Webb
- Wedowee
- Wellington
- Weogufka
- West Blocton
- West Greene
- Westover
- Wetumpka
- Whatley
- Wilmer
- Wilsonville
- Wilton
- Winfield
- Wing
- Woodland
- Woodstock
- Woodville
- Waco
- Wacoochee Valley
- Wadsworth
- Wagar
- Wahl
- Wahouma
- Wainwright
- Walco
- Wald
- Walden Quarters
- Waldo
- Waldrep
- Walker Chapel
- Walker Chapel Spring
- Walker Springs
- Walker Subdivision
- Walker Woods
- Walkers Corner
- Walkerton
- Wallace
- Walley
- Wallsboro
- Wallstown
- Walnut Hill
- Walter
- Wannville
- Ward Acres
- Wards Mill
- Ware
- Wareingwood
- Warley
- Warm Springs
- Warrenton
- Warrenton Subdivision
- Warrior Heights
- Warriorstand
- Warsaw
- Washington Heights
- Washington Hill
- Washington Square
- Water Valley
- Waterford
- Waterhouse
- Waterloo Springs
- Wateroak
- Watkins
- Watkins Glen
- Watoola
- Watson
- Watsonville
- Watts Crossroads
- Waugh
- Wawbeek
- Wayne
- Wayside
- Weatherly Heights
- Weathers
- Webb Addition
- Webster Chapel
- Wedgeworth
- Weed Crossroad
- Weeden Heights
- Weeks
- Weems
- Weeping Oaks
- Wegra
- Wehadkee
- Weiss Dam
- Welch
- Welka
- Wellborn
- Weller
- Welona
- Welti
- Wende
- Wendy Wood
- Wenonah
- Weoka
- Weoka Mills
- Wesoda
- Wessington
- West
- West Bend
- West Butler
- West Centreville
- West Circle
- West Corona
- West Decatur
- West End
- West End Anniston
- West Ensley
- West Fairfield
- West Haven
- West Highlands
- West Hill
- West Huntsville
- West Jefferson
- West Lake Highlands
- West Monroeville
- West Point
- West Ridge
- West Sayre
- West Selmont
- West Wellington
- Westbrook
- Westbrook Trace
- Westbury
- Western Hills
- Western Plains
- Westfield
- Westgate
- Westhill
- Westland
- Westlawn
- Weston
- Westridge
- Westside
- Westview
- Westview Gardens
- Westwood
- Whatley Cross Road
- Wheeler
- Wheeler Dam Village
- Wheelerville
- Wheeling Crossroad
- Whispering Hills
- Whispering Oaks
- Whispering Pines
- Whistler
- White
- White City
- White Crossroads
- White Hall
- White House Springs
- White Oak
- White Oaks
- White Plains
- White Signboard Crossroad
- White Water
- Whitehead
- Whitehouse
- Whitehouse Forks
- Whiteoak
- Whites Bluff
- Whites Chapel
- Whites Gap
- Whitesboro
- Whitesburg
- Whiteside
- Whitesides Mill
- Whitesville
- Whitfield
- Whitney
- Whiton
- Whitsitt
- Whitson
- Whorton
- Wicksburg
- Wiggins
- Wigginsville
- Wiginton
- Wilburn
- Wilcox
- Wilderness Garden
- Wildwood
- Wildwood Heights
- Wildwood Shores
- Wiley
- Wilhites
- Wilkes
- Wilkinstown
- Williams
- Williams Heights
- Williams Subdivision
- Williamsburg
- Williamstown
- Willmay
- Willow Bend
- Willow Creek Farms
- Willow Glen
- Willow Point
- Willow Springs
- Willowbrook
- Wills Crossroads
- Wills Valley
- Wilson
- Wilson Bend
- Wilson Heights
- Wilson Lake Shores
- Wilson Quarters
- Wilsonia
- Wimbly
- Winburn
- Wind Creek Farms
- Windcrest
- Windham Springs
- Windmill Hills
- Windover
- Windsong Island
- Windsor Drive
- Windsor Forest
- Windsor Heights
- Windsor Highlands
- Windsor Manor
- Windway
- Windwood
- Wine Ridge
- Winetka
- Wingard
- Wininger
- Winn
- Winn Crossroads
- Winslow
- Winston Springs
- Winterboro
- Winthrop Square
- Winton
- Wiregrass Hills
- Wisteria Commons
- Wolf Creek
- Wolf Springs
- Wolftown
- Womack Hill
- Wood Manor
- Wood Ridge
- Wood Village
- Wood Villas
- Woodcrest
- Wooddale
- Wooded Acres
- Woodfield
- Woodfin Mill
- Woodford
- Woodhaven
- Woodland Forest
- Woodland Heights
- Woodland Hills
- Woodland Mills
- Woodland Pines
- Woodland Terrace
- Woodland Village
- Woodlawn
- Woodlawn Heights
- Woodley Meadows
- Woodmeadows
- Woodmont
- Woodridge
- Woods Bluff
- Woodsvale
- Woodward
- Woody Acres
- Woolfolk
- Wren
- Wright
- Wright Crossroads
- Wyatt
- Wyeth City
- Wylam
- Wylaunee
- Wynnville
- Walnut Park
- Woodland Park
- Woodall Place
- Woodcrest Estates
- Woodstock Junction
- Warrenton Estates
- Washington Park
- Whipporwill Estates
- Westchester Estates
- Walden Pond Estates
- Western Hills Estates
- Woodley East Estates
- Whitesburg Estates
- Woodley Park
- Woodaire Estates
- York
- Yacht Club Bay
- Yampertown
- Yancy
- Yantley
- Yarbo
- Yarbrough
- Yatesville
- Yelling Settlement
- Yellow Bluff
- Yellow Creek View Subdivision
- Yellow Pine
- Yerkwood
- Yolande
- York Mountain
- Yorks Mill
- Yorkshire
- Young America
- Young Forte Village
- Youngblood
- Youngtown
- Yucca
- Yupon
- Young Place
- Yellowleaf Creek Estates
- Z