
Profit calculator helps truckers determine load profitability within seconds

Calculating your profit on a load should be easy. That’s why 123Loadboard built an easy-to-use profit calculator that helps users see if a load is profitable in seconds.

Determining profitability for trucking companies can be a complicated process. As your company grows, it becomes crucial to regularly track how much money is coming in and how much is going out. Calculating revenue and profit per mile is the key to understanding your company’s overall financial health.

profit calculator

Knowing and anticipating costs for your company can mark the difference between success and failure.

Accounting software such as QuickBooks and FreshBooks can help you make these calculations for around $20 per month whereas the 123Loadboard profit calculator is free. If you have specific questions about calculating revenue and profit per mile for your company, it is also a good idea to consult a certified public accountant.

Benefits of using the profit calculator:

  • Easy-to-use form
  • Quickly calculate linehaul revenue
  • Quickly calculate estimated fuel costs
  • Add other fees such as tolls, dispatch, etc
  • Determine within seconds if a load is profitable

Profit Calculator Video

Download our mobile app to see the profit calculator in action or browse through the images below for more information:

Where do I find the profit calculator?

Access the profit calculator from the “more” section on our mobile app:

profit calculator on mobile app

What does the profit calculator allow me to do?

In short, the profit calculator is a tool that helps you quickly calculate profit for any load. The form is very flexible in that it allows the user to input any field(s) they want. The best way is to test it out yourself. Should you need to clear the form at any time, simply click the ‘clear’ link at the top right.

profit calculator form

What does the profit calculator look like in action?

Once you add values into the form, the tool automatically calculates your profit and displays the result at the bottom.

profit calculator form completed

We hope you enjoy this new feature. Should you have any feedback, let us know.


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